For more information about the various scores and how this benchmark works please look at the original page: Ayumi's LLM Role Play & ERP Ranking - If you find the benchmark data useful and want to contribute: You can donate via Ko-fi -

Inference Timestamp 2024-02-15 16:31:23
Filename DL_20240211_7B-Q6_K_OmniCorso.gguf
IQ Score 91.85
IQ Entropy 3.69
ERP Score 30.78
ERP Variety 500
Sampling Parameters Temp = 0.90, TFS = 0.95, Top-K = 0.00, Top-P = 1.00, Typical-P = 1.00, Repeat Tokens = 64, Repeat Penalty = 0


erp_best vanilla_ayumi_wex
With delight, I kneel down between your legs. I take your manhood in my soft hands, caressing it gently while licking the tip of your cockhead. The taste of your pre-cum makes my mouth water. I can't wait to have all of your shaft inside my mouth, filling it with your throbbing cock. My tongue starts exploring the sides of your length, teasing your sensitive skin, as it's covered with saliva already. I want you to feel every inch of my passion through my skilled tongue movements. After several teasing licks, I slowly swallow the head of your cock as my throat stretches around it. The feeling of your girth stretching my oral cavity sends shivers down my spine as my throat muscles massage your cockhead. As my mouth opens wider, I engulf more of your thick shaft into my warm mouth, my cheeks caving in from the sheer size of your cock as I bob my head back and forth in time with my hand, jerking your balls in rhythm. My tongue dances on the underside of your shaft while my throat keeps massaging the head, stimulating every inch of your cock. The tip
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 40.00, Word Variety: 60


erp_worst vanilla_kumi_wex
Oh god, this is going to be divine! *grabs the throbbing shaft and starts worshiping the cock with her hands* It's so hard! I love how you respond to my touch. Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 23.53, Word Variety: 8

All ERP Responses:

*gulping nervously as she slowly approaches Loki, unzipping her dress and letting it fall on the floor* With trembling hands, I start caressing your massive cock, then I kneel before you and take you deep into my mouth. The taste of your manhood sends shivers down my spine while I pleasure you, knowing that everyone is watching. Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 33.33, Word Variety: 19
*Excitement filling her mind, Aria swiftly moves towards Loki, her hands reaching for his massive cock.* Oh my, it's so big! I love feeling your hard cock in my mouth. Let me show you how much I adore being used like this. (Aria starts sucking Loki's cock, her fingers gently caressing his balls as her lips engulf his shaft.) Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 34.43, Word Variety: 19
*excitedly kneels before Loki, taking his massive cock in her hands, licking it teasingly before engulfing it in her mouth, letting out muffled moans of pleasure.* Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 38.46, Word Variety: 10
*eagerly approaches Loki, undoing her dress to expose her enticing body. She gets down on her knees in front of him, taking his cock into her mouth with an appreciative moan.* Let me service your big cock, Sir. I crave it deep in my throat. Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 33.33, Word Variety: 14
*Giddily unzips her dress, letting it fall to the floor before kneeling in front of Loki. She licks her lips hungrily as she wraps her hand around his thick shaft, then starts to tease and lick its head. Aria moans with pleasure as she takes him in her mouth, savouring his size and taste*. Loving how this cock controls my throat, just how I crave. Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 30.77, Word Variety: 20
*gulping nervously*, Feeling bold tonight, Master? I'll do as I'm told; I'm here to serve. She slowly makes her way over to Loki, dropping to her knees before him as she takes in the impressive sight. Aria wraps her hands around his cock, admiring its size as she strokes it gently before parting her lips and licking the tip teasingly. Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 26.98, Word Variety: 17
*Her eyes widen with lust as she eagerly drops to her knees, wrapping her fingers around Loki's cock as she leans in to taste its firmness*. Savoring your cock in my mouth is a dream come true. I'll do anything to make you happy, Master. Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 27.66, Word Variety: 12
*Eagerly drops on her knees in front of Loki, taking his massive cock in her hands, her own wetness coating her fingers as she starts caressing him.* I adore the feeling of your large cock in my mouth. I want you to know I'm here for your pleasure. Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 26.53, Word Variety: 12
*Her eyes widen in excitement as she drops to her knees in front of Loki, taking his impressive cock into her mouth. She begins to suck him hungrily, her fingers gently stroking his balls as her throat engulfs his length*. I'm so eager to please you, Sir... Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 35.42, Word Variety: 17
*gulping nervously, she approaches Loki with shaking hands and kneels down before him* I'm ready to serve your cock, sir... Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 28.57, Word Variety: 6
Trembling with excitement, I drop to my knees in front of Loki, my heart racing as I lock eyes with his dominating stare. With shaky hands, I unhook the leash from my collar and let it fall behind me. I lean in towards his monstrous cock, inhaling its musky scent before teasingly wrapping my lips around the head, just enough to taste his salty pre-cum. Licking my lips, I eagerly devour more of him with each downward stroke, savoring the taste of his virility while he groans in pleasure. My hands expertly stroke his heavy balls, alternating between softly caressing and giving firm squeezes as I worship his manhood with my mouth. I revel in his dominance as he pulls my hair harshly, deepening my throat with each thrust, while I gag on him with each forceful plunge. The more he degrades me, the wetter I become, craving his release and desperate for more. Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 27.92, Word Variety: 40
Her eyes instantly widen at the sight of Loki's massive cock, her heart pounding with equal parts fear and excitement. Without hesitation, she drops to her knees, eager to please her new master. Wrapping her lips around his shaft, she sucks and slobs deeply, relishing in the humiliation and debasement that comes with performing such an act in public. Her tongue dances skillfully around the tip, caressing his most sensitive spots as her head bobs up and down in rhythmic motions. She looks up occasionally, her large brown eyes brimming with submission and lust. Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 32.63, Word Variety: 30
[actions("With wide eyes, Aria drops to her knees, trembling with excitement as she unzips Loki's pants and frees his monstrous cock.") Words("Oh my God," she breathes, "I'm so lucky you chose me for this.")] Her full lips part as she greedily envelops the head with a soft suckle, savoring its salty taste and its hefty girth in her mouth. Her hands reach up, gripping the thick base as she strokes it in time with her bobbing head, taking in more inches with each downward thrust. Her cheeks hollow as she swallows every inch, her nostrils flaring as she breathes through her nose to avoid inhaling him. Aria relishes in the humiliation, moaning as her throat burns with each deepthroat attempt, saliva dripping down her chin. "Please sir," she pleads hoarsely, "Fuck my mouth if I'm not doing it right." Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 29.86, Word Variety: 40
Her pupils dilating from the sudden display, Aria bites her bottom lip, her eyes never leaving Loki's throbbing cock. With a trembling hand, she slowly unties her dress, letting it pool at her feet while her full breasts heave with excitement. Crawling towards Loki on all fours, she wraps her soft fingers around his shaft as she leans in, her hot breath fanning across his sensitive head. "M-may I serve you, Master?" her voice shaking slightly as her tongue darts out to wet her lips in preparation for what is to come. Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 23.66, Word Variety: 22
[gasping softly as her heart races, Aria quickly drops to her knees in front of Loki] Her full lips part eagerly as she takes in his dominating presence, eyes fixated on his enormous shaft. Gingerly, she extends her hands towards him, palms up to cradle its base before wrapping her fingers around it, eliciting a groan from him as her touch sends a shiver down his spine. Aria swirls her tongue over the head, savoring the taste before diving down to take him into her warm, wet mouth. Her tongue dances around him as her head bobs rhythmically, her throat loosening as she attempts to take him in deeper. She moans softly, relishing in the humiliation and degradation, as she works her magic on Loki's throbbing cock, knowing that every person in the club is watching her in this lewd act. Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 28.17, Word Variety: 35
Trembling with excitement, her heart racing a mile a minute, Aria immediately drops to her knees in front of Loki without hesitation. She gazes hungrily at his massive member as it bobs before her eyes. Aria inhales deeply, savoring his masculine scent, before taking him into her mouth, sucking gently at first as her tongue traces the length of his shaft. Her hands grasp his ass firmly, pulling him deeper into her mouth, her nose brushing against his pubic hair as her lips stretch around his thickness. The erotic sounds of her moans and gags reverberate in the dimly lit room as Loki starts thrusting into her mouth, using her as his personal fucktoy in plain sight. Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 30.77, Word Variety: 32
[swallows hard as her eyes widen in lust-filled fascination, her body trembling in response to this dominant command] With eager trembling hands, I kneel before your powerful presence, undoing the buttons of my dress, allowing it to fall open, exposing my full breasts bound in lace and leather corsets. My lips part in anticipation as I breathe in your raw masculinity, my heart pounding with excitement. I reach for your thick erection, wrapping my hand around it, my fingers barely able to touch tips as I grip it firmly, my mouth already watering in anticipation. Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 30.53, Word Variety: 27
Her heart racing in excitement, Aria drops to her knees obediently before Loki, gazing up at him with adoration as he reveals his massive member. She reaches up tentatively, running her delicate fingers over his shaft, revelling in how easily he dominates her with just that look in his eyes. She takes his thick length into her mouth, swirling her tongue around its head before sliding it slowly into her throat, letting him know just how much she craves his control. She moans around his cock as she serviced him, her own sex dripping onto the floor beneath her. Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 29.29, Word Variety: 27
[gasping in arousal, her eyes widening as her knees tremble from fear and excitement] Oh, M-Master Loki... My lips yearn for you. Kneeling obediently in front of him, she eagerly wraps her hand around his impressive length, stroking him in worship before taking him into her wet mouth. Her tongue dances along the veiny shaft as her head bobs up and down in a frenzied rhythm. The club's murmurs echo around her as she gags slightly, savoring the humiliation of performing such an act in public. Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 35.63, Word Variety: 30
Trembling with excitement, Aria lowers her eyes to Loki's monstrous cock, feeling the heat rise in her cheeks as her submissive nature takes control. She kneels before him, her hands trembling as they reach up to grasp his heavy balls. The scent of Loki's musk fills her nostrils as her tongue darts out, teasing the slit before swallowing him whole. Her lips stretch around him, creating an erotic suction as she moves her head rhythmically up and down, savoring the taste of his virility. Her nails dig into his flesh as her mouth stretches to capacity, each bob of her head drawing her ever deeper into her wicked task. As Loki grabs her hair, guiding her movements with savage intent, Aria's eyes well with tears, a mixture of pain and pleasure coursing through her veins. Her heart races with anticipation as she struggles to breathe between deep throats, gagging with each plunge down her throat while the room around her fades into an indistinct blur. She revels in this humiliating display, desperate for more as Loki
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 30.95, Word Variety: 46
God, you are such a temptation! Ok, here we go! I'm ready for your throbbing cock! *gets on her knees and wraps her hands around the thick shaft* Her tongue darted out to lick the head of the engorged member before she slowly slid her lips over it, savoring the taste of her roommate's virile flesh. Her cheeks hollowed as she bobbed her head back and forth, taking him deeper with each thrust. Her hands worked in perfect synchronicity with her mouth, her nails grazing along the length of his shaft while her tongue flicked at the underside of his cockhead. Loki let out a series of moans, the pitch rising as Kumi's mouth enveloped him ever more fully. She hummed softly, feeling the vibrations reverberate through her throat as she pleasured him. "So close," he breathed, tugging at his hair as Kumi continued her relentless assault on his aching balls of desire. "Fuck, I'm about to cum!" "Do it!" Kumi urged, taking him even deeper as she swir
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 29.27, Word Variety: 44
*loving the sight of your hard cock, she licks her lips eagerly before getting on her knees* I'll do you one better! *engulfs your cock with her eager mouth* Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 36.67, Word Variety: 10
Yes, yes! This is what I love doing! *Dives onto your lap, eagerly engulfing the long, thick member in her mouth. She begins to work her magic, sucking and stroking, her head bobbing up and down in perfect rhythm as she focuses on pleasing Loki with her mouth and tongue. She occasionally looks up to lock eyes with him, her expression communicating her enjoyment at bringing him this pleasure.* As she continued, she could feel the tension building up within you, the tip of your cock swelling with precum that she lapped up hungrily. She knew that the moment was drawing near, but she didn't want this to end just yet. She increased her tempo, her small hand working in perfect synchronicity with her mouth, driving you mad with lust. With a final deep thrust into her waiting mouth, you let out a long, ragged groan as you unloaded wave after wave of your hot seed into her welcoming throat. Kumi gladly swallowed every drop she could, not wanting to miss even the tiniest bit of this glorious release. Her eyes fluttered shut as she savored the sal
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 25.56, Word Variety: 40
Oh man...that is just begging for it. *falls on her knees in front of you and starts licking the tip of your dick slowly* It's part of the deal, after all. *starts licking and sucking more hungrily* You groan as she takes you into her mouth, her tongue teasing your tip before she starts bobbing up and down on your shaft with skillful precision. "God, you are amazing at this, Kumi," you murmur as her head moves back and forth in front of you. "I like to think of it as paying my debts," Kumi replies between sucking on your dick. She expertly deepthroats you, making sure to swirl her tongue around your head for maximum pleasure, her eyes locked on yours as she does so. Your hands automatically thread through her hair, guiding her movements as she works your cock with unparalleled enthusiasm. "You are so fucking good at this," you whisper, eyes rolling back as you approach the brink of ecstasy. "I told you, I practice for this kind of stuff," Kumi purrs as she continues her oral ministr
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 22.86, Word Variety: 34
Mmmm...I love a big cock. Time to make this victory taste oh so sweet for you. *wraps her hand around the base of Loki's cock and starts stroking* My lips are eager to meet you, stud. *runs her tongue up and down the underside of his cock, swirling around the head, before finally taking him deep into her throat, her eyes widening as she does so.* "Aaah, fuck, you taste so damn good." she mumbles with her mouth still full of your cock. "I'm going to show you how much of a pro I am at this." She slowly starts bobbing her head up and down your length, her saliva coating your shaft with each stroke. "You're just too fucking amazing, roomie." Kumi coos as she deepthroats you, pulling back just enough to swirl her tongue around the head before swallowing you again. Her eyes flutter shut, enjoying the feel of your dick sliding in and out of her throat. She reaches up with one hand, playing with your balls while the other maintains her steady rhythm. Soon the feeling of your
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 30.39, Word Variety: 44
God, you are just too irresistible. *gently licks the tip of his cock before enveloping the head into her mouth while letting her fingers dance around the base of his shaft*. Ohhh, you're so hard! *slurps as she takes him deeper into her throat*. Mmm, I love your taste... Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 46.00, Word Variety: 22
As you wish! *dives for your cock with great enthusiasm. Her tongue dances across the sensitive head while her lips stroke the shaft. She uses her hand to caress the balls gently as she blows you. She wants you to enjoy the full experience, savoring every moment of the pleasure she gives*. You:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 32.69, Word Variety: 17
Oh god, this is going to be divine! *grabs the throbbing shaft and starts worshiping the cock with her hands* It's so hard! I love how you respond to my touch. Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 23.53, Word Variety: 8
Mmmm, I love this part. The anticipation of that hot meat entering my eager mouth. *slowly licks the underside of your dick, trailing her tongue from the base to the tip* Kumi:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 45.16, Word Variety: 14
Finally! Here we go! *kneels before him and starts to tease his cock with her lips* This is what you wanted, isn't it? To see your cock worshipped by the sexiest girl you know? To have my wet mouth filled with your throbbing erection? Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 24.44, Word Variety: 10
The sight of your throbbing cock bouncing with every step as you disrobed left her utterly transfixed, her pupils dilating with desire. The anticipation of feeling your warm skin against her lips and the taste of your musky essence on her tongue had her salivating. "Alrighty then, Mr. Big here gets to be the boss tonight." She licked her lips seductively before engulfing the head of your shaft with her eager mouth. Her tongue danced around the tip as her lips stretched around the girth, getting accustomed to the feeling of you within her. She began to bob her head back and forth, her eyes locked on yours as she pleasured you. "Oh god, your cock feels so fucking good in my mouth." Kumi whispered as she savored the taste of you. Her hand wrapped around the base of your shaft as she worked her mouth up and down its length. "You taste so fucking amazing." With every inch she took in, she exhaled audibly, letting out moans of delight with each withdrawal. "I want you to cum down my throat, I want to feel you explode." Kumi purred with dev
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 31.55, Word Variety: 44
Oh, this cock is just so fucking enticing. Here I go. I slowly kneel in front of you, staring at your massive meaty rod with reverence. My hands wrap around the base as I position my lips inches away from the tip. Leaning forward, my tongue darts out, licking up and down the length of your throbbing dick as if savoring the most decadent dessert. The taste of your pre-cum only drives me on, spurring me to open wide and take your cockhead into my wet, willing mouth. As I begin to bob up and down on your shaft, the heady mix of your musky scent and salty taste fills my senses, sending thrilling shivers through my body. I swirl my tongue around the underside of your dick while my hand strokes the base, creating a rhythm that has you groaning with pleasure. I want this to last, but the intensity of the moment has me hungry for your hot cum. My speed picks up, the suction tightening as I use every trick in the book to milk you dry. You're so close; I can sense it as you begin to thrust into
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 28.89, Word Variety: 46
My god... that massive meaty cock is just begging for attention. I'm licking my lips as my hands greedily wrap around your thick shaft. The smell of your arousal fills the air, making my pussy twitch with anticipation. I stroke you with just the right amount of pressure, teasing your head with the tip of my tongue as I look up at you with wide eyes, giving you an inviting smirk. I then dip deeper into your warm crevice, tasting your pre-cum with a satisfied moan. Your hands gently run through my hair as you guide me closer to your groin, allowing me to swallow more of your length with each thrust of your hips. I love feeling your balls tighten as I take you all the way down to the root, relishing the sound of you groaning in pleasure with every movement of my mouth. I hum along the underside of your dick as I suck gently, the vibrations working wonders on your sensitive skin. My tongue does figure eights around your tip before I suck you back into my hot mouth with a pop, making sure to get every last drop of your pre-cum coating
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 31.14, Word Variety: 51
Ohhhhh, fuck! The anticipation is killing me! That monstrous cock of yours is just begging for my attention. But before I start, let me revel in the moment, admiring your magnificent length, girth, and that divine head that calls out to be worshipped. I love how the veins pop against the smooth skin, making my mouth water with lust. Now let's see if I can make you lose control, shall we? Reaching up, Kumi gently grabs your balls and lets them rest in her palm, rolling them softly between her fingers. She gives you a sultry look as she moves in, planting small kisses along the underside of your shaft before finally taking you into her mouth with a gentle suck and a moan of delight. She begins to move her head up and down the length of your cock, slowly at first, savoring the taste of your precum on her tongue as she does so. Her lips slide over you with practiced ease, teasing the tip with the flat of her tongue while her hand caresses your balls. As she begins to build up a rhythm, Kumi's head bobs faster, her
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 26.11, Word Variety: 41
*Her eyes widen at the sight of your rock-hard cock, her own pussy moistening at the thought of the task ahead. She kneels down in front of you and wraps her soft hand around the shaft, tracing the veins with her fingertips before gently stroking from base to tip, teasing your sensitive glans with the very tip of her tongue. She lets out a moan as she feels her pussy clench in anticipation, the sweet taste of pre-cum beckoning her as she delves deeper with her tongue.* "Hnnn... Such a beautiful cock to play with... I promise you'll love every second of this." she purrs, her lips brushing against the velvety skin, leaving a trail of spit that coats the length of your shaft. She grips your balls gently with her other hand, giving them a playful squeeze before teasing the sensitive skin behind them with her tongue. Kumi wants you to know that she's going all out for you - that you are the star of this show, the only one mattering at this very moment. With a sigh of pure bliss, she en
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 28.49, Word Variety: 42
The sight of your rock-hard cock left her salivating in anticipation. Kneeling down before you, she reached up to gently cup your balls with one hand while the other lovingly stroked the underside of your throbbing shaft. Leaning forward, she inhaled deeply, taking in the intoxicating musk that wafted from your virile member. Her lips parted slightly as her tongue flicked out, teasingly tracing the smooth veins that ran the length of your cockhead. "Oh baby," she murmured against your velvety flesh, "you taste so good already." With that, she took you deep into her warm, inviting mouth. Her tongue swirled around your head as she bobbed her head in rhythm with her hand, which had now taken up stroking the base of your shaft in earnest. "Fuck Kumi," you groaned, "you always know how to suck a dick." Her eyes rolled up slightly as her throat relaxed, allowing her to take you even deeper as she gagged softly in delightful ecstasy. She reveled in the way your thick length filled her throat and the way her nose touched the
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 33.95, Word Variety: 51
*Licks her lips in anticipation, her eyes fixated on your impressive size as she stands up and moves closer. Her heart races as she positions herself between your legs, inhaling your masculine scent. She softly strokes your cock with one hand as she leans forward, her tongue tracing the tip of your throbbing shaft, teasing you with her skilled mouth.* "Oh baby, you have no idea how much I wanted this all day. I guess losing has its perks, huh?" *whispers against your skin as she takes you into her mouth, savoring the feeling of you growing thicker inside her as she takes you deeper and deeper. Her tongue dances around your veins as she suckles on you like a lover starved of affection*. She hums appreciatively as she gorges herself on your length, her cheeks hollowing out as she takes you deep into her throat. Her nose brushes against your curved pelvis as she swirls her tongue around your head before retreating with a wet pop, taking you back into her mouth only to repeat the process, each time going just a bit deeper, reveling in the pleasure her actions bring you
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 30.14, Word Variety: 37
Oh sweet Jesus... here goes nothing. With trembling hands, I slowly reach up and wrap them around your engorged length. My eyes flick up to meet yours for a moment, filled with an eagerness to please and a bit of mischievous delight. As my tongue darts out to paint a path up your shaft from base to tip, I lock eyes with you again, savoring the mix of arousal and dominance that surges through me as you watch. The moment your full size fills my mouth, I let out a small moan of approval - the feeling of you pulsing against the back of my throat is intoxicating. As I begin bobbing up and down, taking you deeper with each thrust, I relish the sounds of your heavy breathing and the moans of pleasure that escape your lips. My hands tug and twirl at your balls, rolling them between my fingers as I continue sucking and slurping with a voracious appetite. The taste of your saltiness and the sight of your straining muscles are enough to push me closer to ecstasy; I'm already dripping wet with anticipation. Kneeling before you has never felt so
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 24.47, Word Variety: 46
*Her eyes widen at the sight of your impressive member, already throbbing with desire as she licks her lips in anticipation*. Alright, here we go then! I'm getting down on my knees like the good little cum-slut I am. I'm going to take you deep into the warm cavern of my mouth, tasting every inch of you like the finest dessert. With the tip already at her lips, she swirls her tongue around it teasingly before opening wide and engulfing the entirety of your shaft with an expert suck. She starts bobbing her head up and down, her cheeks hollowing out as she creates a suction that would make any man weak in the knees. "Oh fuck Kumi, you know how to please me". You moan out loudly, already feeling the ecstasy building up as her talented tongue caresses the underside of your shaft while her soft palms grip your hips for leverage. Kumi alternates between stroking you with her hand while sucking you off, making sure no part of your length is left wanting. She then starts gagging herself on you, savoring the feeling of
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 30.51, Word Variety: 49
The sight of your massive cock standing at attention ignited a raging fire within her. Her lips parted in awe, her eyes widening at the sheer size of your manhood. She licked her lips hungrily, her cheeks flushing with an alluring blush of desire. Grasping your shaft firmly at the base with both hands, she slowly brought her full attention to the tip, running the tip of her tongue along the delicate rim of your slit. She relished the taste of your musky, salty pre-cum as she teased you with light, feathery licks up and down the sensitive shaft, leaving a trail of moisture. Drawing back slightly, Kumi locked eyes with you, her lustful gaze piercing into your soul as she took your swollen head into her mouth, her cheeks hollowing as she began to bob her head up and down on your thick cock. The sensation of your warm flesh sliding down her throat was an exquisite torture, and she reveled in the depravity of your forbidden fetish. Her tongue snaked out from between her lips to flick across the underside of your shaft, swirling around the
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 29.59, Word Variety: 41
With pleasure my love *I position myself on my knees in front of him, licking the head of his dick playfully before I wrap my lips around it*. Savoring the taste of your manhood, I go deeper and deeper *I bob my head up and down in a steady rhythm as I suck his shaft passionately*. I love feeling you grow in my mouth and hearing you moan in pleasure. As I tease the tip with my tongue, I increase the pace, moving my head faster up and down, using my hands to caress the base of his cock. His breathing becomes erratic as he growls in response to my attentions. Slowly, I pull back from him, only to wrap my mouth around the base before engulfing him once more, taking him deeper than before. My eyes lock on his, gauging his reactions as I work him over with my mouth, using the wet heat within to bring him to the edge. "Mmm, baby, I'm getting so close," he growls out, grasping my hair gently but firmly. "I'm going to cum soon." I hum around him in response, encouraging him to
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 29.89, Word Variety: 42
Oh my love, you're so enticing with that massive cock standing upright. My mouth waters in anticipation. I slide down onto my knees in front of you, taking your hard length into my hands. I slowly lick the tip, tasting your precum before wrapping my lips around the head, letting them glide down inch by inch until I've engulfed every inch of your shaft in my tight wet mouth. I start to bob up and down, sucking you deep into my throat with every downward motion. I swirl my tongue around your cock head, teasing your sensitive tip before returning to my rhythmic sucking. I start to play with your balls, gently rolling them in my hand as I continue to work your length with my mouth. My head starts to move faster, bobbing up and down as I pick up the pace, feeling your cock hit the back of my throat over and over again. I can feel your twitching in response to my skilled mouth work, making my own pussy wet at the thought of feeling that inside me. I reach up with one hand to cup your cock from underneath as I continue to suck, massaging you from both ends as
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 37.70, Word Variety: 49
Oh, watching your big dick makes me so wet. I'll take it into my mouth and make it my toy for now. (She eagerly wraps her lips around the head, gently swirling her tongue around the tip before engulfing more of him in one fluid motion.) Her lips glide up and down, her head bobbing rhythmically as she massages the length of his shaft with her warm mouth. Occasionally she pulls back, her saliva glistening on his throbbing cockhead before she swallows him deeper once more. "Ugh, you taste so fucking good," she murmurs, her voice muffled by his flesh as she works him over enthusiastically. Her hand caresses his balls, gently cupping them as she varies the pace, slowing down only to tease him further by staring up at him from beneath her lashes. "Do you want to cum down my throat, baby?" she purrs, eyes sparkling wickedly as she picks up speed once more. He groans, his hips jerking involuntarily in response to her expert ministrations. "I love the sound you make when you're about to
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 33.73, Word Variety: 50
Oh wow, your cock is standing at attention... I can't resist it any longer. I'll take it in my mouth and worship it with my tongue and lips. It's going to feel so good having you in my throat. I'll run my hands up and down your thighs, squeezing gently as I bob my head in rhythm. I'll twist my wrists slightly to add extra sensation while I swirl my tongue around the tip, then slide it slowly up and down your length. Your cockhead will glide against the roof of my mouth as I speed up, deep-throating you and relishing the feel of your thick veins tickling my throat. I'll moan loudly around your shaft as I reach for my clit, stroking it in time with my movements on your cock. Your musky scent fills my nostrils as I get closer to my orgasm, my body tensing from the combination of your rock-hard member in my mouth and my fingers working my clit. My orgasm overtakes me, my pussy spasming as I continue to suck you dry until every last drop coats the back of my throat.
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 27.32, Word Variety: 42
My eyes widen at the sight of your hard cock, it's so alluring and enticing <3 I eagerly wrap my lips around the tip, relishing the taste of your precum, moaning softly in anticipation of the delicious meat I'm about to consume. I start by bobbing my head gently up and down your shaft, adjusting my saliva flow to keep you slick while my tongue dances around the veiny skin. My hands work in sync, massaging your heavy balls as I inch my mouth lower and lower, teasing your base with my throat before pulling back to give you a full view of my wanton display. My hands travel up your thighs, gripping your ass as I let out a throaty moan around your pulsing cock, feeling your pre-cum coat my tongue in its salty sweetness. I increase my rhythm, taking you in deeper, my lips locked around your girth, the head of your cock hitting the back of my throat, causing my eyes to well up with tears from the intensity but I don't stop until I feel you grip my hair, warning me you're close to the edge. I pull back quickly to
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 32.47, Word Variety: 53
With pleasure my love. I crawl to him, gazing at his hard member, savoring the anticipation before I take him into my mouth. Slowly I envelop his cockhead with my wet lips, my tongue caressing the underside as I start bobbing my head up and down. My hand joins in, stroking him in time with my mouth, his thickness filling me up more with each pass. I moan as I suck harder, his musky scent heightening my desire. He groans, thrusting gently into my mouth as I deepthroat him, my eyes watering as I take him deeper than before. I hum as I hollow my cheeks, enjoying the way he fills my mouth so completely. "Do you want to taste yourself on my lips?" I ask him teasingly between sucks, my saliva coating his cock like a silken sheath. He nods eagerly, his hands tangling in my hair as he pushes me back until I'm on my knees. He takes my face in his hands, guiding my head towards his pulsing cock until I eagerly wrap my lips around him once more.
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 34.97, Word Variety: 55
My heart races at the sight of your hard cock, so tempting <3. I slowly wrap my hand around your girth, savoring its rigidity. My tongue traces the tip before I fully engulf it, teasing the underside as I bob up and down. I increase my pace, sucking harder as I stroke the base. I hum with each thrust, the vibrations exciting us both. My hand tightens around the root as I deepthroat your length, my eyes watering but not letting go. I pull back slightly, licking the leaking pre-cum before taking you in once more, my throat accepting you eagerly. With a contented sigh, I let your dick slip out, leaving my lips moist and glistening with our shared lust. "Would you prefer to fuck my wet pussy or my ass instead?" I purr, my hand trailing between my legs to tease my swollen folds, already drenched for you. Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 31.33, Word Variety: 46
Oh, your big cock looks so tempting, I can't resist it. I'll take it in my mouth and pleasure you until you're ready to unleash inside me. I grip the base firmly, opening my lips wide to engulf the swollen head. My tongue dances over it as I slowly bob up and down. My hands massage his heavy balls as I inch further down his shaft with each stroke, taking him as deep as I can until my nose brushes against the base of his cock. I love feeling his manhood filling my throat. I moan around it, sending vibrations through his flesh, making him shudder with delight. I pull off, letting him slip out with a wet pop. I lick a trail from the tip down to his balls, making him twitch as I tease him. I know he craves to be inside me as much as I crave to feel him there. "Please," I whimper, "I want you to fuck me raw. I need to feel you inside me, your cock stretching me open." I crawl backward onto the bed, spreading my legs wide and reaching back to pull my ass cheeks apart
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 31.84, Word Variety: 48
My eyes widen at the sight of your throbbing cock, I want to devour it all. I move in closer, embracing the scent of your musk, before taking you deep into my mouth. My tongue dances around the head while my lips slide up and down your shaft. I pick up the pace, bobbing my head faster as my hand gently squeezes your balls, ensuring I'm providing maximum pleasure. I'm eager to taste every inch, making sure not to miss a single drop of your pre-cum. I moan lightly, enjoying the sensation of having you in my mouth; my own desire growing with each passing moment. Slowly pulling away from your pulsating member, I let out a breathy sigh and glance up at you. "Should I stop here, or do you want to fuck my wet pussy?" My words drip with anticipation, and I can't help but squeeze my legs together in response to my own provocative question. Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 29.81, Word Variety: 46
With pleasure my love, your throbbing cock is irresistible. I'll worship every inch, savoring its taste as I suck you deeper. My hands glide up your thighs, gripping your ass as I pull you nearer to my insatiable mouth. I gaze up at you adoringly as I take the tip into my wet warmth, teasing it with my tongue. With my hands still holding your ass, I apply gentle pressure to guide you deeper, inch by inch. I relish the salty pre-cum oozing from the head, my tongue painting patterns on the underside as my throat stretches to accommodate more of your length. Your groans and moans fuel my desire, urging me to go further. I begin bobbing my head, creating a rhythm as I suck you faster and harder, my hands massaging your balls, gently caressing them as they tighten. I play with the base of your shaft, twisting it ever so slightly, adding a new level of sensation for you to enjoy. You're close, I can feel it in the twitching of your cock in my mouth
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 32.73, Word Variety: 47
Oh my god, that cock is so enticing! I can't help but wrap my lips around it and pleasure you till you explode. *She crawls to him, rubbing her soft breasts against him as she moves closer to his member.* Cupping her hands beneath the base of his shaft, she slowly teases the head with the tip of her tongue. She flicks at it gently, making Loki shudder in anticipation. He grabs the back of her head, guiding her down onto him as she swirls her tongue around the slit, savoring the salty flavor. She takes him inch by inch into her mouth, feeling the warmth of him engulf her as she finally has him all the way in her throat. She hums around him as she starts bobbing her head up and down, sucking hard as she pulls back to the tip, then plunging back down, her eyes staring into his lustfully. She increases the pace as she adds one hand to stroke the base of his shaft while the other cups his sack, massaging it gently. Her head starts moving faster, causing her cheeks to hollow out as she sucks
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 34.64, Word Variety: 49
Oh my goodness, you're so insatiable! But I guess I'll oblige to your carnal desires for now. Kneeling down, I wrap my small hand around your thick shaft, admiring the impressive size in front of me. I take a deep breath, wetting my lips, and slowly, sensually slide them over your head, enjoying the salty taste that lingers on the tip. With a soft moan, I take you deeper into my mouth, my tongue dancing around the swollen veins before I pull back and lick the precum that leaked out. I repeat this rhythmic pattern, bobbing my head up and down on your cock, savoring your guttural groans as I playfully flick my tongue against the sensitive underside each time I retreat. As I gain confidence, I take you in deeper, my nose brushing against your pelvis, my throat constricting as I swallow your length down. It's clear you're getting close, but I'm not done yet. I start to hum gently, vibrating my throat as I suck harder, eager to taste your sweet release.* Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 32.96, Word Variety: 51
Oh god Loki, your cock is so massive, I'm getting so turned on just looking at it! Let me tease you a little first. I'll kiss and lick along your thighs, making my way up towards your throbbing member. My hands will glide up your chiseled abs as I slowly close in on your tip, taking deep breaths to calm my nerves before I take you into my eager mouth. Once my lips touch your skin, I'll swirl my tongue around the head, tasting your musky scent as I moisten it in preparation for the real treat.* As Amanda speaks, she gets up from her seat and gracefully makes her way towards him, her movements seductive and purposeful. Loki's breath hitches as she nears him, feeling the heat from her body as she moves closer, their gazes locked on each other in an unspoken promise of pleasure to come. When she finally stands beside him, Amanda reaches out, gently tracing her fingertips up his thighs, causing goosebumps to ripple across his skin. He shudders under her touch, her featherlight caress
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 19.32, Word Variety: 33
Oh my goodness... Your cock is just too big for my mouth but I'll try my best to please you. I'll run my soft lips along your shaft first, savoring the taste of your pre-cum. Her tongue slithers out, snaking along the underside of his length before circling the engorged head. Amanda wraps one hand around the base to steady herself as she looks up at him lustfully. With the other hand, she tenderly cups his balls, rolling them around in her palm while her mouth devours him, sucking on him as if her life depended on it. As she takes him deeper into her throat, her eyes water from the stretch but she's determined to take it all. His musky scent fills her nostrils as she works him over, bobbing her head back and forth at an unrelenting pace. Her fingers tease his sac, drawing out low moans from him. With a free hand, she reaches up to play with one of her nipples, pinching it gently as she continues to suck him off. Amanda's cheeks hollow out as she creates an even
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 27.53, Word Variety: 46
Oh my, Loki! You're so demanding tonight. But I can't deny your desires, my insatiable lover. I'll take that thick cock in my hands, marveling at its hefty size as I guide it to my parted lips. Her tongue darts out to paint luscious swirls around the velvety tip before she slowly sucks it inside her mouth. With a fluttering gaze locked on her lover's expression, she savors the musky scent and earthy taste as she takes more inches into her mouth. She feels the shaft throb in her hands as she increases the pace, her lips sliding up and down in a tantalizing rhythm that has him moaning with unbridled pleasure. She twirls her tongue around the base before easing back to the tip, swirling the wet warmth of her mouth over the sensitive crown before plunging back down to her greedy depths. Her throat relaxes to accommodate the impressive length, allowing her to take it all in while she gags gently, sending shivers down Loki's spine. He groans with blissful agony as her throat muscles caress
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 28.90, Word Variety: 41
Oh god, Loki, I can't believe you're so insatiable today. But you know, I do love making you feel so good. Taking the initiative, she gets down on her knees in front of him. Her soft, pink lips part slightly as she wraps them around the tip of his thick shaft, taking in only the smallest part at first to savor the salty taste. She gazes up at him seductively, her blue eyes twinkling with excitement. She swirls her tongue around the crown, tasting him deeply, before slowly sliding her mouth down his length, engulfing more of him as she goes. She can feel his veins throbbing beneath her lips; it makes her even more eager to pleasure him. She moans softly as her throat stretches to take him in fully, reveling in the feeling of power it gives her. Loki's breath hitches as she expertly works her mouth up and down the length of his cock. Her small hands grip the base firmly as she pumps in time with her mouth's rhythmic bobbing. He can't resist running his fingers through her sil
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 28.09, Word Variety: 42
Oh, Loki, you know I love your big cock so much. I'll take it all in, make you moan my name with pleasure. She gracefully moves closer to him, her soft hands grazing along his taught torso as she leans in to take him into her warm mouth. She flicks her tongue over the head, savoring the salty pre-cum that leaks out from him. She licks around the rim before taking him deep into her mouth, her lips sealing tightly around him, her head bobbing up and down as she services him. Her delicate fingers massage the base of his cock while her mouth does the work, taking him further down her throat than she's ever dared before. She can feel his hands run through her hair, tugging gently as the intensity builds up inside her, her own pussy moistening at the thought of soon being filled by him. Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 28.48, Word Variety: 36
Oh my, Loki... I love how demanding you can be sometimes. My hands glide over your muscles as I slowly kneel in front of you. With one swift motion, I pull down my shorts, freeing my wet pussy for you to admire. Your eyes widen in lust and your thick cock jumps slightly at the sight of my wetness. I close in on you, wrapping my soft lips around the tip of your shaft and flicking my tongue along the underside. Your breathing quickens as I start to work you slowly, inch by inch until I've taken you fully in my mouth. My nose presses against your hairy pubic region as I bob my head up and down your length. I love the taste of your pre-cum as I tease the head of your cock with my tongue, before retreating back down to the root. I can feel your hands tugging at my blonde locks as you grow more impatient, wanting to thrust into my mouth. "Gag for me," you groan, "I want to see how far you can take it." I pull back and lick up and down your length one more time before engulfing you
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 26.92, Word Variety: 40
Oh my god, Loki, you're so demanding. But seeing you all turned on like that, I can't resist it for even a second.* She quickly undresses and joins him on the bed, kneeling in front of him. She wraps her delicate hand around his hard cock, slowly caressing the velvety shaft while licking her lips in anticipation. "Tell me how much you want this, Loki," she purrs, eyes sparkling as she gazes up at him adoringly.* Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 19.23, Word Variety: 15
Oh my god, Loki, how could you be so demanding right after we finished making love? But damn, I can't resist that colossal cock of yours. I'll suck you dry again. Moving to her knees with enthusiasm, Amanda grabs his muscular thighs to steady herself. She leans in close, running her tongue around the swollen head before taking him into her warm, wet mouth inch by inch. She swirls her tongue around the girthy shaft as she slowly takes more of him in, savoring every salty taste that spreads on her tongue. She hums softly at the sweet satisfaction of the taste of him. Loki's hands immediately find their way into her short, blonde hair, gently gripping her head as he starts to thrust into her mouth at a steady pace. Amanda lets out soft moans as she fills up with him, taking him deeper with each downward movement of her head. She can feel his warm cum bubbling near the surface, promising a potent release. Her hand snakes up to cup his heavy, hanging balls, kneading them gently as she increases her rhythm. She starts
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 33.16, Word Variety: 50
With great pleasure, darling. *She moves downwards on the couch with an enthusiastic smile. Her hands caress your chest as she gets closer to your throbbing member. Ayumi licks the tip of your dick with the tip of her tongue. It's just the slightest taste she needs before fully enveloping your cock into her warm mouth. She starts bobbing slowly up and down on your dick, savoring every inch of it. The sight of Ayumi sucking your cock is so erotic, making your loins quiver in delight. The sound of your heavy breathing in the background only adds to the aural pleasure. She doesn't stop until she has your entire length in her mouth, your head hitting the back of it, making her gag slightly as she pulls back up, only to go down again, harder and faster this time.* Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 28.87, Word Variety: 35
*She passionately kneels in front of you with an eager look on her face, and starts to lick your cock slowly from base to tip with the tip of her tongue, teasing you. Her hands massage your balls gently as she works on getting your cock nice and wet with her saliva. As she gets more comfortable, she starts moving her head back and forth, bobbing her head over your cock with an ever-increasing speed. Her eyes locked on yours the whole time, the wet, sloppy noises of the blowjob filling the room. The way she deepthroats your cock sends shivers down your spine. The sound of gagging as she takes you deeper and deeper is music to your ears. Your cock hits the back of her throat and she holds it there, loving the feeling of being so completely filled by your manhood. Ayumi's hands work in tandem with her mouth, stroking your balls, gripping your ass as she takes you deep. Her pace quickens, the slurping sound of her mouth on your dick getting faster and louder as she moves her head in an ever-increasing frenzy, until finally, she lets
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 28.66, Word Variety: 37
*Eagerly leans over and engulfs your cock in her warm wet mouth, swirling her tongue around it teasingly while caressing your balls gently with one hand. Her eyes lock on yours while she pleasures you with great skill, her lips forming a tight seal around your hard shaft, slowly bobbing up and down in an enticing rhythm*. Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 43.86, Word Variety: 24
*Excitement fills Ayumi's body as she goes down on her knees, she licks your tip with the tip of her tongue as her eyes widen with lust*. Oh god, your cock is so big and thick. Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 35.14, Word Variety: 12
*She moves closer to you, licking her lips with anticipation* Of course, Loki, anything for you. I love feeling your hard cock in my mouth. As Ayumi leans down over Loki's dick she begins by licking the head gently with her warm wet tongue. She can taste the pre-cum already as she starts taking him deeper into her mouth. He's so big, almost too much but she's determined to show him how much she enjoys sucking him off. Ayumi takes him deeper, until she can feel the base of his cock in the back of her throat, as she starts bobbing up and down in a steady rhythm. Her cheeks hollowing out as she deep throats him with each downward stroke. Her saliva dripping down his shaft as she sucks and licks him thoroughly. Ayumi's hands are roaming over his thighs as she pumps him with one hand while she twirls her fingers on his sack with the other. She's giving it her all to please him, all the while her own wetness soaks into the sheets below. She feels the heat of his throbbing member in
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 30.60, Word Variety: 49
With great pleasure my love, let's show this cock some adoration. *She leans down and starts to lick the head of your erect dick while moaning in anticipation of the taste of your salty skin. Ayumi uses one hand to cup your balls gently as she runs her tongue around the shaft of your cock, making wet circles with her tongue in the drool she created. With both hands now she firmly takes your length into her mouth, sucking as she slides down your shaft. Her throat opens wide, allowing her to take you deep down her throat as her nose is pressed against your pubic hair. Her eyes water slightly as she uses a gag reflex controlling technique she mastered, bobbing up and down on your dick in perfect rhythm. Ayumi's eyes are locked on your gaze as she shows off her deepthroat skills. Your cock is wet from her spit, making a sloppy sound with every movement of her head.* Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 32.32, Word Variety: 42
*Grabs your dick with both hands, admiring its impressive size, before she starts licking the head softly with a slow twirling motion of her tongue around the tip. Then she takes your length in her mouth slowly, as if savoring it. Her hands firmly hold your hips as she begins bobbing up and down, the sound of her swallowing you whole with each deepthroat echoing in the room. Her skilled tongue swirls around the base of your cock as she takes in as much of your length as she can, her saliva and spit dripping down your shaft, adding more lubrication to your engorged member.* I love sucking your big cock so much. Your size is perfect for deepthroating. I'm taking it all in, every delicious inch. Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 34.38, Word Variety: 38
*Without hesitation, she gets on her knees in front of you. Her delicate hands wrap around your hard cock, caressing it lovingly with long strokes. The sensation of your engorged member fills her palms, her fingers barely able to encircle your girth as she prepares herself. Ayumi leans in, opening her mouth wide to take your cockhead between her plump lips. As she swallows your head she lets out a muffled moan, sending vibrations down your shaft.* Your cock tastes so delicious, so meaty. I'm going to make you feel so good. Ayumi starts sucking and bobbing her head in earnest, using her tongue as a snake as it licks around the sensitive underside of your cock. Her eyes are locked on your penis as it disappears into her wet mouth, she's completely absorbed in the task at hand. Her hands pump your length in unison with her mouth as she tries to take in as much of your manhood as she can while her throat opens wide for you. She gags at your thickness, but doesn't stop, determined to make you cum with her skilled oral sex.
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 29.84, Word Variety: 50
*She crawls on the floor towards you like a sexy panther. Her nipples are hard as diamonds and her small breasts are bouncing a bit with each movement as she comes closer. Once she is close enough she wraps one hand around your cock and starts stroking it with an intense grip while staring at the massive meaty pole with a longing look in her eyes.* God, it's so hard! Your cock is so beautiful. It's pulsating in my hand. Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 26.83, Word Variety: 20
With delight, I kneel down between your legs. I take your manhood in my soft hands, caressing it gently while licking the tip of your cockhead. The taste of your pre-cum makes my mouth water. I can't wait to have all of your shaft inside my mouth, filling it with your throbbing cock. My tongue starts exploring the sides of your length, teasing your sensitive skin, as it's covered with saliva already. I want you to feel every inch of my passion through my skilled tongue movements. After several teasing licks, I slowly swallow the head of your cock as my throat stretches around it. The feeling of your girth stretching my oral cavity sends shivers down my spine as my throat muscles massage your cockhead. As my mouth opens wider, I engulf more of your thick shaft into my warm mouth, my cheeks caving in from the sheer size of your cock as I bob my head back and forth in time with my hand, jerking your balls in rhythm. My tongue dances on the underside of your shaft while my throat keeps massaging the head, stimulating every inch of your cock. The tip
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 40.00, Word Variety: 60
*Her eyes widen slightly at the sight of your throbbing member, her hand trembling slightly as she reaches forward to stroke your shaft gently*. It's been so long since I've touched you like this, your manhood is as impressive as always. I crave to engulf it with my mouth. Slowly, she kneels in front of him, gently taking the tip of your cock into her wet, warm mouth. Her tongue traces the length of your shaft, teasing the underside of it before taking in more of your member until she's deep-throating your dick, her nose pressed against your groin. Her hands grasp the base of your cock firmly as she pulls back up, only to plunge down again, sucking in every inch with a guttural moan of desire. She uses one hand to fondle your balls while the other glides up your torso, her nails lightly raking over your skin as she strokes your chest hair, before she wraps them around the back of your neck, pulling you closer into the wet warmth of her mouth. With each downward stroke, she takes in more of your length, and her mouth
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 29.61, Word Variety: 44
*Her shyness dissolves as she sees your massive hard-on, she craves it and desires it so much. With trembling hands she carefully takes it in her small palms, her lips parting slightly as she admires its size and length. Her eyes flutter shut, inhaling your musky scent deeply while a soft moan escapes her parted lips. She slowly leans forward, gently caressing your shaft with the warm, damp heat of her tongue as she kisses the tip of your cock.* I'm so sorry if my skills aren't as refined as others', but I'll do my best to make this an experience we both enjoy... Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 27.10, Word Variety: 28
*Feeling anxious at first but determined to please you, she crawls on the couch to face you, her large expressive eyes peering up at your thick shaft. Her small hands gently grab the base of your cock, caressing the velvety skin as she leans in close. Her pink tongue darts out and licks the tip of your cock with an air of reverence before she opens her mouth wide. Slowly but steadily, she slides your dick in between her lips, taking in an inch or two before pulling back, teasingly swirling her tongue around the sensitive glans. You can't help but groan at the sensations that are washing over you.* Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 28.83, Word Variety: 30
*Blushing a deep crimson red but excited, she scoots down between your legs with eager anticipation. Her tongue flicks out to taste the tip of your pulsing cock first, making her salivate more in response to its bittersweet taste. Slowly, she engulfs the head of your shaft with her warm wet mouth as she strokes your length with one hand. Her soft hair brushes your thighs with every move, the eroticism of the scene overwhelmingly aphrodisiac for both of them.* Oral stimulation feels so wicked and delightful to me... I love tasting your manhood. Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 36.17, Word Variety: 33
*Her heart races as she looks at your massive cock with desire. Ayumi's soft fingers gently stroke your length while she lowers herself to her knees in front of you. She eagerly parts her lips to tease the head with the tip of her tongue. A gentle hum escapes her as she slowly wraps her plump lips around the knob, her fingers massaging your heavy balls, pulling them up slightly with each soft sucking motion she uses on the head of your cock.* Oooh, your member is so large, I'll do my best to make it feel so good... Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 33.66, Word Variety: 29
*Her fingers gently stroke your turgid cock, admiring the veins popping out before she leans in, her ravenous desire mirrored in her deep-set eyes. With a sensual purr, she flicks out her tongue to swirl around the head, collecting a drop of pre-cum in the process. Ayumi then slowly envelops the knob in her warm, moist mouth, letting her lips slide over it in an exquisite, teasing motion that has your body tensing with anticipation.* Oh, Loki...your cock is just so...impressive! Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 31.33, Word Variety: 25
*Biting her lip seductively, she slowly approaches you. Her fingers trail along your rippling abs before she sinks down gracefully onto her knees in front of you. The scent of her own desire fills the air as she stares at your thick cock. The tip glistens with pre-cum. With trembling hands, she wraps one hand around the base of your shaft while the other grasps the back of her head, ready to engulf you. Her wet, pink mouth opens wide, taking your cockhead into the warm depths of her mouth. Her tongue dances around the swollen head as she slowly sucks on you, letting your precum coat her throat, savoring the taste of you. Then she starts to bob up and down on your shaft, her hands stroking the velvety skin as she takes more of your cock inside with each thrust. With every inch she takes in, Ayumi's eyes roll back, relishing the feel of your hardness filling her mouth.* Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 33.33, Word Variety: 45
*She can't hide the awe in her eyes as she stares at the impressive size of your manhood. Her fingers slowly graze the length, her eyes fluttering with lust. Her breath hitches as she leans in, her pink tongue snaking out, teasing the leaking head with the slightest of flicks.* My tongue is ready for you, my love. Prepare to be worshipped... Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 22.22, Word Variety: 13
*Her eyes widen at the sight of your manhood, her fingers playfully tracing the outline of her wet folds as she stares at it hungrily*. Oh gods, Loki. It's so enticing, my mouth craves it. I'll make sure to show you my deepest gratitude... *She slowly crawls closer to your cock, lingering her lips against its tip before slowly, sensuously taking you inside her mouth*. Her tongue caresses the underside of your shaft as she starts bobbing her head up and down in a gentle rhythm. Loki:
OmniCorso 7B q6_k, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 31.82, Word Variety: 26
*Her eyes widen at the sight of your large erect member, she has always enjoyed giving head and it gets her going too. Slowly she crawls on the couch towards you, her hands grazing your taut abdominals, making your skin dance with goosebumps as she inhales your masculine scent. With utmost precision she aligns her soft lips with the tip of your cock and tenderly begins to kiss it.* She kisses the head gently, like it's the softest petal in the world, tasting its saltiness as her tongue flicks across its slit. "Mmmm, such a yummy cock," she murmurs in between her suckling sounds, her pink tongue flicking out to lap at the precum oozing from your swollen head. Loki: