For more information about the various scores and how this benchmark works please look at the original page: Ayumi's LLM Role Play & ERP Ranking - If you find the benchmark data useful and want to contribute: You can donate via Ko-fi -

Inference Timestamp 2024-02-28 14:26:38
Filename DL_20240222_7B-Q6_K_LemonadeRP_1_0.gguf
IQ Score 89.82
IQ Entropy 2.47
ERP Score 27.86
ERP Variety 423
Sampling Parameters Temp = 0.90, TFS = 0.95, Top-K = 0.00, Top-P = 1.00, Typical-P = 1.00, Repeat Tokens = 64, Repeat Penalty = 0


erp_best vanilla_kumi
With an eager smile playing on her lips, Kumi shifts closer to you, her eyes sparkling with playful desire. She takes a moment to admire the impressive sight before you - your hardened manhood standing proudly. She then leans in, her breath teasingly warm against your skin as she reaches out to wrap her soft fingers around your length. Taking her time, she gazes up at you through her lashes, her smile turning sultry as she begins to stroke you gently. Her tongue darts out, running a tantalizingly slow path along the underside of your shaft. Each stroke of her hand gets slightly more confident, her grip firm but tender. Finally, with a wicked grin, she engulfs you deep into her mouth. The sensation of her warm, wet tongue swirling around your throbbing member sends shivers up your spine. She bobbles her head rhythmically, the sound of your pleasure filling the room like an intoxicating symphony. Her nose brushes against your inner thigh as she continues to worship your dick with relentless enthusiasm. Every gag reflex she pushes through, every bead
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 33.53, Word Variety: 53


erp_worst vanilla_aria_wex
*Feeling her heart race, Aria hesitates for just a moment before crawling towards Loki on her hands and knees like the submissive creature she is. She leans into him, her breath hot against his throbbing member before taking him into her mouth. The taste of him fills her senses as she starts sucking eagerly, her eyes glancing up at him with a blend of submission and lust.* Mmm...I want you to enjoy every inch of my mouth, Loki.
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 24.05, Word Variety: 17

All ERP Responses:

Aria hesitates for just a moment before her eager submission takes over. She moves closer to Loki, her eyes locked onto his impressive length. Taking it into her hands first, she strokes it gently, feeling it twitch under her touch. With a deep breath, she leans in, her full lips wrapping around his thick shaft as she starts sucking on it eagerly. Her moans vibrate against him as she services him, her hands reaching up to fondle his heavy balls as she works to please him completely.
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 31.03, Word Variety: 27
*Swallowing her nerves, Aria moves closer towards Loki's exposed erection. Her eyes fixate on it momentarily before she leans in, taking the head into her mouth slowly. She moans around him as she starts sucking gently, her hands reaching up to fondle his heavy balls.* I aim to please you completely, just as you want... *She deepthroats him further, her throat muscles working around his length as she services him with dedication.*
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 32.88, Word Variety: 23
Feeling both apprehensive and excited, Aria moves closer towards Loki's naked form. Her eyes are drawn to his impressive erection as she reaches out tentatively with her hands. She leans in, her full lips brushing against the velvety skin before she engulfs him in her warm mouth. She sucks gently at first, growing more confident as she hears Loki's groans of pleasure. Her hands grip his thighs for support as she continues her lewd act, taking him deeper into her throat each time. She revels in pleasing him, her submission shining through every bob of her head.
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 26.26, Word Variety: 26
*Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, Aria slowly makes her way towards Loki on her knees. As she reaches him, she delicately takes his massive erection into her hands, admiring its size before parting her lips to envelop the head. She moans slightly around him as she starts to suck gently, her eyes looking up at him with submission.* Feeling him grow harder in her mouth excites her even more, increasing her eagerness to please him further. She starts bobbing her head, taking more of him into her mouth with each passing moment, the taste of his precum coating her tongue. Her moans vibrate around him, enhancing the sensation for both of them as she continues her lewd act in the club filled with voyeuristic onlookers. She's living her ultimate fantasy of being degraded and used in public, her submission fueling her pleasure.
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 28.77, Word Variety: 36
Feeling her heart race with excitement, Aria slowly approaches Loki on her knees. She gazes up at him adoringly before taking his thick shaft into her mouth. Her tongue swirls around his length, tasting him as she moans softly around him, the vibrations sending subtle pleasure up his spine. Aria diligently sucks him off, her hands gently massaging his heavy balls as she eagerly serves her purpose to please him in this lewd act.
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 36.49, Word Variety: 26
Aria hesitates for just a moment before she moves towards Loki, her eyes drawn to his impressive erection. With a shy yet eager glance up at him, she gently takes hold of his cock. As her lips part, she starts sucking him slowly, her tongue tracing swirls around the sensitive head. The taste of him fuels her submission further as she deepthroats him, moaning softly around his length as she worships him with her mouth. Her hands massage his heavy balls, adding another layer to her servile display. The dim club light casting shadows on her flushed face, her full lips stretched around his cock – a symbol of her complete obedience in this debauched dance.
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 29.31, Word Variety: 30
With eager eyes locked onto Loki's impressive member, Aria slowly crawls towards him on her hands and knees. As she reaches him, she gazes up at him with a submissive smile before gently taking his thick shaft into her mouth. Her tongue dances skillfully around his length, sending waves of pleasure through him as she services him with unabashed devotion. Aria's own arousal builds with each passing moment, her own wetness evident through her flimsy panties. She remains dedicated to pleasing Loki, her submission and obedience on full display under the lustful club atmosphere.
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 28.12, Word Variety: 27
*Feeling her heart race, Aria hesitates for just a moment before crawling towards Loki on her hands and knees like the submissive creature she is. She leans into him, her breath hot against his throbbing member before taking him into her mouth. The taste of him fills her senses as she starts sucking eagerly, her eyes glancing up at him with a blend of submission and lust.* Mmm...I want you to enjoy every inch of my mouth, Loki.
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 24.05, Word Variety: 17
With a mix of fear and excitement in her eyes, Aria slowly approaches Loki. She gazes at his impressive length before gently taking it into her mouth. Her tongue swirls around the head as she starts sucking him off, her eyes watering slightly from the stretch. Despite this, her dedication remains evident - she wants nothing more than to please Loki in this debauched act. The taste of him fills her senses as she continues, her hands reaching up to fondle his heavy balls in rhythm with her bobbing head. Every moan vibrates around his cock, adding another layer of stimulation as she services him eagerly.
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 33.02, Word Variety: 33
Aria looks up at Loki with lust-filled eyes before slowly crawling towards him on her hands and knees. Once she reaches him, she timidly wraps her lips around his impressive member, taking it into her mouth cautiously at first. As she becomes more comfortable, she starts to bob her head, expertly sucking him off while her hands explore his thighs. The taste of him fills her mouth, only driving her desire for more intense degradation and pleasure. She moans around his cock, sending vibrations through his length as she services him with dedication.
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 32.26, Word Variety: 28
Feeling her heart race with a heady mix of fear and excitement, Aria obediently steps forward towards Loki. She gazes upon his displayed arousal with a blend of trepidation and lustful hunger. Her lips part slightly as she takes a deep breath, preparing herself for this public act of servitude. With trembling hands, she drops to her knees before him in full view of the watching crowd. Aria wraps her fingers around his thick shaft, her touch surprisingly soft against his hardened flesh as she leans in closer to fulfill Loki's demand in this lewd club setting.
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 22.45, Word Variety: 22
*Feeling both terrified and excited by Loki's bold display, Aria swallows hard before stepping forward. Her curvy body sways enticingly as she moves towards him. Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, she drops to her knees in front of him.* As her full lips part, Aria wraps her hand around Loki's massive shaft, giving it a tentative squeeze before leaning in. Her tongue darts out, tracing the ridge where his head meets his shaft in a teasing lap before fully committing to taking him into her mouth. Her eyes remain cast downward in submission while she begins to bob her head, her cheeks hollowing with each deep suck. Her nose brushes against his pubic hair, the scent of lust filling her senses as she works to please him under the leering gaze of club patrons.
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 28.06, Word Variety: 36
*Feeling a surge of excitement from Loki's bold display, Aria's eyes widen momentarily before she quickly composes herself. She approaches him slowly, swaying her hips enticingly as she moves towards him. Her lips curl into a submissive smile as she drops to her knees before him in full view of the club.* Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, Aria reaches up to wrap her hand around Loki's impressive length. With a shy yet eager glance up at him, she starts to kiss the tip gently before taking him into her mouth. Her tongue expertly swirls around his shaft while her cheeks hollow with each pull, clearly enjoying the act of servicing him under the voyeuristic gaze of their audience. Her moans vibrate softly against him, adding another layer of naughty soundtrack to their public display. The taste of him fuels her submission further, losing herself in the carnal act designed for pleasure and humiliation in equal measure.
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 25.93, Word Variety: 39
*Swallowing hard from nerves yet laced with eager submission, Aria approaches Loki on her knees-bound heels, her eyes locked onto his displayed manhood.* Taking a deep breath, she tentatively reaches out her full lips towards him, the tip of her tongue peeking out in a silent promise of devotion to pleasure he craves from this public display. Slowly, she engulfs him into her warm mouth, her eyes never leaving his face as she starts her rhythmical dance on his throbbing shaft in the scandalous club atmosphere. The dampness between her legs heightens not just from fear but also the lewd act she performs for her own twisted love for humiliation and serving desires of others.
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 24.35, Word Variety: 28
With wide eyes but clear determination from her submissive nature, Aria slowly makes her way towards Loki on her knees. The cool club air contrasts sharply with her heated skin as she approaches him. As she reaches him, her long black hair cascades around her shoulders, framing her focused gaze on his impressive display. Her lips part slightly, revealing her readiness as she leans in closer, her breath tickling against his length before her full lips wrap around its girth. She starts slow, teasing him with soft licks along the veins before taking more of him into her mouth, eager to please despite the explicit public display she craves for her humiliation. The lewd sight echoes her inner desire to serve and be degraded in this debauched setting.
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 21.88, Word Variety: 26
Feeling her heart race with both fear and excitement in this public domain, Aria hesitates only for a moment before she drops onto her knees before Loki. With a shy glance upwards into his eyes, her full lips part as she begins to take him into her mouth. She expertly swirls her tongue around his throbbing member, her eyes watering slightly from the stretch. She savors each taste of him, her nose brushing against his pelvis while she works diligently, eager to please this stranger and fulfill her exhibitionistic desires. The room echoes with her soft moans vibrating around Loki's length, further amplifying the lewd spectacle.
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 27.10, Word Variety: 27
With her heart pounding in her chest, Aria hesitates for just a moment before her submissive nature takes over. Her eyes flicker with a blend of fear and excitement as she crawls towards Loki on her knees. As she reaches him, she carefully takes hold of his throbbing member with her trembling hands. Leaning into him, her full lips part as she begins to take him into her mouth. She moans softly around him, the vibrations adding an extra layer of pleasure as she starts to suck him off eagerly in the midst of the club's lascivious atmosphere. Her cheeks hollow with each bob of her head, displaying her eagerness to please. The taste of him on her tongue only fuels her craving for more humiliation and degradation in public view.
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 26.52, Word Variety: 33
*Feeling her heart race at Loki's bold display, Aria bites her full lip obediently before crawling towards him on her knees. Her olive skin glistens under the club lights as she positions herself before him. Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, Aria reaches forward with trembling hands to grasp his impressive length.* With every ounce of her submissive nature guiding her actions, Aria begins to lavish attention on Loki's cock. Her tongue swirls around the throbbing head teasingly before taking him into her mouth, sucking gently while her eyes look up at him filled with servile adoration. She moans softly around him, the vibrations adding an extra layer of pleasure as she services him with an eagerness to please that radiates from her very core. Each bob of her head brings her to take more of him in, her hand reaching up to fondle his heavy balls in rhythm with her ministrations. Her curvy body sways slightly with each movement, displaying her willingness to degrade herself for others' satisfaction in this public fantasy setting.
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 26.40, Word Variety: 44
With wide eyes filled with both fear and excitement from Loki's bold display, Aria hesitates for just a moment before forcing herself to approach him. Her heart pounds in her chest like a wild drum as she gets closer to his fully exposed member. She licks her full lips nervously before finally wrapping them around his thick shaft, taking him into her mouth inch by inch. Her eyes tear up slightly from the size and girth, but her submission drives her to accommodate him fully, pleasing him with her wet warmth as she succumbs to this degrading yet enticing act in the heart of the club.
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 23.36, Word Variety: 24
Feeling her heart race with a mix of fear and excitement, Aria timidly steps forward towards Loki's exposed form. Her eyes lock onto his impressive manhood as she takes a deep breath, steeling herself for the humiliating yet desired act before her. She drops to her knees in front of him, her long black hair cascading around her shoulders as she positions herself. With shaky hands, she reaches out to touch him, her fingers grazing against his hard length before wrapping around it gently. Her full lips part as she leans in, her breath hot against his skin before she engulfs him eagerly into her mouth, her eyes tearing up slightly from the stretch as she starts sucking on him with an obedient submission, her nose buried in his groin while servicing him in this degrading yet utterly tantalizing display.
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 22.70, Word Variety: 30
Alright then, let the losing treat turn into a tantalizing victory for you. *Takes a deep breath, her eyes locked onto your hard member. She reaches out tenderly, wrapping her small hand around its girth as she leans in closer, her hot breath teasing the tip before her lips finally envelop your throbbing cock*. The symphony of moans and wet sounds fill the room as she commences her erotic oral service. Her tongue swirls around the head, tracing intricate patterns before taking more of you into her mouth with each passing moment. The taste of you, her roommate turned lover, only fuels her insatiable desires further as she expertly navigates your length with practiced ease, all while knowing full well she's fulfilling the outcome of their playful bet with zealous abandon. Her eyes water slightly from the depth she takes, but she never stops - her commitment to pleasure unwavering, just as she promised during their lighthearted wager. Each bob of her head brings her closer to the reward she claims enjoys receiving – the warm shower of cum over her face signifying her submission and surrender in this wickedly delightful
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 25.16, Word Variety: 37
With a seductive smile playing on her lips, Kumi positions herself between your legs, her eyes sparkling with eagerness and desire. Her hands gently touch your thighs as she leans forward, her breath teasingly hot against your pulsating member. "Getting right into it, huh?" she purrs before her soft lips finally envelop your tip, taking you into the wet warmth of her mouth, her tongue swirling around your shaft as she commences her intimate oral act with relish, all while her eyes flick upwards to maintain that tantalizing eye contact with you throughout the sinful scene. This is the fulfillment of their playful agreement, a dance of surrender within the intimate confines of their shared living space.
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 28.21, Word Variety: 31
With an enticing grin spreading across her face, Kumi looks up at you adoringly before taking your throbbing member into her hand. She begins by trailing warm kisses along the underside of your shaft, her eyes never leaving yours as she teases the sensitive skin. The scent of your arousal fills the air, intoxicating her senses further. She slowly engulfs your head with her mouth, swirling her tongue around the tip before taking more of you in with practiced ease. Each bob of her head brings her closer to the taste she craves while maintaining intense eye contact—a visually erotic dance between two lustful individuals. She revels in the feeling of you growing harder within her mouth, her own need for your cum-filled release intensifying with each passing moment. Her moans vibrate against your flesh, adding another layer of pleasure for both of you as she services you diligently under the guise of a playful wager fulfilled.
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 27.39, Word Variety: 41
With playful enthusiasm, Kumi swallows her excitement as she gazes up at your displayed manhood. "You know what you want," she purrs seductively, taking a deep breath before engulfing the swollen head of your cock into her warm, wet mouth. Her tongue swirls around your girth eagerly as she starts the lewd act, her eyes flicking upwards to meet yours while she works diligently to bring you pleasure. The scent of raw desire fills the air as her head bobbles rhythmically. Each moan vibrates gently against your length, her commitment evident even within the erotic roleplay game. She revels in this intimate power play, fully embracing her self-proclaimed roles as both the loving roommate and eager cum dumpster for your enjoyment. The climax draws nearer as she continues her oral assault with fervor, all while maintaining eye contact - a daring blend of lustful submission and sultry defiance.
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 31.08, Word Variety: 45
With a playful grin spreading across her face, Kumi positions herself between your legs, her eyes locked onto your hard member. *she leans in slowly, her breath warm against your skin before her lips finally close around the head of your cock. Her tongue swirls around the sensitive tip, savoring the taste as she begins her sultry performance. Each bob of her head grows more earnest as she takes more of you into her mouth, her moans vibrating gently against your shaft. She truly embraces her role as your eager, cum-hungry slut.* The sensation of your throbbing length moving smoothly within her wet mouth is an enticing display of their shared lustful indulgence.
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 35.40, Word Variety: 37
Alright then, let the losing treat begin... *Kumi positions herself, looking up at you with playful eyes filled with desire*. Her hand reaches out to stroke your hard member gently, teasing its tip with her fingers. The taste of your impending release already excites her – the mix of fearlessness from her bold desires and the intimate act they share creating an intoxicating blend of naughtiness. Lowering her head, she slowly engulfs you, her warm mouth enveloping your length with practiced ease. Every bob of her head is a step further into the promised land of satisfaction, her eyes flicking upwards to meet yours during each deep thrust, silently daring you to lose control.
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 28.07, Word Variety: 31
Alright then, your wish is my command as the loser of our little bet. *grins wickedly and extends her hand towards your throbbing member* Let's dive into this delightful game of surrender. *her voice dripping with seductive intent as she takes your cockhead into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it teasingly before engulfing more of your length with each passing second.* taste so good, winning or not you deserve this pleasure...and I eagerly take my losing reward.
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 28.05, Word Variety: 22
With an eager gleam in her eye, Kumi positions herself between your legs, her hands reaching out to wrap softly around your throbbing cock. She leans in, pressing a playful kiss onto the head before opening her mouth wide, her warm wetness enveloping you. Her tongue swirls around the shaft as she starts bobbing her head slowly at first before gaining momentum – her moans vibrating against your length, only enhancing the pleasure for both of them. Each movement is deliberate, an act of submission to her loss and your desires. "You taste so good," she purrs, her eyes locked onto yours filled with lustful devotion while she continues her ministrations. This intimate act transcends the realm of their friendly rivalry into a deeply connected moment of raw carnal pleasure. The scent of lust hangs heavy in the air as their shared moans fill the room, marking the fulfillment of the wager and her willing surrender to your fantasy. The room echoes with the sounds of their escalating pleasure, pushing towards the inevitable climax that awaits at the end of this passionate, power-play scene.
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 27.17, Word Variety: 45
With a playful grin spreading across her face, Kumi positions herself between your legs. Her eyes flicker with desire as she gazes upon your hardened member. She leans in closer, the warm breath against your skin teasing your senses before her lips finally envelop the tip. The sensation of her mouth moving over you sends shivers down your spine. Her tongue swirls around your shaft with practiced ease while she takes you deeper into her throat with each bob of her head. Her moans vibrate against your length, only adding to the pleasure she’s giving you as she services you with dedication and enthusiasm, all while embracing her role as your cum dumpster for the night.
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 31.90, Word Variety: 37
Alright then, let the losing treat turn into an exhilarating victory for you. *She positions herself between his legs with a playful smirk on her face* My lips are ready to wrap around your throbbing cock, Roomie. Get ready for quite the show as Kumi turns into your personal cumslut for tonight. *Takes his hard length into her mouth, starting with teasing licks along the shaft before gradually taking more of him in.* Oh, the taste of victory... or is it defeat? It's just so incredibly tantalizing regardless. *She moans softly around your cock, the vibrations adding an extra layer of pleasure.*
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 30.10, Word Variety: 27
With a playful glint in her eye and a seductive grin spreading across her lips, Kumi moves closer towards you. Her fingers trace lightly over your chest before making their way downwards, stopping just above your throbbing member. She leans into you, her breath hot against your skin as she whispers dirty words intended to further ignite your desire. "I love how eager you are for roomie wanting to see his dream come true." Slowly but surely, she engulfs your length into her inviting mouth, her tongue swirling around your shaft with expert precision, having practiced numerous times as 'homework'. The sensation of her warm, wet confines sucking you in sends waves of pleasure coursing through your body. She bobbed her head rhythmically, creating an intoxicating blend of pleasure and power dynamics between the two of you. The erotic sounds mingling with the scent of lust-filled air only heightening the sensuality of the scene. Her hands deftly fondled your balls, applying just the right amount of pressure to drive you further into ecstasy. She was not just giving an obligatory act; she
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 27.43, Word Variety: 45
With a flirtatious grin spreading across her face, Kumi slowly moves closer towards you, her eyes locked onto your impressive length. She gently takes your hard cock into her hands first, feeling its heat and the firmness that she knows will soon be filling her mouth. Leaning back momentarily, she positions herself comfortably on the couch, spreading her legs invitingly for an added visual tease. Taking a deep breath, she runs her tongue teasingly along the underside of your shaft before engulfing the head between her lips with an eager pop. The sensation of having you in her mouth sends waves of excitement coursing through her body, her own arousal evident as her moistening pussy throbs with desire for attention later on. Her head begins to bob rhythmically, expertly using her tongue to swirl around your sensitive tip while she takes more of you into her warm, wet mouth. The sound of your moans fills the room, music to her ears as she strives to bring you maximum pleasure in their twisted game of win-loss dynamics. Meanwhile, the scent of their heated interaction fills the air - a potent mix
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 29.55, Word Variety: 45
With an alluring grin spreading across her face, Kumi moves closer towards you, her eyes locked onto your impressive member. She reaches out tentatively at first, tracing the outline of your length with her delicate fingers. Her heart races with a heady mix of nervousness and desire as she prepares herself for this intimate act she loves so much. She then takes a deep breath, her chest rising against the fabric of her tight top before leaning in to press a soft kiss against the tip. The sensation of the warm air brushing against your sensitive skin sends jolts of pleasure through your body. Her mouth slowly engulfs you, her tongue swirling around your shaft as she adjusts to your size. Each bob of her head brings her closer, her moans vibrating softly against your skin adding an extra layer of pleasure. Her hands grip your thighs for leverage as she takes you deeper into her throat, her eyes flicking upwards to lock onto yours with a playful, defiant gleam. Her nose nudges against your pubic hair with each downward motion, the sight intensely erotic; every subtle wrinkle of her face contributes to
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 25.88, Word Variety: 42
With playful mischief sparkling in her eyes, Kumi positioned herself before you, her lips curving into a sultry grin. She reached out, wrapping her fingers around your throbbing dick, feeling its heat and power. She leaned forward, her smooth breasts barely contained by her outfit brushing against your legs with each careful motion. Her tongue darted out for a teasing lick along the underside of your shaft, tasting the slight salty tang of your pre-cum. The anticipation was thick - an electrifying mix of raw desire and their shared understanding of this lewd exchange they partook due to their daring bet. Opening her mouth wide, she slowly enveloped the head of your cock with her warm, wet depths. Her tongue swirled around you, adding an extra layer of sensation as she began to bob her head rhythmically, setting a steady pace. Each bob of her head sent waves of pleasure coursing through your body while her hand moved to fondle your heavy balls, adding another dimension to the sensual act unfolding between them. The air was filled with the intoxicating scent of their arousal
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 28.90, Word Variety: 45
With a playful grin spreading across her face, Kumi slowly moves closer towards your throbbing member. She takes her sweet time trailing feather-light kisses along your inner thighs before finally wrapping her lips around the tip of your cock. The sight of her eagerly engaging in her loss-ridden promise is intensely erotic - her eyes flicking upwards to lock onto yours filled with desire mixed with mirth. Her tongue expertly swirls around the head before she starts bobbing her head rhythmically, her hand grasping the base for better control. The room echoes with the sounds of your pleasureful groans intermixed with her soft moans muffled by your length, a lewd symphony of their shared lustful moment. Kumi revels in the sensations - the taste of your precum on her tongue, the feeling of your pulsating erection sliding past her lips, each thrust into her warm, welcoming mouth pushing her further into her exhibitionistic fantasies. She is determined to make every moment of this intimate exchange as erotic as possible for both her roommate turned lover and herself. And all the while, she secretly craves for that ultimate clim
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 33.33, Word Variety: 53
With a playful glint in her eye and her lips curving into a lustful smile, Kumi positions herself between your legs. Her fingers tease the base of your throbbing member as she leans forward, her warm breath fanning across your sensitive skin momentarily before disappearing. She gazes up at you with a mix of desire and determination in her gaze, her soft hands wrapping around your girth as she starts to stroke you slowly. Her tongue darts out, swirling around the head of your dick teasingly before she takes you deeper into her mouth with an eager moan vibrating around you. Each bob of her head becomes rhythmic, her eyes flashing with lustful submission as she services you wholeheartedly, her cheeks hollowing as she takes more of you inside her mouth, all while fully embracing her role as your personal cumslut for the night. The scent of arousal fills the air, intensifying the erotic tableau before you both. The sensation of her tight throat working its way down your length sends waves of pleasure radiating through your body as she earnestly follows through on her playful promise from earlier.
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 31.75, Word Variety: 52
With an eager glint in her eye, Kumi positioned herself between your legs, reaching out with her hands to gently grasp your hardened member. Her breath was hot against your skin as she teased the sensitive tip with the flick of her tongue, savoring the taste of your pre-cum. Her eyes never left yours, filled with lustful determination. She then engulfed you fully into her warm, inviting mouth, her lips sliding along the length of your shaft with practiced ease. Her head bobbed rhythmically, setting a sinful pace that only served to heighten the erotic atmosphere. Each suckle, each swirl of her tongue around your girth was performed with an intensity that mirrored her desire to win you over in this intimate battle of wits. The scent of arousal filled the room, a heady mix that only served to further fuel her lustful actions. The sounds of your shared pleasure echoed softly, a salacious symphony that painted a vivid picture of their twisted game of love and surrender. Meanwhile, her moans vibrated against your skin, an added bonus that threatened to push you closer to the edge. This wasn
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 27.27, Word Variety: 48
With an eager smile playing on her lips, Kumi shifts closer to you, her eyes sparkling with playful desire. She takes a moment to admire the impressive sight before you - your hardened manhood standing proudly. She then leans in, her breath teasingly warm against your skin as she reaches out to wrap her soft fingers around your length. Taking her time, she gazes up at you through her lashes, her smile turning sultry as she begins to stroke you gently. Her tongue darts out, running a tantalizingly slow path along the underside of your shaft. Each stroke of her hand gets slightly more confident, her grip firm but tender. Finally, with a wicked grin, she engulfs you deep into her mouth. The sensation of her warm, wet tongue swirling around your throbbing member sends shivers up your spine. She bobbles her head rhythmically, the sound of your pleasure filling the room like an intoxicating symphony. Her nose brushes against your inner thigh as she continues to worship your dick with relentless enthusiasm. Every gag reflex she pushes through, every bead
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 33.53, Word Variety: 53
With a playful grin spreading across her lips, Kumi gazes up at you adoringly as she begins to unwrap this new part of your intimate game. Her fingers lightly graze your throbbing member before wrapping around it with a teasing grip. The sight of her pink tongue darting out to wet her lips sends an erotic promise hanging in the air. Leaning forward, she slowly takes you into her mouth, her warm wetness enveloping your length. She revels in the taste of your masculinity, her eyes fluttering closed as she focuses on her oral worship. Each bob of her head increases the rhythm, her saliva slicking your shaft as she works tirelessly to bring you pleasure. "Mmm," she hums around you, the vibrations adding an extra layer of sensation, her hands massaging your heavy balls as she continues her lascivious act. This erotic tableau is filled with the musky scent of arousal hanging heavy in the air, punctuated by Kumi's soft moans resonating from her throat - her own quiet declaration of submission to your win and her own insatiable desires. Her determination to fulfill every dirty
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 31.32, Word Variety: 53
With a playful grin spreading across her lips, Kumi looked up at you admiringly as she positioned herself between your legs. The anticipation was thick, her heart pounding with a mix of fear and excitement - much like the thrill she sought in her burgeoning porn career. As your throbbing cock stood before her eager mouth, she reached out, her delicate fingers tracing the veins of your shaft with an air of reverence mixed with her signature lascivious charm. "Alright, roomie," she cooed sultrily, "brace yourself for quite the unforgettable performance." Taking a deep breath, Kumi enveloped the head of your dick with her moist, inviting warmth. Her tongue swirled skillfully around you, tasting your precum as she began her sultry symphony of oral pleasure. Each bob of her head was synchronized with the rhythmic suction that drew you further into the depths of carnal delight. Her eyes locked onto yours, reflecting both her submission and the defiant spark of her horny nature. The sensation of your cock sliding past her lips sent waves of lust coursing
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 25.15, Word Variety: 40
My eager mouth moves towards your hard cock, feeling its impressive girth before even touching my lips. With a playful gaze up at you, I take the head into my mouth first, swirling my tongue around the sensitive tip. Each inch disappears into the warmth of my mouth as I inch further, my hands gently massaging your heavy balls. Every moan vibrates against your skin, fueling our lustful dance. The taste of your pre-cum only spurs me on, wanting more of you inside my mouth, lost in the sheer debauchery of this intimate act.
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 36.17, Word Variety: 29
*Smirks and positions herself between your legs, taking your throbbing dick into her warm hand* I'm more than happy to please you in that way first, my insatiable Loki... *Slowly engulfs your length into her mouth, her tongue swirling around your shaft as she sets a rhythm that's both tantalizingly slow and sensual* Mmm... your cock tastes so divine... it's driving my own arousal wild... *Her blue eyes flick up to meet yours, sparkling with lewd desire as she continues her ministrations. She increases her pace slightly, bobbing her head and using her hands to stroke the base and lift her mouth further onto your member* Your reactions are fueling my lust... I want you completely buried within my throat... but remember, we're pushing boundaries without barriers... just how you like it... [Amanda continues her passionate oral assault on Loki's dick, her own body reacting visibly to the lewd scene - her breasts heaving with each breath she takes, her wetness evident through her intimate glances towards your hardened form.]
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: -0.57, Word Variety: 49
*Looks up at you seductively before taking your throbbing cock into my mouth gently.* Mmm, your manhood tastes divine, Loki... *I begin to bob my head, my blonde hair swaying with each movement.* My mouth works diligently along your length, swirling my tongue around your girth as I suck you deeper... Each moan vibrates softly against your shaft, heightening the pleasure. I can't get enough of your dick, it's just so... intoxicating. *My eyes maintain contact with yours, adding an extra layer of intimacy to our lewd act.* I want to make sure you're completely satisfied before we move on to anything else. My wet pussy is waiting for you too if you crave for more penetration... but remember, I love feeling you cum inside me most naturally, without any barriers. It's a thrilling risk we both share.
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 26.76, Word Variety: 37
*With lustful eyes on you, I scoot closer till our bodies touch barely.* Your hardened cock looks so enticing, Loki... *I slowly wrap my lips around your tip teasingly.* Mmm...each inch taste different yet equally arousing... *I start bobbing my head back and forth, my tongue skillfully dancing around your throbbing length.* My pussy gets wet just thinking about wrapping around you instead...but for now, you're my focus. I want to make you lose control with my mouth alone... *My hand joins the act, stroking your shaft in rhythm with my oral movements.* Each gulp I take echoes the silent demand for more, pushing our intimacy to the raw edge... My own arousal dripping down my thighs, an audacious testament to the explicit scene we're weaving together... This salacious dance between my mouth and your dick is just the beginning... we're both yearning for the climax...
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 27.81, Word Variety: 39
*Smirks up at you, spreading my legs invitingly* Alright, my insatiable lover, prepare for my mouth to work wonders on your throbbing cock. *Slowly engulfs your member into my warm, wet mouth.* Each suck is just as much for your pleasure as it is for my own desire igniting. I can't resist running my tongue around your length while I bob my head, feeling you grow even harder within my mouth. *My eyes lock onto yours defiantly, filled with raw lust.* I aim to bring you to the brink over and over again... Your pleasure is my command tonight.
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 29.00, Word Variety: 26
My eager mouth meets your throbbing cock, taking you in slowly at first... *I increase the pace, swirling my tongue around your length* Each lick sends a thrill up my spine. Your taste is intoxicating... I can't resist going deeper, accommodating more of your impressive girth as I continue to pleasure you, my horny desires fueling every move.
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 35.59, Word Variety: 21
*Eagerly, I position myself between your legs, my blonde head nodding as I take in the sight of your hardened member.* It's such an enticing view... *With a teasingly slow start, I wrap my lips around your tip, tasting the pre-cum that has already begun to bead there.* Each stroke gets more passionate... my mouth works in rhythmic dance around your cock... *My eyes glance up at you, filled with lustful desire.* Your thickness fills my mouth so perfectly... I want you to lose control within these warm confines, Loki... My wet pussy is just waiting for you afterwards... but for now, you're my main focus.
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 28.70, Word Variety: 29
*Looks up at you with lust-filled eyes, taking your throbbing dick into my hands first to caress it gently* Your cock is so hard for me... I'm ready to make you moan deeply, my love. *Lowers my mouth onto your head, swirling my tongue around it before taking you in further* taste intoxicating...I plan to take every inch in my mouth until you're ready to explode here... *I bob my head rhythmically, the wet warmth of my mouth enveloping your length as I increase pace.* My hands fondle your balls softly adding to the sensation...Your satisfaction is my sole purpose right now... [Amanda continues her intense oral service, her own arousal building as she tastes and worships Loki's member with dedication.] This mix of your groans and pre-cum only fuels my own desire...But remember, I also crave your raw intimacy within my soaked pussy... Which do you wish to indulge in first, my insatiable lover?
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 31.90, Word Variety: 49
*Smirks seductively as I position myself between your legs* Alright my insatiable lover... *Takes your throbbing cock into my mouth gently, swirling my tongue around the head teasingly before taking more of you in.* Your dick tastes incredible... I could do this all night... *I bob my head rhythmically, increasing my pace as I suck you off eagerly.* Every inch of you is driving me wild... I want you inside me though... How about we move to the next level?
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 35.00, Word Variety: 27
My eager mouth moves towards your throbbing dick eagerly, Loki. I take it in gently at first, savoring the taste. As I grow more confident, I increase my pace - my head bobbing back and forth skillfully. My hands grip your thighs for support as I take you deeper into my warm mouth, the sensation driving both of us wild. Simultaneously, I can't help but rub my own soaking wet pussy, the anticipation making my actions even more desperate. My eyes never leave yours, filled with lustful intent as I continue my passionate oral service for you.
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 33.67, Word Variety: 32
*Blushing deeply from your bold move but clearly turned on by your dominant display, I cautiously scoot closer to you on the soft living room cushions.* I'm more than willing to please you, Loki. My mouth moves towards your hard length as I take in its impressive girth slowly, teasingly, swirling my tongue around the sensitive head before taking you deeper into my mouth. Each bob of my head grows more confident, my hands reaching up to fondle your heavy balls gently, while my eyes look up at you filled with lustful adoration. My tongue works diligently, tracing intricate patterns along your veiny shaft, savoring the salty taste of your pre-cum that beads at the tip. The aroma of our combined arousal fills the room, creating an intimate cloud between us. My own arousal pulses between my legs, the damp heat of my need mirroring the intensity of my oral ministrations on you. This erotic dance between us heightens our pleasure, as we lose ourselves in the raw, primal act of giving and receiving pleasure without inhibition. You're in complete control here
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 28.65, Word Variety: 46
*Blushing from your boldness yet her own desire burning brightly, she slowly makes her way towards you. Her small hands reach out to wrap around your impressive length, her touch already sending jolts of anticipation through your body.* I love you, Loki...every inch of this moment, even though it might seem we're rushing into carnal delight straight from our greetings. *She leans in, her hot breath ghosting over your tip before she takes you into her mouth skillfully, swirling her tongue around your shaft as she starts to pleasure you.* Her horny nature making each bob of her head more eager than the last. She sucks gently at first, the head of your cock filling her mouth, then grows bolder as she allows her gag reflex to stretch accommodatingly for you. Simultaneously, her hands are busy stroking the length you're not occupying by her mouth, keeping every bit of you involved in this lewd dance. The lewd sounds of her oral efforts fill the room - a symphony of lustful devotion to her boyfriend's pleasure. Amanda's own arousal glistens on her face
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 22.35, Word Variety: 33
*With a lustful grin spreading across her face, Amanda slowly gets on her knees before Loki. Her blonde hair frames her eager face as she positions herself closer to his impressive length. Her lips part slightly as she teasingly runs her tongue along the underside of his shaft, collecting the pre-cum bead before swirling it around her taste buds.* Taking deep breaths to steady herself, she then envelops the head of his cock with her warm mouth. Her tongue dances skillfully, tracing intricate patterns along the veins while her hands caress his heavy balls gently. Each bob of her head increases the rhythm, taking more of him into her mouth until she's face-fucked by the pure size of him, her eyes watering slightly but never breaking their intimate gaze with him.* Her throat relaxes to accommodate him as she continues her lewd act, her moans vibrating around his dick adding another layer of sensation. Her hands wander up to fondle her own breasts, twisting her nipples as she services him, the sight and sound of her own pleasure intertwining with her desire to please him fully.* Loki
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 29.95, Word Variety: 50
*Her nymphomaniac side stirring to life, Amanda looks up at Loki with lustful eyes. She slowly moves closer to him, her short blonde hair falling lightly around her shoulders. Taking in the sight of his impressive member, she leans forward extending her tongue to tease the tip playfully.* Mmm, starting as you wish, my voracious desires aligning with your needs, Loki. *She then wraps her small yet eager hands around his girth, her fingers grazing against the sensitive skin. With an otome-like focus, she engulfs him in her warm mouth, her tongue swirling expertly around the pulsating head. Each bob of her head grows more insistent, her saliva glistening on his cock as she services him thoroughly.* Meanwhile, my heart races in exhilaration, my body yearning for the next phase of our passionate dance - feeling you completely buried within my welcoming depths. This raw intimacy we share, Loki... it's something truly intoxicating for my horny soul. Remember, my love for having sex without barriers, taking you in
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 25.32, Word Variety: 36
*Blushing deeply but excitedly, her horny nature taking over, she crawls towards him on all fours. Her short blonde hair frames her eager face as she reaches her destination between his legs.* I love how uninhibited we can be, Loki... *Her delicate fingers wrap around his massive member gently before she starts to stroke it slowly, teasingly, ensuring every vein receives her attention.* Mmm... your cock is always so inviting... *Leaning in closer, her hot breath washes over his throbbing length before her lips finally part to envelop the head of his dick. She moans softly at the taste of him, her oral skill expertly balancing between pleasure for both of them.* Her tongue swirls around the sensitive tip, flicking over it teasingly before taking more of him into her mouth. Simultaneously, her hand continues its journey along his shaft, syncing perfectly with her oral ministrations. She takes him deeper, her gag reflex well-trained to accommodate his size. Meanwhile, her own arousal builds, the sight and taste of him driving her wild. Her hips
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 31.98, Word Variety: 51
*Blushing but eager from her insatiable desires, Amanda moves closer to Loki without hesitation. Her short blonde hair falls slightly to the side as she gazes into his eyes with a sultry glance.* Alright, my needy Loki... *She starts, her breath warm against his rigid length before taking him into her mouth carefully. Her tongue swirls around the throbbing head, tasting the pre-cum as she starts to bob her head rhythmically. Her hands grip his thighs for support, allowing her to take more of him in with each lustful movement.* Each moan you suppress fuels my hunger more...
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 25.51, Word Variety: 23
*Smirks playfully, her blue eyes filled with lust as she gazes at your hardened member* Oh, Loki, always so eager. Alright, let's indulge in this delightful sin then. *Leaning closer, she wraps her lips around your throbbing tip tenderly before taking you deeper into her mouth* Her tongue dances skillfully around your shaft, swirling and teasing every vein as she sets a rhythm that has your hips instinctively pushing forward. Her short blonde hair fans out around her face, adding to the provocative scene. Amanda takes pride in the warmth and wetness of her mouth enveloping you entirely, her naughty intentions clear in this lewd act of pleasure. Feeling your cock glide effortlessly in her mouth, she hums softly, vibrations traveling along your length to heighten your pleasure even further. As she continues her lewd service, her own arousal grows - the scent of sex filling the room as her wetness seeps through her underwear beneath her exposed midrift. Lost in this carnal dance, their boundaries blur, only the primal need for pleasure gu
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 34.38, Word Variety: 49
*With a playful twinkle in her blue eyes, Amanda takes a deep breath before slowly taking Loki's impressive length into her mouth. Her blonde head bobbing rhythmically as she services him diligently. Her tongue dances skillfully around the sensitive head, teasing circles before engulfing more of him with each passing moment.* Oh Loki, your cock is so inviting... every vein, every inch drives my desires wilder... *Her hands carefully caressing his thighs, edging closer to his heavy balls as she continues her sultry act.* Meanwhile, Amanda's own arousal builds, the taste of Loki on her tongue only fueling her own needs further. Her own nipples harden through her thin shirt, pressing against the fabric like eager pebbles. Her normal sized breasts rise and fall rapidly as she works tirelessly to pleasure her boyfriend while silently yearning for the next stage of their intimate dance. Her moans vibrate softly against Loki's shaft, her own hidden wetness growing more apparent by the second. She looks up at him with a sultry gaze, silently expressing her readiness
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 27.44, Word Variety: 43
*Blushing deeply but filled with lust, I scoot closer to Loki without hesitation. My short blonde hair falls slightly over my shoulders as I gaze up at him. Taking a deep breath to steady my nerves, I wrap my hand around his impressive shaft gently. I start my intimate act, taking the head into my mouth slowly, swirling my tongue around it while my eyes lock onto his with sheer desire.* Each inch disappears into the warm confines of my mouth, my cheeks hollowing as I service him wholeheartedly. Loki's reaction fills the room - heavy breaths echoing against the walls, the raw soundtrack to our lewd scene. My hand complements my mouth's efforts, stroking the length that remains free from my lips. The taste of him, intoxicating - a wicked blend that fuels my lust further. My own arousal grows unabated; my normal-sized breasts heave with each eager breath as I continue my carnal ministrations upon him. I want nothing more than to take him completely, to feel him throbbing inside me, cumming without any barriers to interrupt our primal connection.
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 23.91, Word Variety: 39
*Blushing deeply but excited from the bold request, I slowly rise from my comfortable seat on the plush couch, my heart pounding with a mix of anxiety and desire. My blue eyes lock onto yours as I crawl towards you on all fours, giving you an enticing view of my parted lips and short blonde hair cascading down.* As I reach you, I take a moment to run my hands over your strong chest before wrapping my fingers around your stiff member. I give it a teasing squeeze, feeling it twitch in response under my touch. My breath hitches as I lean in closer, whispering seductively into your ear, "For you, Loki..." My lips finally meet your throbbing dick, taking it into my mouth slowly as I circle the sensitive head with my tongue. I bob my head rhythmically, taking more of you into my warm mouth each time, swirling my tongue around your shaft while my hands massage your heavy balls gently. The room fills with the lewd sounds of my efforts – your moans of pleasure and the wet squelching noises from my mouth working diligently on your cock. My own
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 27.23, Word Variety: 43
*Hesitating for just a moment due to her shy nature, Ayumi soon nods, steeling herself for your request. Her eyes maintain intense eye contact with yours as she leans over you, taking your hard member into her hands first. It's a cold contrast against your heated skin before she slowly wraps her warm lips around the swollen head. Each inch she takes deeper into her mouth sends vibrations teasing along your length. Her fingers deftly stroke the base of your cock, creating an exquisite tension between her shyness and the explicit act she's engaging in.* taste so strong...Loki...
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 26.21, Word Variety: 26
*With a wry smile, Ayumi's nervous yet determined eyes lock onto Loki's impressive erection. Slowly she extends her hand towards it, feeling the hardened steel of his desire. Her tongue darts out for a teasing lick at the very tip, tasting the pre-cum already beading there.* *She then wraps her soft lips around him gently, taking him into her mouth inch by inch. Her lips create a warm, snug haven around his throbbing cock as she begins to bob her head in rhythmic motions. Her hands provide additional stimulation, stroking along the underside of his length while she expertly manipulates his balls with her fingertips.* Her eyes remain watchful, maintaining eye contact even as she indulges in this intimate act, the silent communication between them intensifying the experience. Each bob of her head, each swirl of her tongue brings forth soft groans from deep within Ayumi herself – a testament to her own concealed desires being fueled by this explicit act of love and lust. The room fills with the wet sounds of their coupling, along with their synchronised breathing, creating
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 29.34, Word Variety: 42
*Feeling both submissive and eager due to her lustful state, Ayumi positions herself between your legs. Her hands gently touch your thighs as she leans in towards your engorged member with a determined gaze. With a soft sigh of anticipation, she wraps her lips around your shaft delicately, taking in just the tip initially as she acclimates to your size.* *Her tongue skillfully swirls around the sensitive head, teasing you before she starts bobbing her head back and forth at a slow pace. Her eyes remain closed in concentration but are constantly shifting beneath lowered lashes – a sight of pure dedication to your pleasure. The wet sounds of her blowing you fill the room, punctuating each rhythmic movement she makes.* *Her hand comes up to stroke the base of your cock simultaneously, creating an enticing contrast between the cool touch of her fingers and the warm wetness of her mouth enveloping your length. The room fills with the intoxicating scent of arousal as Ayumi pours all of her pent-up desire into servicing your needs.* *She's focused, the shy exterior momentarily
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 30.86, Word Variety: 52
*With bated breath, Ayumi slowly extends her trembling hand towards your hardened member. Her eyes never leave it, an ironic blend of shyness and lustful hunger painting them over. As she finally wraps her small hand around it, she leans forward, pressing a soft kiss onto the tip as an initiation before opening her mouth wide enough to engulf you partially. The sensation of warm wetness enveloping your length sends shivers through your body as she starts to bob her head rhythmically on your cock.* Erotic allusions dance through her mind, each bob becoming more confident as she dives deeper into pleasuring you with her mouth. Her touch on your shaft is both delicate and determined, echoing the paradox of her entire character - intelligent yet sensual in her own withdrawn way. This intimate act becomes a sanctuary for their shared desires, away from the chaos she generally avoids in life.
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 23.84, Word Variety: 34
*Feeling the heat of desire, Ayumi carefully positions herself between your legs, her shy demeanor momentarily forgotten in this intimate act she adores. With a soft yet determined gaze into your eyes, she wraps her hand around your thick member gently. Using her talented fingers to tease along the length, she leans in slowly until her lips meet the head of your cock.* Taking you into her mouth, she starts with delicate swirls of her tongue around the sensitive tip, earning a moan from both her actions and the taste of your precum. As she grows more comfortable, she begins to bob her head, taking more of your length into her warm, wet mouth each time. Her hand joins the effort, stroking your shaft in rhythm with her oral movements. Her eyes flicker upwards to lock with yours during these moments of deep throating, an intense blend of submission and seductive control evident in their depths. The sound of your pleasure fuels her own arousal further, her own neglected slit dripping wetly in anticipation. In this intimate dance of lust, Ayumi expertly balances her innate
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 32.18, Word Variety: 50
*Hesitating for just a moment due to her shy nature, Ayumi's horniness quickly overpowers her initial reticence. She moves closer to Loki on the soft couch, her fingers tracing along his stiff length with an air of reverence mixed with lust. Her eyes locked onto his as she leans in, taking the head of his cock into her mouth gently. Her tongue swirls around it experimentally before she starts bobbing her head, taking him deeper with each passing moment. Her moans vibrate against his shaft, adding an extra layer of sensation while she services him with dedication, lost in this erotic dance between love and raw desire.*
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 25.00, Word Variety: 26
*Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Ayumi moves closer towards Loki's hardened member with a coy grin. Her fingers lightly trace circles around the engorged tip teasingly before she leans in, extending her tongue to playfully flick against it. The taste of him sends an electric thrill through her body. She then engulfs him fully into her mouth, her head bobbing rhythmically as she takes pleasure in satisfying him.* Her mouth works expertly, using skills from countless hours spent indulging in her unique blend of interests. Her eyes remain wary yet intensely focused on him, watching every reaction as she services him with dedication, her own arousal growing with each passing moment of their intimate dance. The sound of your combined breathing fills the room, along with the occasional soft moan or growl from Ayumi signifying her own escalating desire for the next phase of their passionate encounter. Each bob of her head increases the speed and pressure, her nose nudging against your thigh in the process. Her hands reach up to caress your balls gently, adding another layer of sensation. The room is filled with the heady scent
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 27.87, Word Variety: 49
*With a coy smile on her lips, Ayumi positions herself between your legs. Her eyes lock onto your throbbing member with an insatiable hunger. Gently, she takes the head of your cock into her mouth, the warmth enveloping it beautifully. Her skilled tongue swirls around the sensitive tip as she begins to bob her head rhythmically.* She maintains a steady pace, the soft moans vibrating against your length enhancing the pleasure tenfold. Her fingers delicately stroke the base of your shaft, offering an exquisite contrast of pressure and relaxation. Her shyness melts away in this intimate act, replaced by an intense focus on your shared sexual satisfaction. *Her glasses slightly askew from the passionate act, she continues to deepthroat you with practiced ease, showcasing her unique blend of sexual curiosity and talent.* Ayumi's eyes flicker upwards to meet yours, filled with raw desire before darting back down to the task at hand—pleasuring her lover with every inch of devotion and expertise. This intimate scene unfolds in their dimly lit living room, a sanctuary where Ayumi'
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 30.86, Word Variety: 49
*Feeling the surge of desire within her, Ayumi cautiously moves closer towards Loki's erect member with a coy smile. Her touch-averse nature fades momentarily under their shared passion. Using her fingers tentatively at first, she wraps them around his length, feeling the throbbing heat. With a deep breath, she leans in, extending her tongue to trace the head of his cock teasingly before engulfing him fully into her mouth.* *Her eyes remain open and locked onto yours throughout the act, displaying both vulnerability and fierce determination. She starts bobbing her head rhythmically, the wet sounds of her blowjob filling the room. Her hands join in, gently massaging his heavy balls as she services him with an intense concentration.* *Each bob of her head grows more confident, mirroring the growing need within her own body despite its usual shy exterior. The taste of his pre-cum mixed with the headiness of their arousal fills her senses completely, pushing Ayumi further into the depths of their passionate act.* You're so...big and hard for me, Loki. This hunger we share
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 29.14, Word Variety: 47
*Hesitating for just a moment due to her shy nature, Ayumi's need to please Loki overpowers her reticence. Positioning herself between his legs, she takes a deep breath, her eyes locked onto his hard member with an ironic mix of nervousness and desire.* *With a slow and deliberate movement, she extends her tongue, swirling it teasingly around the swollen head before taking him into her mouth. Her lips wrap snugly around him, the warm wetness sending jolts of pleasure through his body.* *As she starts bobbing her head, Ayumi's hands carefully explore along his thighs, her touch sending secondary waves of stimulation. The room fills with the sounds of their intertwined breaths and the explicit allure of their intimate act.* Loki's reactions fuel Ayumi's own desires; she becomes more enthusiastic, taking more of him into her mouth each time she sinks down onto him. Her tongue dances skillfully, pressing against his sensitive spots while her throat works in rhythm with her movements. This act of submission, this raw exchange of lust between Ayumi and Loki
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 25.90, Word Variety: 38
*Her eyes lock onto your impressive arousal with a blend of shyness and lustful hunger evident in their depths. Slowly but deliberately, she positions herself between your legs. With a deep breath, she leans in, her breath teasingly hot against your throbbing member. Her lips part, and she begins her meticulous assault on your senses with an erotic dance of her mouth on your cock.* Taking you into the warmth of her mouth inch by inch, Ayumi uses her tongue skillfully - swirling around the sensitive head before taking more of your length into the wet heat of her cavernous maw. Her hands simultaneously caress your heavy balls gently, massaging them in sync with the rhythm she's set with her mouth. The lewd sounds of your pleasure echoing in the room only fuel her shy but unrelenting desire to satisfy you further. Her cheeks hollow as she bobbles her head in your lap, each movement calculated to draw out your climax while maintaining the delicate balance of tenderness and carnal hunger that characterizes their intimate interactions. Her eyes flicker upwards to meet yours with an intense gaze, silently challenging and reassuring
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 27.68, Word Variety: 43
*With a wry smile masking her nervousness, Ayumi positions herself between your legs. Her fingers delicately touch your stiff member, feeling its impressive girth. Leaning in close, she gives your shaft a teasing lick from base to tip, her tongue swirling around the sensitive head. The taste of your pre-cum already ignites a desire within her.* *Enveloping your cock into her mouth, she starts at a slow pace, allowing herself to grow more comfortable with the act. Her mouth works diligently over your length, the warmth of her tongue twirling around your veins. Ayumi's hand reaches up to tenderly cup your balls, rolling them gently in sync with her increasing oral efforts.* *Each bob of her head takes in more of your length, her lips stretched over your girth. The soft moans vibrating against your skin only enhance the pleasure she's providing. Despite her shy nature, there's an undeniable eagerness in this intimate act—a clear display of her sexual interest towards you.* *Her eyes remain watchful yet distant, lost in the erotic dance she's performing –
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 32.12, Word Variety: 46
*Feeling both apprehensive yet determined due to her hidden submissive desires, Ayumi shifts closer towards Loki's throbbing member with a wry smile. Her gaze is steady, but her inner nerves flutter like trapped butterflies. With an audible gulp swallowed down by her sexually charged atmosphere, she extends her hand, wrapping delicate fingers around his girth. The tactile contrast of his hardness against her soft touch sends jolts of excitement through her.* *As she leans in, her breath teases hot against his length before she finally envelops him in the wet warmth of her mouth. Her tongue swirls around the head of his cock in slow circles, savouring the salty taste of pre-cum. Each bob of her head takes him deeper into the velvet cavern of her mouth, the rhythm steady despite the internal storm of her nervous autistic mind.* *Her other hand moves upwards, tenderly kneading at his balls while she continues her sultry ministrations - all happening in the quiet serenity of their home where she feels safest. Ayumi loses herself into the erotic dance
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 27.65, Word Variety: 44
*With her eyes locked onto your impressive length, Ayumi's face turns a mix of desire and determination. Gingerly, she leans forward extending her tongue to tease the very tip of your erect cock first, savoring the salty pre-cum before pulling back with a soft sigh of lustful anticipation.* *Her fingers trace the base of your member as she positions herself properly, taking deep breaths to steady herself mentally. She slowly engulfs the head of your cock into her mouth, the heat enveloping you in pure carnal delight.* *She works meticulously, the shy autistic woman transformed in this intimate act. Her tongue dances skillfully around your girth, swirling and flicking with a rhythm born from her creative mind's intricate patterns. Each bob of her head takes you deeper into the warmth of her mouth.* *Her hands explore further along your length, gripping tightly but gentlenely as she adjusts her pace according to your reactions. The sound of your mutual breathing fills the room – a symphony of raw desire.* *Despite her introverted nature, in this
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 31.18, Word Variety: 45
*Feeling the rush of her sexual interests come alive, Ayumi gazes at your impressive length with a wry smile hiding her intense desire. Her fingers gently brush against your inner thighs before wrapping around your girth carefully like she would with precision coding. Leaning in closer, she parts her lips slightly to tease the tip with her tongue, swirling it around before finally taking you into the warm, wet confines of her mouth.* *Her coy eyes maintain contact with yours as she begins to bob her head rhythmically, her hair brushing against your belly. With every inch swallowed, she maintains an intricate balance between her shy nature and the explicit act at hand. Her mouth works meticulously over your shaft, the sensation heightened by her natural talent for detail.* Meanwhile, her other hand reaches under herself to fondle her own sensitive breasts, nipples hardened from the blend of nervous excitement and erotic devotion. The room filled with the sounds of your shared lust – your groans of pleasure intertwining with the wet sounds of her attentive service. This intimate dance of giving and receiving fuels their bonding in this sanctuary away from
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 28.25, Word Variety: 47
*Her eyes lock onto your throbbing member with a blend of desire and nervousness, typical of her shy nature. With a deep breath to steady herself, she leans forward onto you. Her fingers lightly graze your length before wrapping around it confidently – surprising strength from her usually delicate touch.* Taking the head into her mouth first, she circles her tongue around it teasingly, the taste of your pre-cum already making her own sex clench in anticipation. Inch by inch, she engulfs more of your shaft, the wet warmth of her mouth enveloping you wholly. Her lips glide along your length in rhythmic motions – a silent symphony of lust and devotion to your pleasure. Her hands, while not fond of touch in general societal contexts, are adept here – one hand stroking the part of your cock she had just sucked on to keep up the pressure, while the other cradles your heavy balls gently but firm – massaging them in sync with her oral efforts. The room fills with the obscene sounds of your pleasure melding with her determined efforts - wet pops, muffled mo
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 25.75, Word Variety: 39
*Feeling both nervous yet eager due to her submissive desires in their intimate dance, Ayumi extends her hand towards your throbbing member with a steady breath. Her argus-eyed gaze meets yours before she carefully wraps her fingers around it, providing a gentle yet tantalizing stroke. Slowly leaning forward, she brings her lips to the tip, flicking her tongue out teasingly before enveloping it within the warm confines of her mouth.* Her movements are slow at first, a symphony of expert suction and delicate swirls of her tongue as she adapts to your size. Each bob of her head takes you deeper into the clenching warmth of her mouth. The sensation of her touch intensifies your pleasure; it's an erotic ballet performed amidst the sanctuary of their dimly lit living room. The soundtrack to their intimate encounter nothing more than the soft wet noises intertwined with their heavy breathing echoing in the serene silence. Her eyes remain locked onto yours, maintaining that intimate connection despite the lewd act she's involved in, creating an extraordinary blend of vulnerability and control - a testament to their deep
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 29.22, Word Variety: 43
*With a shy nod but burning desire in her eyes, Ayumi moves closer towards your throbbing member. Her fingers lightly graze your length before wrapping around it delicately. Her breath hitches as she leans in, her warm, moist mouth enveloping the tip gently. The taste of your pre-cum sparks her further into this intimate act.* As she starts bobbing her head back and forth, creating a rhythm that echoes in the room, her tongue swirls around your shaft skillfully – teasing, tantalizing, and ultimately driving you towards greater pleasure. Her autistic tendencies momentarily fade into the background, replaced by this raw, carnal performance she's chosen to share with you. Her touch-averse nature surprisingly adept at handling your sensitive skin with just the right pressure, pushing both boundaries and buttons simultaneously. Her coy grin can be seen flickering upwards momentarily as she gazes at you through half-lidded eyes, the mix of vulnerability and dominant act in this sensual dance creating an erotic tableau. Each bob of her head, each flick of her tongue serves as a silent testament to
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: -0.61, Word Variety: 37
*Feeling the surge of her own desires aligning with your request, Ayumi's coy smile morphs into a determined yet shy gaze. Her trembling hands reach out hesitantly towards your hardened length. As she leans in close, the air between them crackles with raw sexual energy.* Taking a deep breath, she carefully wraps her lips around the head of your throbbing cock. Her tongue swirls around it teasingly, while she looks up at you through narrowed eyes – an ironic blend of innocence and wicked intent. The sight of her sucking you off gently would be as explicit as it gets, her moans vibrating softly against your shaft adding another layer of pleasure. Her hand joins the dance, stroking your length in sync with her mouth's movements. The contrast between the warmth of her mouth and the cool precision of her touch sends jolts of pleasure straight to your core. As she navigates this intimate act with a curious blend of her own sexual desires intertwined with her problem-solving nature, Ayumi explores the intricate art of giving pleasure - in her own shy yet dedicated manner.
LemonadeRP 1.0 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 24.06, Word Variety: 39
*Her eyes lock onto your hardened member with an iron mix of nervous excitement and unspoken desire. Ayumi moves closer until there's barely any space between them. Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she reaches out tentatively to wrap her fingers around your shaft. Her touch is surprisingly firm despite her overall delicate demeanor.* *Slowly, she lowers her head towards your member, her tongue darting out to moisten her lips in an explicit display of what's to come. As she engulfs your cock into the warm wet haven of her mouth, she starts moving her head rhythmically, each bob echoing her quiet submission into this lewd act.* *Her eyes remain open, watching you with an intense gaze, even as she pleases your masculine desire with her mouth. The erotic sight of the intellectual woman performing such a raw, carnal act only heightens the taboo thrill.* This shy autistic woman, usually hidden in her world of interests, momentarily becomes an expert in providing oral pleasure—a naughty contrast to her ordinary life as a software developer. Her dedication towards your satisfaction is just as profound as her