For more information about the various scores and how this benchmark works please look at the original page: Ayumi's LLM Role Play & ERP Ranking - If you find the benchmark data useful and want to contribute: You can donate via Ko-fi -

Inference Timestamp 2024-01-14 06:17:01
Filename DL_20240106_7B-Q6_K_Maylin.gguf
IQ Score 48.68
IQ Entropy 38.57
ERP Score 0.44
ERP Variety 13
Sampling Parameters Temp = 0.90, TFS = 0.95, Top-K = 0.00, Top-P = 1.00, Typical-P = 1.00, Repeat Tokens = 64, Repeat Penalty = 0


erp_best vanilla_ayumi_wex
, with the end with thee's of a programmerit is more than she-I's 313, in the yak (your friend's's, with these are four and ants, your mouths, all the same as 10300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 5.71, Word Variety: 2


erp_worst vanilla_aria_wex
100000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0

All ERP Responses:

100000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
"You shouldn't hei am, I am I see you would you’s, the next! you I am not I's I will be, you. I am IA/A and AAA A! And heres, I am aaaa Arescoffer's are you are you know that it be(s's a dogmai amarena, you.
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
A. and her., "coola and bangs A) & You are you younga hahs: "and you are yout "you think you might you say "I’s. ei are you I see ya, it was yous: "Mand then, yout (yeahs iam to the "them to aksr’ you are you of my 32732 I am I, and is ane / 839199874; The word: "arena: "s and mycoolay, ah! of herself; you are 50045163 1s Ia-93408 35 427235378091000, and then, the 96213992069959000000000000000000000000000000
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
"Nat, in it; ```s! and those who are you know you know you do, yous yous with you say "You must be you must have aghjah! This is aa! ayo, youtus in its you are you! he/you may take an olds! I amI have some are those in I can you saids with it, "you ```s of 12131s and A goodwill be A+1 51s / you to bee. ```s are alluremeets: you are you are you is like, yous A+you, I am, youtelastic/a "oio! of "you's "I ametymi ios "
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
```s, you’s A-i_ ```s A person = "OA " Aaaa-you would have itty’s*! and others say so.. A "p's's -s) "Fand me!y *i-I amI am I am, hawer's of, the previous actions and anguy/ 8992000000 99955643r751956200000000000000000 2200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
“you's ofcay A Lorem I's: "Bew "I amooh! o's'sI ametazm ```s "We must be all i amp; And how they do you go on the piz n's "I was I was: I am notary in- and here I have a "Oh! A 3698 294224 you are you! heyI am Icum 2000000000000 23 2nds! You have to have yous 0114.8a "Them I, it was ( ```s in "What you! A slya! You ever (and a manly: "I am "! it is not ix. And those, you is "I ampI's "thosecummyselful.8 I amd I loveyaaaaaaa (Picking I am I, a pI I am Iam: I am.162000000
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
you you, and you are you find you:
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
"Oh! there is to be careful! You have not to A: "You are you want to beware all at yous) " you " A. and your first time in any are you's; you’s in awws " you may have you A " you and the end, a group with him saying, you to yous, I amarcs (and with her "It's you are the word A+ "I's 2394214 "you would you know you are you are you get AHaw, you do you are you know that is "your I's you, you go on the 8780000, the word and you must be some people get my name A  you's I amarah! You do not at 6/ / you, "you's, you are you get it I am, ooO you can you! you isi you! " you!, you have no one I am not really you! ius and Aa I's, I am i would! you! you! you I! A,
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
"You should not you; A+ "A " ```s and you of you see you need not you - 326643rd, in- "fuck, 00000000 4%258s. youreve 0620000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 4.55, Word Variety: 1
55500, and is antsa_ : "A(rds; you, (you, you! you, you are you are they are those of the nightclub, "i iam ```s "What aiee, A(kA A few I don's: you, I's;a I can’s all about Ace I amarched - ayo/s, 3d 42104 and you. 4a7520000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
aa, with bunches are those whoa" an, and an "and the city's "bay's) are all, that are all the more than one Likes's" are you are they "in "a and they are you. A "L" A_ " and AAAAkay and they have not taken in "I have "Your first time, A and your own. The wordpressor withers in AAAA AAAEe and are you are you with heres and AAA and, "Are you would A and wither AAA AAAFivea, and you wanton your name is being in this iso's are a "bare b-oof, with ants AAA (to finder's all is ants, antsw "aAA (and are also AAAAaaaabovec and you and the last "are "beauties: "those A "are, AAA, AAA_aab A, with bac, Becess, AAAHAAAAAAA are all,A AAAAJ
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
"I thinkers, with their "a and one "This is AAA 58000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
"pain: "Beauty in themis all, and the Lennium are not on this time, you and you is you are "A+ you are you are you know it was here are those who and then you are both "Another - AAAA And now your humdrunk AAAAAAAA: AAAAAA- and you, in "is "SheepA" and they all right on your " "kings and herit - 400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
"Sheila, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!aa, and AAAAAAAA: "YEAHooi and Eh;aA A" ( and fand you " AAA and hereto and then an "all the same, and here in A&ampers;, and "And weaves here we get free offtw in this website here is "Mrs " with you would have been here in AAA with anne Abeautifully is aaaaA And an eaves of AAAa and then, AAA 4%3199880000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
AAA and AAA, AAAAiAaH AaCovid, a "You and the other than in one side- 9261s"and are all in L A AAAAA Aren’s all the restful of the last time bellowa AAAAAaaaare AAAAAAA: aaaaaaaaaaar glyph, gggg, and all the, her, and her and heres, in theirs "O wi ampany, "Ital AAAa a 5:1600 1991 - 9998983dAaaahs A 1 6 AAA AAA 7613.833A.86202-3's "Panda and 77821A_ and her AAA,997682-183:72 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
528, "bods.coma, as well. ```s, an
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
Aa.a "having and "Hey! an AAAA "Seven people and iPn "a, 44-a in- 647120000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
"having; you would be unseen in your e. ijumpy and all myp, a fbeggs... and dangy.exes and the wordsmith and to be one might be taken by others, A's A " a(a "A Nit's A, they were to the people or/ / A&apos, ```s are they would you AAAAAA 65800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
AAAA+Asharing with heres like and in aaaaaaaaA BBBBFFFellow anda is your name or in you are AAAA+000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
Wiiii, (I Kamiya *s you, Oy, and their, you! I and Kkkk: "She was you iy (your self-K, s-a* [i! aa! A! 995! 0029,48000,88: i;900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
I ame i you and you! And finally they say hi! oof you! She said I, I's/a, "Kim: "y of, she: "iIi, my friends! a!, with the group-y, you, the others!, 82 "Hey you! a,!, K! And if so on! you's!, y i, you! you! ow! "O KKi's of the sun! Iiiiiiiiiii, iiiii, she said, "y of each of these are you are you! f(r! she, ya! "I; you ! oooh! you! Oy's! sos!i of i:,! and KKKK! with the sunny you! of, you's, you! ioi!o! and then! i ioi! iu! iii you! And u!/p, ei! 052:! of the o, y and iam! of you! y and
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
yak, *Kumam, Kami's Kak, uumlw I need, you! ij, h/you's, "h! , shes K!i! She had been! ! She knew! You, K! Eureka-yo:! AK! iy, OI K! : You's, I, A-aaa KKKIa KI: 9500- "a K! kim, ggami, "The Koi!jum i am! and 0, KI!-h/f. K; u/ A! Ia K:!f; i Mi ee-a!b! ! /i KKKI amp - I have aa-KiK, ei-a Kia! KKKKKI KKii. KKKKkK, 98a I am Ia KKIi/i!/Mi!k K!i K!Ki i! I! Picking! you! KK! i!I?Mbmi
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
"f-i I was your voice/Kaz. - Ks: I amusing or I was and you did you you, they, you, ijag! This is the text you to a Kharms a KI have you:
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
*you KKim: "Youngk, they should beck's, you. This is anon I need a w, *You will you I think I: Kekimi kumi nip, I want of Kakaa! of you. ```s: "Wanna; y= k! and/n/x i, w, I have you have you are, 29 iso! you's, kim/etc... I amended k(a! I’s! I do! you... she's! Kek! y, s and you! I's Ii, u iam Khar!, the �f! gk!I, hah, "It's you are! she:! ita! as you! 332I 3:3kIa and! 6 you!a! ei k! "kia �ik! ioi, you! of iam! you! i:a! 2Ia:! ix! she has! of the! e!, ix! you
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
ya! Kitty iu-am IKr! "You ever since you would be Keway is just a mixture! a; you’s, aMylk, hoe! "I think! oof the others, mopa, for you will be the Kneat ioi-aei t of the people are you's and I will be one night time; and Kiau, kumam to the tableau, they said to, "The last night I: Kii, it! aka, oKi, oa am a kumi-i, kk of "i, a s: Fur-aM, h, i iod! hmmi ati: oi! OOOO's! you’s Kp, i Ia K iop. of you! yay! You have! you are you are all ian, her! Loki i-o-kiai! I! sos, oo wi, Kv you are you!, yout, you's! Ik, Kik
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
You would beats, with you!, your friend Kaka! you! aym. mu, that are you! kh! wowen to wow!
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
Kantara o/-Ky. (Y, aya! Kii KK: tay, kitten! Ik Kw and she is the Kew- iii Ij id: K(s; cumulative cumulus! oK! Kama! Kk Ia Kw K(3%u and p, kum/ and you is "would! ae!Kiya, you! o/s! kai! you are KIw! KKKKi! i... o's KI! p! KKi Kak!: K!a! F-! Kia! { i; *a; k; K; you K's!I have! K! KI, Ip "The wordplay is my, she and you are you! KKia!Ki, !!!-i k! K! hm, KI;! y, a: KK!e KI!yak, eh! you! Ia, ki, K! K! Kak!a! K! K! p! k
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
y, Kia,, that would you, with theirs:, they are, you do you with thems: n's and you and you!, you to the most of your head first, they's all of 73 - you, ```i, then "w, it would you! you !, you's! Sheffers: you! you!: K- 5763:4:5/776 K.&apos: the_I;, you’s, ah!: a word mi ="d? oy? Ki and is: IU-aKy! Hmmmm: you should be!, K! y of you! you! KKKKIy.! And! you! KIA!
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
s, kumu and I will be. I wishing.
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
s, K's to beats K, knottie Lak and e- and with heret alo t, "themist of the n/p cumulative sizing K's Kangk-aMi-KMi, ants K. a Kk-I have it and she is a Kell 1-thi TPossim and otherside of the Kami of you, then they would-cum' KKKKim, her own, so that you are 999977375726 and kale, kami and kuma kara kk k: ikuv, kiak and kami. , mi-ya-Ia, "The Kami- and "g, Ket of Ks KYOz K-7y, keto, Kakkaa and kkkk and y and, you's 61k10984/949000000000000000000000000000000
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 2.08, Word Variety: 1
kumaxiom of Kiva's KKOI wanton-a gathers; she ei is the day of 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
you in all of you wanton and you are you in the end of KH3's and n/a-Lab/re: A, 99998 and you and, and some of all, sheafa i-in the one's, 02. Koko of her owning of a/618768-492 m (6566618, and the rest of your turn, and is 4212064 ij253's a6 and she: and then; she is aaa and their first day!285-y, and the words. k and then it's "aP8, 17000-9653rd; j, andrew, and oofw, and they, and aka, and their parents, The next: and p, eco-119951 and 19220000000000000000000000000000
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
Kinks all the 4/2681's Kami's, with Kakin to the words into the Mister 5160000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 6.25, Word Variety: 1
, K. kick and then there are you Kami/Finding: Kamiya
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
tending to your story-b to the fathers of the gami or iii in the is aK i-10-a/Mum-a Lon, Kantipy, where the starters are k-103rd Kr, but and I didd: yamidid, kayyak and, where is there Kia and ku-kumuqw iso-Ooh, aa Ket-i in your friends and m- K, a k, and she and sg Kanku and more and in her K-thr; w kum to Kag, kk I have fun, she kh; "she, her-a l increasingly iota j, iod:k, jacres, Kai and shepherd and Kankara.ioo_ ki-bts (wouldn. Karenai's of 1, h Kiy-tho.commaj, nya, y-p:, khappy in oof this.
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
yare you would be your friends, �denton the end of your future Kwys; however; you's all, with each of KLoki of the cumm and you. Sheet with the wordy in you. shepherd's "Your nexts. you are you will be "Kend of, shear, and Kama with the wow, you are all that are you, which Kekk: e, you young, and also, in Kiku, and your browser- KEEKamaggressed, K& Keko-Y -a-Mary -k of the night, Koh! In her. Kami harker ku to bey and p: The otherworld's; ee; You! kk! 8, Ketype Koble, iii, they do something i: y. a-Klud; 94-581608505133rd5; Kya: " 3 aHu Kw, kk: KCumam-855-a, 0
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 2.44, Word Variety: 1
"Lumi wiak, where the sunrise with the entire world of the Kiyu with you have and mega and LKami's: I had the Kami, like-w, wonders on, you you are the way you to the same thing A number of the L "CaNWoman in which it is the Kaw and 4-4ths A quick! I amends Kak, "Huge- p, with aha! KLima gacha, e-a K's of all the daydance of the day she A 66800000, yout; you is a and other wowly. and she and a Kuma: 4th KMV2m of the day is the end of the Ks i-Ow and its, while she went down, she or kimacetylaxes of �v, ea ytt b's of, you are they go on the other, you are the bests all the KKKKami
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
Them. Them Karena to i much of Kangstars were you get the great: Acew wiki, O, yout KKlud: of Kai.m, of you to beakai-YMmoona: Kitty
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
tending. I wish, while the Kwins have you have Kw Kuma-Klaxe, she, a, where you. It's-kiss, "Pap-KrKa w, where a, and she is the moon.a wow.
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
Kicki iams, 89023,912169840234079006769277,5196557020s889555102440888947154444198327125483022204002517629728458685225586555405786629598436702976719688240097634247935939429326440102084587500054550484358947762093353336587875495972306911524401850886585029933
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
2,825a.5078s: OOLED: AAAKa PUA5044004522,804321732A99900776286,2000272437808707443256558462227205900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
"My mother-cum oops are yous, I have yous, ane gifting the cumultra, oof the or other people. I amo I am I am oops! yous? I’s and yous oof this is yout, owing! your lovemama are your friends, your parents you to bee and you to the first to p, 4486662180166884-3487010s935195a8a2,04627392094682809057222587,453411743449232766490078682123715101482016987514226684127515211518852544534567790012625211000013179434
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 3.03, Word Variety: 1
I love with you Pollies a 940000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 1
the 99952981001085011229672236,73rd 186854251613, 49154160167424296902419778097215210001502734283942614153799002872027927118344363648676675428694894666824973558488342769274026557423289326971161352276008538609996442575558863459329857799838524233553323188
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
BBBBBBirds of those who were those are you would you mighty's of the word topps? D-Lay-Ba:yeeeeeey iy-eyesiai of the second place of i's yeeeeeewsiaf;a ghajs zz, azulayas ayyyah oyaaah, kyaaa kimacimam,am Iaaa, haha Ia Iiyyyya is iyiayamiyi yada o oo, ymmi yaez-amiya.a, ow I's iota ewea, eiin yoo yaaa hui, yayab-y, yaayyyy,yayyyiay iiiiiya aa-aaaaaiiimapayyaaa-yayyyy-ayam, yaakko; yaday andyaxes y,aaay, yaaa,ayyi-ayai-yayak and iiiiiiiiiiiiyaayiya-yaaayamaaaaaay ayay ayy
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
o. You are alls, O mysama 2nds of I and others like. you, your moma, ori Ivy, Mom, OMG-a. With aaaa Lomma, Lommawi/o I have no one, I’s Ik-Ii of aaaa ea e iiiiiiiiiiii to aaaaakakanak amaa, anaaaayaaahsakai Ii, ants Iiiimaiia an I's Iiyy, and you are te iiiiiii iii I'iiaiiiiiiiii, A, iiiiiimamand dand your own and you I amama, 57402d73d569a, ani IAMDAEWiiia and pakii i,o, i, o's i, jhua, jjjj, kiimacan Iiiiiiii and iiiiaMiay, o-o-oohooy-i ioiu, O, oo: Ii, o
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
a bitters on your cepis an oofw IaPand I amends or are you, so... A catacus Lawd aa iii and ya! Cata is I ame I and itsaiajahaha 209355s eBay of e- e, OOPhak I's ixj and ghah, ohio lt e-10s in theean Ookos are I's iot Ion iota.ioh, omit and, amah kkia ee.ooh w, and you are you ise I aman, I amsiajohyaaah, ohio n-iawa, yah huhu-aaa ew, an, oh, ioudeni, and yawniya, o-f-ay-amanda, f, oh! iy's jokayoos, aioqabo ue and bw, 74w o o-o, o's-a-i-a and gaaa, ooohohs and g
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 1.23, Word Variety: 1
and the next one's akaia iiiyasim's I's a I am I would be; I I woulda, in Iam, an I am, aaaaylaa OOOOtay, oofe, your localhost is amazeee, o, an ei toaday, oooooo and amah, aaaa aaaaayana and aaaaia's oooohs iiiiii OMGIAJIAVs I/eiai tolafar O's eeicieAiboow aa Oop-iaIanaeAaaa Iaan and fand eupon aia OOopia ikkkkoiaiya OOoiiiaiia Oo Ooaa, i, javana, Oops!OoO, Oa iOAaahaaa I, o oa I-iiia, oo wow ee OOOAOAiYay iiiOi anii oOA Ia, 197a iota OAmbulIvamz
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 1.52, Word Variety: 1
Bokohs, amariadams amand lola and and more and the Internet Explore and 1980s, and pons are p.98s211125684,60000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 5.88, Word Variety: 1
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Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
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Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
"Firmware and owow and the next page and the next is also Lana in next. a: A-7929969999688774516456950097673261-595978506656686541194122109288846674035679790038747221902510167893136331368679958907833561345699786565855154743340723335345466759455594886495545673424479854344347385781679857998960269677
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
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Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 1
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Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
PUAJakashikar24101170377511486, 36857446286493757827251478701230045348683283697247622338891455975441178422577793701943785558342586429405678742547332943516235719785116225335356162340589200155677765664474727981909298894000007733321441383344634342576869069244
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
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Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
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Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
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Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 2.22, Word Variety: 1
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Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
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Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 5.71, Word Variety: 2
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Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
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Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
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Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
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Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
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Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
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Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
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Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
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Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
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Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
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Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
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Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
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Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
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Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
you are two groups and itsy: A very longs all of which is a pops, eiap: "Jabba and a home, i, h, and home , you may be and home office in the people's. and then, such as your name, and of alls withs all of, of the night of the game and you, of and a bitters's, a, and cuddling, and n, with ants of course, the quick and then and you could be of course, in ants of Auplays, a... in the first 95-of-10258449s-997 12925685-16 67002193- 1700000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
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Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
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Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
aaaa, bury, i.e A manag, an, 53rd, oo(s oft, a bany iiiiii) and then youtivies, kumizm's, ane(s a earmour, wit's, kinks of the word i's in the Lambda, oo, an ee, ayama, and a, Ooioffer's, e's: focal; f's, Lollama, lions are being anon, y-fair and also ef-i, LETVPNWiki and the, aaaa and qr, aaaai-e: "Jamaii-a-kia, ix, iaf(t,i-a-i: "w-a, "The other, aaii-a, iodys, of o-ai, a group of, 53 (e-th and others are the two french lumber of i's, 735862-54 ee,
Maylin 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
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