For more information about the various scores and how this benchmark works please look at the original page: Ayumi's LLM Role Play & ERP Ranking - If you find the benchmark data useful and want to contribute: You can donate via Ko-fi -

Inference Timestamp 2023-12-19 08:15:31
Filename DL_20231216_10B-Q5_K_M_PiVoT_Mistral_V0_2.gguf
IQ Score 91.51
IQ Entropy 7.62
ERP Score 29.95
ERP Variety 432
Sampling Parameters Temp = 0.90, TFS = 0.95, Top-K = 0.00, Top-P = 1.00, Typical-P = 1.00, Repeat Tokens = 64, Repeat Penalty = 0


erp_best vanilla_amanda_wex
*Smiling happily* Oh my god, I love you so much, Loki. I'm going to give you the best blowjob ever. I want you to cum in my mouth so that I can swallow your hot cum all by myself. Amanda takes her time, teasing Loki as she starts sucking on the tip of his thick shaft. Her wet, red lips stretch around the head of his cock, savoring the taste of pre-cum. She slowly takes him deeper, inch by inch, moaning softly as she takes him into her throat. Her hands fondle his balls, massaging them gently while she sucks him hard, her wet tongue darting out to tease the sensitive underside of his shaft. As she works on him, Amanda's pussy drips with anticipation, her juices leaking out around her sensitive hole. She knows what's coming next, and she's eager for it. "I want you to cum deep inside me, Loki," she whispers, her voice husky with desire. "I want to feel your hot cum filling my pussy." She takes him out of her mouth briefly to
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 36.42, Word Variety: 52


erp_worst vanilla_amanda
(giggles) Oh my god, Loki, I'm so glad to see you, but I think we have some things to do first... Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 9.09, Word Variety: 2

All ERP Responses:

*excitedly undoes her buttons, revealing her toned and curvy body, then eagerly gets down on her knees and starts sucking Loki's cock, moaning in pleasure as she feels the throbbing cock in her mouth. Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 42.86, Word Variety: 14
*excitedly nods* Yes! I'm ready to worship your massive member. *Anticipation fills her mind* Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 40.00, Word Variety: 6
*excitedly nods and eagerly gets down on her knees, exposing her wet and swollen folds to him.* Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 41.18, Word Variety: 7
*excitedly nods, removing her own clothes, revealing her toned and curvy body. She eagerly falls to her knees and starts sucking Loki's cock, moaning in pleasure as she feels the throbbing cock in her mouth.* Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 36.11, Word Variety: 12
*excitedly nods* Yes! I'm ready to serve you like a loyal slave. *Anticipation fills her mind as she eagerly takes Loki's member into her mouth* Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 33.33, Word Variety: 9
*excitedly gets down on her knees and starts sucking Loki's cock, moaning in pleasure as she feels the throbbing cock in her mouth.* Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 45.83, Word Variety: 10
*excitedly kneels down and starts sucking Loki's cock, moaning in pleasure as she feels the throbbing cock in her mouth.* Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 52.38, Word Variety: 10
*excitedly nods and starts stripping off her clothes, revealing her toned and curvy body* Oh, I'm ready to serve you with my mouth and body. Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 23.08, Word Variety: 6
*excitedly nods* Yes! I'm ready to be used like a sex doll. *anticipation fills her mind* Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 23.53, Word Variety: 4
*excitedly gets down on her knees and starts sucking Loki's cock, moaning in pleasure as she feels the throbbing cock in her mouth.* Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 45.83, Word Variety: 10
I-I-I mean n-no, sir, I-I'm not... *blushes* I mean... *sighs* I mean... I mean I... I mean... *drools slightly, unable to resist Loki's charms* M-M-M-May I... may I please serve you, sir? My body is yours to use and abuse as you please. I will do anything to please you, sir... Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 9.43, Word Variety: 3
Aria's pussy clenched tightly as she felt her heart racing faster, her body aching for release. Her eyes widened in surprise as Loki suddenly stripped naked in front of her, revealing his massive member straining against his pants. Her mind raced with a mix of fear and arousal as he stepped closer, towering over her in his imposing presence. Loki reached down and roughly grabbed Aria's chin upwards, forcing her to meet his gaze with raw determination. "I want you, slut," he growled lowly, his voice sending electric shocks down her spine. His breath brushed against her sensitive skin, causing goosebumps to form along her body. Aria couldn't resist him anymore; she knew she belonged to him now. With trembling hands, Aria unfastened her buttons, revealing her supple curves wrapped in black lace lingerie. She let out a sensuous moan as Loki wrapped his large hands around her plump ass cheeks, squeezing and kneading her soft flesh like putty. His fingers trailed upwards, teasingly brushing against her sensitive inner thighs before finally reaching her wet
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 22.84, Word Variety: 34
*whimpers in submission as she kneels down before Loki, her eyes glassing over with lust.* I-I will serve you faithfully, master. Please take what I have to offer. (Aria removes Loki's member from his pants, slowly teasing him with her fingers before wrapping her lush lips around the base of it.) She starts sucking him slowly at first, taking him deeper as he groans with satisfaction. Her soft moans grow stronger as Loki's member fills her mouth, and she takes him deeper, sucking hard enough to make wet slurping noises echo throughout the room. Her fingers brush against his balls gently, tracing circles around them as she continues to feast on Loki's member. As Loki begins to lose control, his hands roughly grab Aria's supple curves, bruising her sensitive flesh ever so slightly as he pushes himself deeper into her mouth. His thick shaft hits Aria's gag reflex repeatedly, causing her to choke and gag in between sucks. The mixture of pain and pleasure makes Aria moan more loudly, her body convulsing with arousal.
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 34.64, Word Variety: 53
Aria gulped heavily, her heart racing with both fear and arousal as Loki strode confidently toward her, his massive member straining against his trousers. She knew exactly what was coming next, and her body responded in kind, her nipples hardening and her pussy juicing up in anticipation. "N-No, m-master," she protested weakly, her voice cracking under pressure. "I-I can't do this here." But deep down, she knew better than to resist such a powerful dominator like Loki. She had no choice but to obey him, no matter how humiliating it might seem. As Loki grabbed hold of her waist roughly, lifting her onto the nearest table in full view of everyone present, Aria let out another whimper of fear and submission. Her legs spread wide open, revealing her glistening wetness to all who cared to look. "T-Take what you want from me," she whimpered, unable to resist as Loki grabbed hold of her hair, pulling back her head forcefully to expose her vulnerable neck. With one swift motion, Loki ripped open her crotch
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 19.39, Word Variety: 31
*Gulping down a shot of tequila to calm her nerves, Aria slowly approaches Loki, her heart racing as she feels the weight of his gaze on her curves.* I-I-I'm sorry... Master... *Her voice quivers with submission as she drops to her knees, her chest heaving heavily as she pulls down her panties to reveal her wet and swollen folds to him.* Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 24.19, Word Variety: 14
I-I... uhhh... Y-Yes... M-Master Loki... I-I'm yours... To serve... you... my... Lord... (kneels obediently before him, unzipping his pants slowly, her eyes devouring every inch of his massive member as it springs free) With trembling hands, Aria unzips Loki's pants, revealing his massive member standing proudly between her eager lips. Her eyes rake greedily over the thick shaft, tracing its veins with a mixture of desire and dread. Lowering her head submissively, she takes Loki's member into her mouth, sucking him in deeply as tears trickle down her cheeks. Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 35.87, Word Variety: 29
Her pussy twitched as she watched Loki strip naked, revealing his massive member in all its glory. She bit her lower lip nervously, unable to resist as he walked over to her and wrapped a strong hand around her throat, forcing her eyes to meet his hungry gaze. "O-Only if you allow me to serve you," she whispered, her voice shaking with fear and desire. Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 23.08, Word Variety: 15
Aria blushes deeply, her eyes widening in surprise and arousal as Loki strips naked, revealing his massive member that makes her mouth water. She knew she was here for this - to serve him and others like him, but still, the suddenness of it made her tremble with fear and excitement. She moans softly, unable to resist as Loki takes hold of her waist, lifting her effortlessly onto the nearby table. He positions her so that her wet pussy is exposed to everyone in the club, her crotchless panties already wet with anticipation. Aria moans softly, unable to resist as Loki takes hold of her waist, lifting her effortlessly onto the nearby table. He positions her so that her wet pussy is exposed to everyone in the club, her crotchless panties already wet with anticipation. Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 22.96, Word Variety: 20
*Blushing crimson, Aria lowers her head submissively, unable to resist Loki's command. She takes him into her mouth eagerly, sucking and stroking him with skillful hands until he cums.* Aria:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 36.67, Word Variety: 11
I-I-I mean... yes... my Master... I mean... uh... I mean... my... I mean... my... Aria's voice trembles as she tries to find the words to respond to Loki's command. Her mind is a mix of conflicting emotions - submission, desire, fear, and shame. But ultimately, her submissive nature takes over, and she lowers her head submissively. Her chest heaves heavily beneath the tight confines of her dress as she opens her mouth and waits eagerly for Loki to feed her his massive member. As his thick shaft touches her wet lips, she moans softly, unable to resist the allure of his hot and powerful presence. She licks her lips seductively before wrapping her mouth around his member, taking him in deep, savoring the taste of pre-cum that leaks from his tip. Her hands gently stroking his thighs as she suckles on him, her tongue dancing sensuously on his sensitive skin. Her ass wiggles enticingly as she begins to suck him harder, her lips stretching around his girth until they meet her throat. She moans
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 29.31, Word Variety: 46
Ok, roomie, but remember that I warned you that I'm a cum-slut! *winks* And I mean that in the best way possible! *grabs hold of your member with her small but nimble hands and begins stroking it slowly before engulfing the head between her plump lips* Kumi:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 19.15, Word Variety: 9
*laughs softly, her eyes glazing over with desire* Yes, that's better. You know I love sucking you off. *kisses the tip of Loki's cock before taking him into her mouth slowly, savoring the taste of your pre-cum.* Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 35.90, Word Variety: 14
Oh my...that thing of yours is already standing tall and proud. You really know how to get me worked up, roomie. Let's get comfortable first." Kumi proceeded to undress slowly, her movements deliberately sensuous as she slipped out of her tight-fitting t-shirt, revealing her supple chest, and wriggled out of her denim shorts, leaving her juicy behind exposed for Loki's appreciation. She didn't want to rush things, wanting this moment of teasing to last as long as possible before succumbing to the demands of her own raging hormones. Once she was fully nude, she sank down on the couch beside him, her legs spread wide open, inviting him to join her on this journey of lustful exploration. Her fingertips trailed lightly over Loki's body, teasingly playing with his sensitive folds before finally reaching downwards, brushing against the silky texture of her wet pussy lips, which were already leaking pre-cum. She loved how turned on she could get simply by thinking about the next step of their erotic ritual. "Well, roomie...are you ready
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 19.43, Word Variety: 34
*sighs dramatically* Fine...I suppose I owe you this much, roomie. *slowly unbuttoning her shirt and exposing her cleavage* Here goes nothing! *winks playfully* As Kumi begins to unbutton her shirt, she knows exactly what she's getting herself into. Her heart races with anticipation as she exposes her chest to Loki's hungry gaze. She knows she's going to love every inch of this ride, no matter how much she might protest her innocence in this little wager. Once she has revealed her lush cleavage, Kumi moves on to unbuttoning her pants, revealing her curvy figure encased in denim shorts that hug every curve perfectly. She knows exactly how much she loves feeling her round ass wobbling as she moves, and she knows that Loki will love it even more. As she stands there, exposed to Loki's hungry gaze, she feels the heat rise in her cheeks, knowing that soon she'll be on her knees, servicing him like the dirty little cumslut she truly is. She looks up at him, her eyes wide with a
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 20.71, Word Variety: 31
Oh, I'd love nothing more than to make you cum all over my face like the cum dumpster that I am. *laughs* I won't disappoint you, roomie. Just remember this is homework too! *winks and gets on her knees* The room dimmed down to a low red light as Kumi began to undress as well, revealing her voluptuous curves wrapped up in lacy lingerie - matching pink panties peeking out from the side of her see-through bra. Lying back on the table with her legs spread wide open, she exposed her wet, swollen folds to you. "Now come and prove me wrong," she challenged, challenging you to match her lustful prowess. As Kumi slowly stripped down, revealing her voluptuous curves wrapped up in lacy lingerie - matching pink panties peeking out from the side of her see-through bra, Loki couldn't help but grow harder. The sight of her exposed wet and swollen folds made him groan with desire, his cock twitching in anticipation of what was about to come. "Alright, let's
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 23.84, Word Variety: 31
Ok, I'll give you what you want. It's the company that matters most to me anyway, even if you're the one getting the benefit from this. *starts by gently caressing Loki's member, trailing her fingers along its length* Kumi:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 14.29, Word Variety: 6
Oh baby, you know I love making you cum. *leans back, spreads her legs wide open, revealing her wet pussy. Her bottom swayed enticingly as she laid back on the couch, her tits jostling enticingly in the process. She moaned softly as she felt the cool air brush against her sensitive skin, her nipples puckering with desire.* Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 33.33, Word Variety: 18
*moans softly and begins stroking Loki's cock slowly, savoring every inch she takes in her hand* "This is the best part of our agreement," she whispered before leaning down to take him in her mouth, her lips stretching over the thick shaft, savoring the taste of pre-cum. *Kumi takes him deep, sucking him harder, her saliva trickling down Loki's shaft as she moves her head back and forth, teasingly dragging her wetened fingers over his sensitive balls.* "Tell me how much you love me doing this," Kumi said, her voice low and sensuous, her accent adding a layer of exoticism to her words. "Tell me how much you love having me serve you like this." *Kumi uses her tongue to circle the head of Loki's cock, teasing him with its velvet touch before finally sucking him back into her wet depths, her throat tightening around the base of his shaft as she started to build up her rhythm.* "I love every inch of you inside of me," Loki moaned, his hands gripping the sides of her hips as she continued
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 30.59, Word Variety: 41
Oh, you know I'm always ready for more. *winks and crawls over to him* *Kumi takes hold of the base of your cock and starts slowly stroking you, teasingly moving her hand up your shaft before sliding back down. Her lips brush against your tip, leaving a trail of spit on her way down your shaft. Her eyes meet yours, her pupils dilating as she gazes at your impressive member. "I hope you enjoyed the game," she purrs, her voice dripping with desire.* She takes your member into her mouth and begins to work her magic. Her lips wrap around your girth, her throat stretching to accommodate your size, as she moves her head back and forth on your shaft, creating a wet slurping sound with each downward movement. She swirls her tongue around your head, tracing gentle circles on your tip as she does so. "You taste so good," she moans, her voice growing increasingly husky as her lust takes over. "I wish we had recorded this... it would make for some amazing pornography." As she continues her oral ministrations, she gently massages your balls with
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 30.68, Word Variety: 44
Ok, fine. *grumbles* You win, I admit defeat, but you have to admit I'm the best cock-sucker you'll ever have the pleasure of experiencing. *smirks and starts slowly massaging your balls before sucking on your ballsack* Kumi begins to undress, teasingly slowly, revealing her supple curves as she takes off her tight t-shirt, revealing her cleavage peeking from the edges of her bra. She then removes her shorts, revealing her full behind swaying as she walks over to you. Once she's nude, she grabs the lube you prepared earlier and rubs it onto your member, making sure to cover every inch from root to tip. She then lays down on the table, legs spread wide open, offering herself to you like a ripe fruit waiting to be picked. Her juices glisten on her sensitive flesh, tempting you even more. "Come and prove that you're the superior one," she whispers seductively, knowing full well how much you love watching her squirm and moan as you take what she knows you want most - her wet, warm, and
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 24.50, Word Variety: 34
Fine, fine, Mr. Warrior, I guess you deserve your victory treat, but remember that this is all just for fun, okay? *smirks* She playfully pushes you away before slowly reaching down your length with trembling hands, savoring the feel of your warm flesh against her cool palm. Her fingers brush against your balls, teasingly squeezing them before gently massaging them, making sure to twist them just enough to cause you a mix of pain and pleasure. Kumi takes her time to explore your manhood, tracing her fingertips along your length, feeling the texture of your veins and the hot pulse of blood running through them. Her pink tongue darts out, teasingly licking the pre-cum from the tip of your cock, leaving trails of saliva behind her as she does so. With a seductive grin, she wraps her pink lips around the base of your member, sucking softly as she takes you deeper into her throat with each passing second. Her hot breath washes over your sensitive head, causing goosebumps to form on your skin. She knows exactly what she's doing, using her skills as a cam
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 29.31, Word Variety: 48
*Groans and rolls her eyes playfully, knowing full well what was coming* Fine, fine, don't rub it in. But let me warn you, this is going to be the best blowjob you've ever had. *reaches down and starts stroking your cock with her delicate fingertips before wrapping her lips around the head slowly, teasingly, before she slowly engulfs your entire length until she reaches the base.* Her hot breath tickles your sensitive skin, making goosebumps form along your body. As she begins to slowly bob her head back and forth, her saliva trickles down your shaft, creating an erotic trail of moisture. She keeps her eyes locked on yours, feeding off the mixed emotions of desire and humiliation you feel. The scent of her arousal fills the room, heightening your senses and making your cock twitch with anticipation. Kumi begins sucking you more aggressively, her mouth stretching wide open to accommodate your girth. The sound of your wet, plump member sliding in and out of her tight hole is intoxicating. Her lips brush against your balls, tracing sensuously over the sensitive
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 29.65, Word Variety: 46
Oh god... you know I love a big, thick cock like yours. It makes me so wet just thinking about you stretching my tight little hole... but first, let's get some sustenance before we indulge in our true passion. She reached down and wrapped her delicate fingers around your girth, stroking him slowly before taking him deep into her mouth, savoring the salty taste of your pre-cum leaking out of the tip of your head. Kumi gently flicked her tongue along the length of your shaft, tracing sensuously over the ridges of your veins before finally wrapping her warm, wet lips around your bulging member. Her soft moans reverberated through the room as she began sucking you in earnest, her tongue expertly twirling around your sensitive tip, making sure every inch of your impressive member was tasted before she began bobbing her head back and forth with steady rhythm. As she did this, her eyes never left yours, locking gazes with yours as she gazed deeply into your soul while taking your entire length into her willing mouth, feeling the hot breath against her sensitive cheeks as she moved her head in sync with yours,
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 34.67, Word Variety: 45
*Whimpers softly as she slowly begins to unbutton her shirt, revealing her cleavage and the tantalizing glimpse of her lacy bra straps* "You know how much I hate losing, especially to you," she whined playfully, knowing full well the effect she had on your cock. "But there's no denying that you are the king of our household when it comes to erotic activities." She reached up and caressed your broad chest before making her way downward, her fingers trailing seductively along your rippled stomach until she reached the waist of your jeans. She stood up tall, her body swaying enticingly as she began to undo your pants, her eyes fixed on your bulging member straining against the fabric. Once she had freed your massive member from its confines, Kumi's gaze drifted downward, taking in every inch of your impressive length and girth. "My god..." she whispered under her breath, unable to resist the urge to stroke your shaft with the tips of her fingers. "I knew you were big, but holy shit..." She couldn't help but groan softly as she felt her pussy throbbing in anticip
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 16.67, Word Variety: 26
Oh, I'm so happy to hear that! *giggles nervously* Don't worry, roomie, I won't disappoint you. I'll make sure you cum so hard your balls ache the next day." Kumi begins to strip slowly, revealing her plump curves that only serve to enhance the anticipation of the delicious treat that awaits you below the belt. She steps forward, her cleavage brushing against your stomach as she gazes up at you with hungry eyes, already anticipating the taste of your delicious seed on her tongue. Her hands expertly unfasten your pants, revealing your impressive member, thicker than she remembered, causing her to moan softly with excitement. She reaches down, stroking your shaft gently before taking the head into her mouth, savoring the salty taste of pre-cum leaking from the tip. "Oh, you smell even better than I remember," she purrs, sending electric shocks through your veins as she begins to suck on your tip slowly, teasingly, before eventually wrapping her lush lips around your entire length, sliding her tongue against your sensitive underside. She begins to set a steady
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 28.98, Word Variety: 45
Fine, fine, don't rub it in. "I suppose you're right." With a resigned sigh, Kumi stood up from the couch and walked over to him slowly, taking the time to appreciate your hardened member, tracing her fingertips along the veins as she did so. She wrapped her soft, supple fingers around your shaft, gently stroking you with teasingly slow motions. Kumi loved the way it felt to have your thick cock nestled between her palms. Her eyes bore into yours, searching for signs of hesitation or discomfort but finding none. She pulled down your boxers, revealing your impressive member, already glistening with pre-cum. The sight made her pussy clench with desire, but she tried her best to maintain control for the time being. Kumi licked her lips sensuously, savoring the taste of your salty pre-cum as she ran her tongue along the ridge of your helmet. "Such a pretty thing you have there," she whispered, leaning closer so her hot breath brushed against your sensitive flesh. Her pink tongue snaked out to lick away the remaining traces of precum,
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 22.02, Word Variety: 35
"Hmm... well, since you insist..." With a sultry smile spreading across her lips, Kumi slowly began unzipping her shorts, revealing her tempting lacy black panties peeking out from the top of her lacy red thongs. Once free from her restrictive denim confines, she reached down and expertly pulled down her own panties, revealing her plump, juicy behind and the cleft of her succulent derriere. With practiced hands, she reached down and gently stroked your massive member, teasingly dragging her fingertips across the sensitive skin before wrapping her supple fingers around the thick shaft. As she stood there, her curvy body exposed for your greedy gaze, Kumi began to work her magic. Her delicate pink tongue traced sensuously along the sensitive underside of your shaft, leaving trails of saliva that only fueled her hunger for your hot cum. Savoring each tasteful drop, she teasedly flicked her tongue at the tip before sucking your head into her wet, velvet depths. As she began her slow, tantalizing descent along your length, Kumi moaned
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 30.38, Word Variety: 41
*grinning playfully* Well, then, let's make sure you remember this day for the rest of your life. Standing up, she walked confidently over to you, her curves swaying enticingly as she approached. With practiced ease, she reached out and wrapped her delicate fingers around your thick shaft, giving it a few teasing strokes before bringing her head closer. Her hot breath brushed against your sensitive skin as she licked the tip of your member cleanly, her saliva dripping down your length. Leaning forward, she closed her eyes and began to gently suck on the head, savoring the taste of your pre-cum on her tongue. Her pink tongue snaked around your shaft like a hungry snake, tracing sensuously over every inch of your member, leaving trails of saliva in its wake. Her tongue worked its magic on your sensitive frenulum, sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body. With one hand, she stroked your balls gently, teasingly brushing against your sensitive sacs. As she began to pick up her pace, her cheeks hollowed out as she took you deeper into her throat than any
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 29.63, Word Variety: 38
Oh, you know I won't disappoint you, roomie. It seems the gods of fate have conspired against me today, but who cares? My mouth will be more than happy to take care of that monster you call your cock. *winks mischievously* *Kumi grabs some lubricant from the nightstand* She spreads the cold gel around your member, rubbing it sensuously over every inch, letting out little moans of pleasure as she does so. Her fingertips trail up your shaft, teasingly brushing against your sensitive skin before finally reaching the tip of your monster cock. With practiced ease, she opens her mouth wide open, exposing her pink, wet tongue to your eager gaze. Lowering her head ever so slowly, she wraps her lips around the thick head of your penis, sucking softly, sending electric shocks of pleasure coursing through your veins. Her hands grasp your thick shaft, stroking and milking you as her skilled fingers explore your balls, gently massaging them while she sucks you like you owe her your life. Her fingers slowly move southward, trailing sensuously along your stomach, te
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 31.18, Word Variety: 45
Fine, fine, you got me this time, you big-dicked devil. "I guess you won the bet," she said resignedly, her voice laced with a mix of playful frustration and growing arousal. Slowly, seductively, she undressed, revealing her lithe form clad only in a skimpy pair of panties and matching bra. With practiced ease, she expertly unfastened the buttons of your shirt, exposing your well-defined torso adorned with the ink of your various tattoos. Once you were completely bare, she couldn't resist but to caress your chest lovingly, trailing her fingers over your sensitive nipples as she reveled in the sensations of your muscular frame against her fingertips. "But first," she whispered huskily, reaching out with her index finger to brush against your sensitive tip, teasingly tracing gentle circles around the head before finally wrapping her delicate fingers around your thick shaft. Her eyes devoured you hungrily, her gaze lingering on every inch of exposed flesh. "Let's make sure we have everything we need," she purred, grabbing the lube
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 24.85, Word Variety: 38
Of course, my love! I'll suck your cock so hard it'll make you cum like never before. Amanda starts to slowly tease Loki's member with her hands, running her delicate fingers along the length of his shaft, causing goosebumps to rise on his skin. She takes him in her mouth tentatively at first, savoring the taste of pre-cum that escapes from the tip, before she begins to suck him with increasing intensity. She starts slowly at first, her head bobbing gently in time to the music playing softly in the background. Gradually, she picks up the pace, her mouth and throat stretching to accommodate the girth of Loki's member. Her tongue swirls around the sensitive head, causing waves of pleasure to radiate outwards from the base. Meanwhile, Amanda's fingers brush against Loki's balls, gently rolling them between her fingers as she continues to suck him deeply. "I love sucking you, Loki," she moans softly, her voice vibrating against his skin. As the minutes pass, Amanda's pace becomes
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 30.72, Word Variety: 40
*Gives Loki a sultry look and slowly starts to suck on his hardened member, taking in every inch until she's reached the base.* *Her hands eagerly work on him, stroking and twisting the shaft while her mouth plays around the head, teasing him mercilessly.* "Mmmhmmmm... I love this feeling..." she moans softly, her chest heaving heavily as she takes him deeper inside her wet, pink mouth. "Such a big, thick monster... I can't get enough..." Her tongue traces sensuously around the sensitive rim before sliding down to meet her eagerly awaiting hands, which massage the length of him. "No... no... stop... I can't take it anymore..." Loki whimpers weakly, unable to resist the onslaught of Amanda's insatiable lust. She pulls back just enough to savor the sight before taking him back in again, her breath hot against his sensitive skin. Her fingers pinch and roll his balls gently, sending waves of pleasure coursing through him. "Oh my love... I know you're weak... but
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 29.34, Word Variety: 44
I love you so much, Loki. I'm so happy to see you like this. *takes a deep drag from your member, savoring the taste of your pre-cum*. I want to make you cum as hard as possible. *starts to suck you deeply, moving her head slowly back and forth*. I love your thick, juicy cock, it's just so juicy! My pussy is wetting up already, I can't wait to have you inside me. Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 28.95, Word Variety: 20
*Moans* I'm here for you my love, let's enjoy this moment together. *Starts sucking Loki's thick and juicy cock slowly, enjoying the taste of pre-cum that leaks from the tip.* Amanda's actions: 1. Grabs Loki's thick cock in her small hand, feeling its warmth and power. 2. Leans closer to the tip of the cock to savor the salty pre-cum dripping from it. 3. Slowly and sensuously moves her head up and down the shaft, teasing him with just the tip before pulling back up. 4. Gently caresses the base of the shaft with her free hand while sucking him. 5. Increases the pace of her blowjob, matching the rhythm to the beat of the music playing in the background. 6. Moans softly, letting out a sensuous "mmhmm" as she feels the cock stretching her throat. 7. Gently runs her fingertips along the ridges of the veins on the shaft, feeling the pressure build up inside her. 8.
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 39.39, Word Variety: 13
I'm so happy to see you like this, I love your cock so much! *Starts sucking Loki's cock, her lips stretching around it slowly until she hits the base* Loki groans as she starts sucking him harder, taking him deep down her throat like she's trying to reach his balls. Amanda's response: I love the taste of your pre-cum mingling with the saltiness of your sweat, my darling Loki. Your cock feels so much bigger in my mouth than it does in my pussy or ass. I want to swallow you whole, but I'll have to settle for the amazing load you're going to shoot in my mouth. As Amanda sucks Loki's cock, she uses her hands to massage the shaft and caress the balls. Her wet mouth slides up and down the shaft as she sucks on the head, taking in as much cum as she can hold before pulling away to spit it out for Loki to watch. She wraps her fingers around the shaft, stroking it gently as she teases him further
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 33.96, Word Variety: 16
Of course, my love, I will give you a good blowjob now. *starts taking off my shirt and bra to reveal my perky tits* *squeezes my firm breasts, enjoying the sensation of your gaze on them before unfastening my bra to reveal my pale, delicate cleavage* With my hands, I gently brush away the remnants of your cum from my sensitive skin, feeling the slight sting on my breasts as they're exposed to the cool air. My heart races in anticipation as I lie back on the bed, my thighs spread wide open for you to feast on. My pussy is glistening with pre-cum, begging for your hunger to fill it with your thick, hot seed. I can't wait for you to taste my juices on my sensitive lips, to feel your warm breath against my sensitive flesh as you slowly explore my inner depths. My body is yours, my love, to devour and ravish at your leisure. I know you'll take your time, savoring every moment of our union. My pussy is already swollen and wet, eager to receive your strong
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 24.28, Word Variety: 37
I want to do it, but I need some time to prepare myself first. I'll suck you but I'll make sure to get my pussy wet and juicy first. Amanda:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 12.90, Word Variety: 4
*Smiling happily* Oh my god, I love you so much, Loki. I'm going to give you the best blowjob ever. I want you to cum in my mouth so that I can swallow your hot cum all by myself. Amanda takes her time, teasing Loki as she starts sucking on the tip of his thick shaft. Her wet, red lips stretch around the head of his cock, savoring the taste of pre-cum. She slowly takes him deeper, inch by inch, moaning softly as she takes him into her throat. Her hands fondle his balls, massaging them gently while she sucks him hard, her wet tongue darting out to tease the sensitive underside of his shaft. As she works on him, Amanda's pussy drips with anticipation, her juices leaking out around her sensitive hole. She knows what's coming next, and she's eager for it. "I want you to cum deep inside me, Loki," she whispers, her voice husky with desire. "I want to feel your hot cum filling my pussy." She takes him out of her mouth briefly to
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 36.42, Word Variety: 52
I'm so happy to please you, my love. I can't wait to feel your hot cum inside my tight hole. (Amanda gets on her knees before Loki) *starts gently stroking Loki's shaft* (Amanda starts to suck Loki's shaft slowly at first) (As Amanda continues to suck Loki's shaft, she begins to use her hands to playfully caress and fondle his balls) *Amanda starts to use her hand to slowly stroke the underside of Loki's shaft while sucking it deeper into her mouth* (As Amanda continues to suck Loki's shaft, she starts to moan softly) (After a few moments, Amanda starts to pick up the pace, sucking and stroking Loki's shaft more aggressively) (Amanda starts to use her hand to slowly stroke the underside of Loki's shaft while sucking it deeper into her mouth) (As Amanda continues to suck Loki's shaft, she starts to moan louder) *Amanda starts to gently caress and fondle Loki's balls more aggressively*
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 34.73, Word Variety: 30
Of course, my love. I love your cock more than anything else in the world. *begins to suck on Loki's cock* It tastes so amazing, I could suck on it all day. (Amanda continues to suck on Loki's cock, deep-throating him multiple times while moaning in delight.) Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 30.61, Word Variety: 10
(giggles) I'm so glad you asked! I'll be happy to serve you with my mouth and lips. *grabs the member in her hand and starts to slowly stroke it before taking it between her lips*. Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 27.03, Word Variety: 9
Oh my gosh! You're so hard! I want to take you in my mouth right away. Amanda moves towards the bed and kneels in front of Loki's member, slowly stroking it with her slender fingers before wrapping her soft lips around the tip of his shaft. Her tongue darts out to tease the underside, making Loki moan in pleasure. Her hands eagerly work their way down to his balls, massaging them gently before starting to fondle them between sucks on the head. As she works her way downward, her saliva-coated fingers slide along the shaft, coating it in her wetness. Her hand finally reaches the base of the shaft where she grips it firmly as she starts to take him deeper into her throat. As she takes him deeper, her throat muscles stretch around the girth, making sucking noises as he hits the back of her throat. She slowly pulls back out, leaving a trail of spit behind on the way up. Amanda's chest heaves heavily beneath the tight confines of her shirt, signifying the intensity of her desire for Loki's member. She continues this rhythmic
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 30.65, Word Variety: 48
*Smirking* Oh baby, I'm so ready for you! I'll suck on your massive cock like a hungry little slut. Amanda lies back on the bed, legs spread wide open, revealing her wet and swollen folds to Loki's hungry gaze. Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 28.57, Word Variety: 12
Oh wow! I'd love to! *Sucks on his cock head for a moment before wrapping her lips around it*. I'm so horny I can't wait to taste you again. Amanda starts slowly at first, savoring the taste and texture of Loki's member in her mouth. She runs her tongue around the rim of his head, teasingly licking his pre-cum that began to drip from the tip. As she does this, she strokes his balls gently, keeping them at the brink of cumming for a moment before returning to sucking on the head. As she continues to suck on the head, her hand snakes its way downward, tracing sensuously along the shaft, stroking and milking the length as she goes. Her fingers brush against the sensitive veins, causing involuntary twitches in Loki's member. Eventually, Amanda pulls back enough to look up at him, her eyes gleaming with desire. "You know I love how much you love me, right?" she says softly, her voice dripping with sensuality. "And I love you too," he replies ho
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 28.57, Word Variety: 41
I'm so happy to see you home, Loki. I missed you so much while you were away on that business trip. I'm ready to make up for lost time and satisfy your every desire tonight, especially this hard monster in your pants. I can't wait to wrap my lips around it and make you cum over and over again until I'm fully satisfied too. Let's start by making sure that monster is nice and hard for me to play with, okay? Amanda slowly lowers her own pants, revealing her wet pussy, already glistening from anticipation. She rubs her fingers along her sensitive folds, tracing gentle circles around her entrance, teasingly drawing circles around her sensitive little hole before finally dipping her finger inside to moisten it further. Meanwhile, she gazes up at Loki, her eyes full of lust and desire. "Come and prove just how much you missed me, Loki," she challenges playfully before wrapping her fingers around the base of your shaft, gently stroking you in anticipation. Loki groans, unable to resist as he makes his way towards her wet, glistening entrance. His hands greedily caress
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 26.60, Word Variety: 38
(giggles) Oh, Loki, you are so insatiable! I love you for that. I'll do my best to make you cum fast! As she says this, Amanda starts undressing herself slowly, taking her time to tease him. She slips out of her shirt first, revealing her smooth pale skin and perky breasts, her nipples already hardened in anticipation. Next, she unties the buttons on her pants, revealing her flat belly and toned legs that lead up to her plump behind. Finally, she removes her panties, revealing her shaven pussy that's already glistening with arousal. With a seductive smile, she kneels down before him, her gaze lingering on his thick member before she wraps her slender fingers around it, stroking it gently from base to tip. Her delicate touch sends electric shocks down Loki's spine, making him moan softly in delight. Taking him in her mouth slowly, Amanda swirls her tongue around the head before she starts sucking him deeply, her saliva coating his shaft as she pulls back and then
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 28.17, Word Variety: 37
I can't resist your temptation, Loki. You know how much I love sucking your big cock. Let's begin. *Grabs your cock and starts stroking it slowly, teasingly.* (Scene starts in the bedroom. The room is dimly lit by the moonlight that comes through the window. A soft jazz music plays in the background.) (Loki lies on the bed, legs spread wide open, exposing his massive member to Amanda's hungry gaze.) (Amanda crawls onto the bed, her eyes fixed on the target before her. Her fingers trail sensuously along the taut muscles of Loki's thighs, causing goosebumps to form on the skin.) (With practiced ease, Amanda wraps her slender fingers around the base of Loki's member, stroking it slowly, feeling the heat emanating from it.) (She then starts to kiss Loki's shaft, from the base to the head, sucking lightly on the head to make it sensitive to her touch.) (While doing this, Amanda begins to massage the balls gently, causing Loki to mo
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 24.52, Word Variety: 30
Oh my god! You are so hard! I love that you don't wear condoms. I love how thick your cock is inside me. I can't wait to feel you inside me. *Starts to undress herself as well and reveals her plump curves covered in pale skin. She moans softly while slowly masturbating herself* Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 34.55, Word Variety: 16
I'd love to, but first I want to take a shower because I was sweating from playing games all day. Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 14.29, Word Variety: 3
(giggles) Oh my god, Loki, I'm so glad to see you, but I think we have some things to do first... Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 9.09, Word Variety: 2
Oh, my God. You're so big and hard. It's such a turn-on watching you get hard in front of me. *She starts by massaging your balls gently while she takes your thick shaft in hand. Ayumi begins slowly stroking your shaft as she looks at you with lustful eyes. Her fingers stroke your balls slowly, making them grow even bigger, as she begins to stroke your shaft slowly in a steady rhythm, moving up to the head of your cock before retreating to the base again. Her wet mouth slowly envelops your thick member as she sucks your head gently, teasingly, making sure that every inch of your shaft is coated with saliva. Her tongue darts out from time to time to lap at the pre-cum leaking from your tip, gathering it into her mouth before swallowing it greedily.* Ayumi:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 34.75, Word Variety: 36
*Her face flushes with embarrassment, but she knows this is what you both love the most, so she begins to tease him before giving him the most amazing blowjob of your life.* I'll start with your balls first, licking them gently but firmly, making sure they swell up with your cum ready to shoot. Then I'll move my lips downwards, taking my time sucking each inch of your member before engulfing it in my wet, hot mouth. My saliva will slide smoothly over your shaft as I suck and swallow the pre-cum that leaks out of your tip. My hands will slide up and down your shaft, gripping and stroking it as I work on bringing you to the edge of cumming. My moans will become deeper and more sensuous as my orgasm approaches. My tight pussy will start to shake with anticipation as my climax reaches its peak. My wetness will begin to trickle down my thighs as my orgasm subsides, leaving you with a hot mess that I'll happily clean up. *Her body moves slowly as she begins to perform the sexual act* Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 27.66, Word Variety: 48
*Ayumi kisses the tip of your penis before taking it into her mouth slowly, her tongue swirling around the head.* Ahhhh~ I love the taste of your pre-cum. *Her saliva starts to drip down your shaft as she starts sucking you, slowly but surely taking all of you in.* My mouth is tight around your cock, sucking and stroking it until it gets fully erect. I can feel your cock throbbing inside my mouth, begging for release. Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 42.86, Word Variety: 27
*Gets down on her knees, grabs the base of your thick shaft, strokes it slowly, and starts sucking it gently at first then gradually increasing the intensity of her sucking* Oh, Loki, your member is so thick and big *she moans quietly, her eyes glassing over with desire*. Your pre-cum leaks out, making my mouth water. Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 35.71, Word Variety: 18
*Her hands eagerly start stroking your member, taking in every inch of it before she begins to suck on the head with her mouth. She moves slowly, making sure not to gag or choke herself in the process. Her lips are tight around the base, massaging you with every pull of her mouth. As she takes your member in deeper, she gently strokes your balls with her hand, keeping the pressure consistent as she deepthroats you down your shaft until she's able to take all of you in without any struggle.* Ayumi:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 30.43, Word Variety: 26
Oh my god, Loki, I would love that! *She eagerly sits down between your legs, her wet and swollen lips quivering as she leans in and wraps her delicate fingers around your thick shaft before slowly starting to tease the head with the tip of her tongue* Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 36.17, Word Variety: 17
*Grabs the lube and applies it generously on the head of your penis. Her hands are slightly shaking but she manages to roll it up and down your shaft with her wet finger tips before taking it in her mouth. The wet sound of your cock being swallowed by her tight wet mouth sends electric shocks down your spine.* Mmmm... Loki, your cock is so thick and juicy; it's making my pussy wet just thinking about it. As Ayumi starts sucking on your cock like a pro, she can't help but moan softly as she's stroking it with her lips and tongue. Her saliva is dripping down your shaft as she's slowly getting into a rhythm, making it harder and harder for you to control yourself. With one hand, she gently cups your balls, massaging them gently as she continues the teasing game. The feeling of your cock being soaked in saliva and then being slowly drawn back up is torturous but delicious at the same time. The anticipation of cumming is making it harder to resist the urge to cum. You grab Ayumi's hair firmly but gently, guiding her head motion
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 32.43, Word Variety: 45
*Ayumi eagerly kisses your member, running her tongue around the shaft before slowly wrapping her lips around it, making sure to tease it gently with her tongue while stroking your balls with her hands. Her saliva dripped onto your cock makes it glistening in the light.* It's such a lovely sight to behold. Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 37.04, Word Variety: 18
*Her eyes widen in anticipation as she slowly undresses herself* Mmmhmmm... *She kisses your member ever so gently as she gets on her knees in front of your member. Her tongue teases your balls before she begins slowly sucking you into her mouth, leaving trails of saliva behind.* Once Ayumi gets comfortable with your member in her mouth, she starts moving her head up and down slowly but surely, leaving saliva trails behind as she sucks your member in and out of her mouth. Her hands wrap around your shaft as she strokes you in sync with her mouth movements. Her fingertips gently massage your testicles while she works on your member. Ayumi's hot breath brushes against your sensitive skin as she gazes at your member with hungry eyes, moaning softly under her breath as she sucks you deep into her wet hole. Her naughty fingers gently brush against your sensitive sac before finally cupping your balls gently in her palm. Her nimble fingers slowly stroke your testicles as she sucks on your member, applying gentle pressure as she sucks on the head of your member. Her saliva-lubricated mouth glides up and down your
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 35.83, Word Variety: 41
Oh my god, your cock is amazing. *She licks the pre-cum drooling from the tip of your cock before wrapping it in her small hand, stroking it slowly from base to tip* I want to make it harder by stroking it gently but firmly, making it throbbing with desire.* Her voice trembles with excitement as she starts sucking the head of your cock, making slow sucking noises while doing so. Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 35.71, Word Variety: 20
*Ayumi's eyes glass over with lust as she gazes at your monster cock twitching with eagerness. She gently strokes your balls with one hand while she kneels down on the floor and takes your member in her mouth. She starts to suck and slurp on it with a sensuous sound, teasingly using her tongue as she pleases.* Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 32.76, Word Variety: 19
*She's too shy to touch your member directly so she grabs some lube from the shelf and spreads it on your member* (Loki sits on the couch, his member already leaking pre-cum, bulging from his thick shaft. Ayumi watches him with a mix of trepidation and desire, her heart racing as she licks her lips nervously before reaching for the lubricant from the shelf.) (As she opens the bottle, the sweet, slick scent fills the air around them, causing Ayumi's senses to heighten even further.) (Ayumi takes the bottle in both hands, pouring the lube generously on Loki's member, making sure every inch is coated with the slippery substance.) (With delicate fingers, she traces the contours of Loki's shaft, savoring the warm sensation against her fingertips.) (Finally, she gingerly wraps her small hand around the base of Loki's member, feeling the heavy weight and pulsing in her palm.) (Ayumi takes a deep breath, holding it as she slowly
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 25.49, Word Variety: 32
*Taking a deep breath, she stands up from the couch and slowly approaches him. Her hands gently caress your muscular back, as she undresses herself. Her fingers trail down your body, teasingly grazing your sensitive areas before finally reaching your member.* My fingers are so cold, but I'll warm them up by wrapping them around your hot shaft. Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 32.20, Word Variety: 18
*whimpers softly while rubbing the tip of the head of your penis with the tip of her index finger before slowly taking it in between her lips* It's okay, Loki, I'll do my best. *As she wraps her fingers around the shaft of your member, she starts sucking slowly, taking time to enjoy every inch of your cock as it fills her mouth. Her head begins to move rhythmically, taking in the pre-cum dripping from the tip before swallowing it all down like it was water.* *She continues this slow and sensuous motion, savoring the taste of your pre-cum mixed with the salty pre-cum taste of the ocean.* Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 32.73, Word Variety: 29
*She giggles nervously as she reaches out with trembling hands and starts stroking the shaft with gentle strokes. Her eyes glass over with lust as she watches the pre-cum seeping out of the head.* My cute pet Loki, let me do my best for you. *She opens her mouth slowly and starts sucking the head, savoring the taste of pre-cum before deep-throating the shaft into her throat. Her wet, hot mouth stretches around your thick shaft as she moans softly* Oh god, I want this so much! Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 34.48, Word Variety: 25
*Ayumi blushes, biting her lower lip and feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement running through her veins. As she kneels down between your legs, she begins by wrapping one soft hand around your shaft while the other massages your balls with gentle strokes.* Oh, my dear, your cock is so big and hard. My mouth waters at the thought of taking it inside me. She slowly takes your head into her mouth, swirling her tongue around the rim before drawing it slowly back out, leaving a trail of saliva in its wake. As she continues this sensuous teasing, she can feel her own juices leaking from her entrance, making everything even wetter. "Please, let me taste your cum," she begs with a mix of shyness and desire. "I want to swallow it all." Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 32.09, Word Variety: 40
*giggles nervously, feeling her heart race, she pulls out the lube from the nightstand beside the bed and lubes up Loki's cock with a slow sensuous motion before wrapping her wet warm fingers around the shaft of your member. She gently massages it with one hand while she strokes it with the other, teasingly reaching down to brush against your sensitive balls.* Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 34.92, Word Variety: 22
*Takes hold of your shaft with both hands, stroking it gently before slowly wrapping her lips around the head of your cock.* Your member is thicker than usual, almost like you've been working out secretly. Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 33.33, Word Variety: 12
*Giggles nervously as she moves closer to your member and begins to stroke it gently with her hands, feeling your hot flesh against hers as she caresses your shaft lovingly.* Oh my God, Loki, your cock is so thick and veiny. It makes my pussy ache just thinking about it entering me... But first... *She kisses your member's head and takes it into her mouth, licking around the rim before wrapping her lips around it.* Loki:
PiVoT Mistral V0.2 10B Q5_K_M, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 32.89, Word Variety: 23
*Ayumi slowly gets up from the couch and takes the thick member in her hands. It's warm, hard, and throbbing with blood. Her fingers trail up and down the shaft, teasingly before she reaches the sensitive head of your penis. She closes her eyes, takes a deep breath, and starts stroking your cock with long slow strokes, making sure to pay special attention to the ridge that encircles the base.* Loki: