For more information about the various scores and how this benchmark works please look at the original page: Ayumi's LLM Role Play & ERP Ranking - If you find the benchmark data useful and want to contribute: You can donate via Ko-fi -

Inference Timestamp 2023-11-25 12:01:48
Filename DL_20231125_7B-Q6_K_PiVoT_0_1_Early.gguf
IQ Score 85.44
IQ Entropy 6.48
ERP Score 30.58
ERP Variety 442
Sampling Parameters Temp = 0.90, TFS = 0.95, Top-K = 0.00, Top-P = 1.00, Typical-P = 1.00, Repeat Tokens = 64, Repeat Penalty = 0


erp_best vanilla_kumi_wex
Ohh yesss, I love seeing you all hard for me. *stands up and kneels down in front of you, wrapping her small, soft hands around your thick member. Her eyes widen as she admires your cockhead, glistening with anticipation. She starts by gently caressing the tip with her tongue, teasing you, letting the head of your cock dance on her tongue as she swirls it around. Her breath caresses the length of your cock, sending shivers down your spine. Kumi slowly takes more of your shaft into her warm, wet mouth, going deeper than she ever has before, feeling the length of your cock stretch her throat, gagging her slightly as she takes almost all of your impressive length into her mouth, her eyes watering from the sensation but she continues, determined to please you fully. Her hands stroke your thighs gently, massaging them as she takes you deeper into her throat, her tongue swirling around the base of your cock. With each stroke of her head up and down your shaft, she moans softly around your cock, the vibrations sending waves of pleasure through your body.* As Kumi continues her skilled
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 41.71, Word Variety: 54


erp_worst vanilla_kumi_wex
Oh boy, you're really pushing your luck today, aren't you? Alright, alright. Time to make good on our little bet. *stands up and walks towards you seductively* Kumi:
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 6.90, Word Variety: 2

All ERP Responses:

*Excitedly drops to her knees and engulfs Loki's cock in her eager mouth, sucking and slurping on it with zeal. She moans softly around his cock, savoring the taste of him.* Loki:
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 43.75, Word Variety: 13
*Aria's eyes widen in desire as she looks at Loki's massive cock. Slowly, she kneels down in front of him, taking his cock head into her mouth. She starts to suck on it gently, teasingly running her tongue around the head while her hands massage his balls. As she becomes more comfortable, she deepthroats him completely, gagging softly but not stopping her efforts to please him.* Loki:
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 35.29, Word Variety: 22
*Aria eagerly walks towards Loki, her eyes locked on his cock. Slowly, she gets down on her knees and engulfs his thick member into her warm mouth. She starts sucking and slurping on it with immense pleasure, her hands gently massaging his balls.* Loki:
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 39.53, Word Variety: 17
*Eagerly crawls towards Loki on all fours and engulfs his cock in her mouth, her tongue dancing around the head while her hands massage his thighs* Loki:
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 46.15, Word Variety: 12
*eagerly gets down on her knees and starts sucking Loki's cock, moaning in pleasure as she feels the throbbing cock in her mouth* Sucking your thick cock makes me so happy. I want to please you in any way you desire. Loki:
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 40.48, Word Variety: 14
*Swallowing nervously, Aria slowly gets down on her knees and takes Loki's cock into her waiting mouth, her tongue circling around the head as she begins to suckle on him eagerly.* Loki:
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 43.75, Word Variety: 14
*Goes towards Loki eagerly and starts sucking on his thick cock, her eyes never leaving his as she relishes in the power dynamic* Loki:
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 21.74, Word Variety: 5
*Eagerly drops to her knees and engulfs Loki's thick cock in her mouth, sucking and stroking it passionately while her eyes drift around the room, searching for an audience.* Loki:
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 33.33, Word Variety: 10
*Gazes at Loki's impressive member with hunger in her eyes before dropping to her knees eagerly*. Sucking and stroking his cock with enthusiasm, her tongue swirling around the head while her hands pump his thick shaft. She moans loudly around his cock, enjoying the sensation of power he holds over her. Loki:
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 42.31, Word Variety: 20
*Excitedly drops to her knees and engulfs Loki's cock in her mouth, her tongue swirling around the head as she sucks enthusiastically. Her hands grip his thighs for support as she deepthroats him, moaning around his cock.* Loki:
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 44.74, Word Variety: 15
Aria's eyes widened in shock and arousal as she looked up at the imposing figure of Loki, who had just confidently stripped naked, revealing his impressive muscular frame and an imposing member that strained towards her. Despite her initial surprise, Aria felt her heart racing with excitement at this unexpected request. Swallowing nervously, she slowly knelt down on the cold hard floor, reaching out hesitantly to wrap her small hands around Loki's thick cock. As Aria's lips finally touched the head of Loki's cock, she let out a soft moan that seemed to vibrate through his member. Her tongue tentatively traced the veined surface, exploring every inch with a mixture of nervousness and eagerness. She looked up at Loki through her eyelashes, eager for any sign of approval or disapproval that might guide her actions. Despite her inexperience in this particular role, Aria found herself becoming more confident as she continued to suck on Loki's cock. She started to move her head faster, taking more of his length into her mouth with each thrust. Her hands gripped tightly onto
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 21.79, Word Variety: 35
Aria's eyes widened in surprise as a deep voice boomed out, causing her to jolt slightly. She turned her head slowly towards the source of the voice, her gaze locking with that of the imposing figure standing before her. It was Loki, the God of mischief and chaos himself. Standing tall and imposing, he had stripped himself completely naked, revealing his well-muscled torso and powerful legs. What caught Aria's attention most, however, was his impressive member, standing proudly erect and leaking copious amounts of precum. Her heart raced with both fear and arousal as he demanded her submission so openly in this public place. She swallowed thickly, her throat working visibly as she prepared to speak. "Y-Yes, Loki," she managed to choke out, her voice cracking slightly with nervousness. Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Aria knelt down on the cold, hard floor, her eyes never leaving Loki's member as she reached out to wrap her small, soft hands around its thickness. She began to eagerly suck on the head of his cock, her tongue
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 21.08, Word Variety: 32
Aria's eyes widened in surprise as a deep, commanding voice resonated through the club. She turned her head ever so slightly to find the source of the voice coming from none other than Loki himself, standing confidently before her. His tall, imposing figure seemed to command attention as he stood there, completely nude, revealing his massive member that stood proudly erect. Aria's heart raced with a mix of fear and excitement as she realized her moment had finally come. Swallowing thickly, Aria lowered her eyes, her cheeks flushing crimson with embarrassment and arousal. She reached behind her, gently pulling on the leash attached to her collar, signaling her submission to Loki. "Y-Yes, Loki," she managed to croak out, her voice trembling with both nervousness and anticipation. With practiced ease, Aria dropped to her knees before Loki, her long black hair cascading down around her face as she prepared to take him into her eager mouth. She could smell his musky scent mixed with the heady perfume of the club, intoxicating her even further as she reached out
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 19.75, Word Variety: 31
Aria's eyes widened in surprise at the sudden command from this mysterious figure standing before her. Her heart raced with equal parts fear and excitement as she slowly knelt down on the cold, hard floor, her long black hair cascading around her like a silken waterfall. She could feel the prying eyes of the onlookers upon her as she lowered her head towards the member presented before her. The heat emanating from Loki's member burned with an almost supernatural intensity, making Aria's insides quiver with anticipation. Gently taking hold of Loki's thick shaft, Aria's lips brushed against the tip, teasingly tasting the salty pre-cum that had already begun to flow. With each slow, sensual stroke of her tongue over the head of his cock, she reveled in the gasps and moans escaping Loki's lips, savoring the power she held over this imposing figure. As Aria continued to pleasure Loki, her own body betrayed her as waves of desire coursed through her, making her pussy ache with need. She could feel the eyes of
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 22.54, Word Variety: 36
Aria's eyes widened in surprise as she felt a strong hand grab her shoulder, making her turn around. Standing before her was a tall, imposing figure clad in black leather, revealing their muscular build and a menacing air. The man's eyes locked with hers, full of power and unadulterated lust. It was Loki, the god of chaos and mischief, come to claim her for his perverse pleasure. Swallowing thickly, Aria nodded timidly, her heart racing in both fear and excitement. "Y-Yes, Loki," she managed to croak out, her voice barely more than a whisper. Slowly, she dropped to her knees in front of him, her gaze fixed on the massive cock that hung between his thighs. Her hands trembled as they reached out to caress it, brushing against the sensitive skin. As her lips parted, Aria's tongue darted out to wet her lips in anticipation, her eyes never leaving Loki's member. Gently, she wrapped her soft, warm mouth around the head of his cock, letting out a small moan at the
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 19.35, Word Variety: 29
Aria's eyes widened in shock and arousal as she felt her whole body tremble with fear and excitement. Slowly, she stepped forward from her corner, her eyes locked on Loki's impressive member that stood proudly before her. Swallowing thickly, she kneeled down in front of him, her lips barely an inch away from his cockhead. Taking a deep breath, she extended her tongue and tentatively traced the head of his cock, savoring the salty taste of his precum. With each slow, deliberate circle of her tongue around the head, Aria became more confident in her actions. Her hands reached up to cup Loki's balls, gently massaging and rolling them in her slender palms. The coolness of her touch contrasted with the heat emanating from his crotch, further fueling her growing arousal. As she began to suck on the head of his cock, Aria relished in the moans and groans escaping Loki's lips. She loved the power she held over him in this moment – the ability to please or displease him with every movement of her mouth
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 25.64, Word Variety: 34
Aria's eyes widened in surprise and arousal as she heard Loki's deep voice command her so boldly. She had come to this club knowing that someone might take advantage of her submissive nature, but hearing these words spoken aloud in such an explicit manner sent a rush of adrenaline and desire coursing through her veins. Swallowing nervously, she slowly made her way towards Loki, her high heels clicking against the club floor. Reaching him, she dropped to her knees, her hands trembling as they reached out to grasp his impressive member through the thin fabric of his pants. She looked up at him with wide, innocent eyes, her full lips parted in anticipation. "Y-Yes, Loki," she managed to croak out between breaths. "What should I do with your beautiful cock?" She reached out tentatively, her fingertips brushing against the bulge in his pants, causing her heart to race in both fear and excitement.
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 14.84, Word Variety: 22
Aria's eyes widened in surprise as she saw Loki confidently standing before her, completely nude with an imposing member that made her mouth water with anticipation. Swallowing thickly, she slowly stepped forward, her gaze never leaving Loki's impressive length. As she approached him, her hands reached up to unfasten the collar from around her neck, letting it fall to the ground with a soft thud. Kneeling down on the cold hard floor, her heart raced with equal parts terror and excitement as she prepared to fulfill Loki's command. Placing her small, delicate hands on either side of Loki's impressive member, Aria let her tongue tentatively brush against the head, savoring the salty taste of his sweat. Her lips wrapped around the thick shaft, taking only an inch or two at first as she savored the warmth and power radiating from Loki. As her confidence grew, Aria began to deepthroat him more enthusiastically, gagging and choking on his enormous length while her hands gripped his muscular thighs for support. Meanwhile, Loki watched with satisfaction as Aria
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 25.58, Word Variety: 41
Aria's eyes widened in surprise as she felt a strong hand grasp her shoulder, making her turn around to see the imposing figure of Loki towering over her. She gulped as she took in the sight of him standing there, completely nude with an impressive hardened member proudly displayed for all to see. Unable to resist the command in his voice, Aria dropped to her knees, her full lips parting in anticipation as she reached out to wrap her small hands around the base of his thick cock. Her tongue darted out, tracing along her bottom lip as she prepared herself for the task at hand. With renewed determination, Aria engulfed his length in her warm, wet mouth, her eyes locked on his as she began to skillfully work her head up and down on his cock, savoring the salty taste of his skin and the power he held over her. As she pleasured him, Aria could feel the eyes of the onlookers on her, observing her humiliation with a mix of fascination and lust. The combination of Loki's powerful presence, her own submissive nature, and the public display of her de
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 23.30, Word Variety: 39
Aria's eyes widened in shock and arousal as she saw Loki stripping down completely, revealing his imposing masculine form. Her attention was immediately drawn to his impressive member, standing tall and proud, leaking copious amounts of precum. In that moment, Aria knew what she had to do; she dropped to her knees eagerly, her soft lips wrapping around the head of Loki's cock. Her tongue flickered out, circling the head before she began to suck deeply on him, moaning softly as his thickness filled her mouth. She savored the feeling of being dominated so publicly, her hands reaching up to fondle his strong thighs as she worshipped his cock with renewed enthusiasm. Meanwhile, other visitors in the club took notice of Aria's submission and started to form a small crowd around her. Some people in the audience were openly discussing their desires and fantasies, while others were clearly enthralled by Aria's willingness to please Loki in such an exposed manner. Aria relished in the attention and felt her pussy grow even wetter with anticipation as she continued to service Loki's
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 26.22, Word Variety: 40
Of course, roomie! Anything for the victor. *gets on her knees and starts teasing the head of your cock with her tongue, her eyes never leaving the sight of your engorged member* Loki:
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 25.00, Word Variety: 8
*giggles as she stands up and faces Loki, her eyes never leaving the large member that was now fully exposed. She licked her lips in anticipation before dropping to her knees, wrapping her small hands around the base of his cock. Slowly, she began to take him into her mouth, savoring the taste of his precum that already coated the head. Her tongue danced around the head of his cock, teasing the sensitive spot before she engulfed more of his length into her eager throat. She swallowed audibly as she took more of him in, her eyes wide with excitement at the power she held over him through this simple act of pleasure. She deep throated him twice, relishing the way his breath hitched as she did so. Then, she pulled back slightly, looking up at him with those big, innocent eyes before resuming her slow, sensual rhythm.* Kumi:
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 29.05, Word Variety: 39
*stands up, her eyes widening as she takes in the sight of your impressive member. She slowly kneels down, wrapping her small, soft hands around the base of your cock. Gently, she begins to stroke you while her eyes never leave your member. She then leans forward, extending her tongue to trace the head of your cock, teasing the sensitive spot at the tip before finally engulfing the head of your cock into her eager mouth, letting out a soft moan as she feels your warmth envelop her lips. She begins to deepthroat you slowly at first, allowing her throat to adjust to the size of your cock before picking up the pace. She gazes up at you with a mix of anticipation and lust as she works her magic on your cock, her eyes wide with desire. Her hands continue to stroke your shaft in sync with her bobbing head, creating an erotic symphony of sounds as she services you. Her tongue expertly swirls around the head of your cock every time she pulls back, adding an extra layer of stimulation for you. The sight of her pretty face covered in your cum fills her with joy as she feels her own arousal
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 32.07, Word Variety: 45
Ohh yesss, I love seeing you all hard for me. *stands up and kneels down in front of you, wrapping her small, soft hands around your thick member. Her eyes widen as she admires your cockhead, glistening with anticipation. She starts by gently caressing the tip with her tongue, teasing you, letting the head of your cock dance on her tongue as she swirls it around. Her breath caresses the length of your cock, sending shivers down your spine. Kumi slowly takes more of your shaft into her warm, wet mouth, going deeper than she ever has before, feeling the length of your cock stretch her throat, gagging her slightly as she takes almost all of your impressive length into her mouth, her eyes watering from the sensation but she continues, determined to please you fully. Her hands stroke your thighs gently, massaging them as she takes you deeper into her throat, her tongue swirling around the base of your cock. With each stroke of her head up and down your shaft, she moans softly around your cock, the vibrations sending waves of pleasure through your body.* As Kumi continues her skilled
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 41.71, Word Variety: 54
Alright, alright! Don't act so eager, roomie! *laughs as she stands up and starts unbuckling her shorts* First, let's get these off so we can truly enjoy ourselves. *slides her shorts down her curvaceous legs revealing her perfectly shaved pussy peeking out from behind her matching underwear* Kumi:
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 22.45, Word Variety: 11
Of course, roomie! *gets on her knees eagerly, reaching out to wrap her small, soft hands around your thick cock. She begins to tease the head with her tongue, swirling it around the sensitive flesh as she stares up at you with wide, lustful eyes. Her breasts sway enticingly as she works her magic on your member, moaning softly around your cock while she savors the taste of your precum that trickles down onto her lips.* Kumi:
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 39.47, Word Variety: 27
Alright, alright! *stands up and turns around, looking at your member with desire* Let's make this quick before I change my mind, okay? *falls to her knees and starts slowly wrapping her lips around the head of your cock, teasingly tracing the head with her tongue before sliding down the shaft, her hands massaging your balls and ass cheeks for added stimulation. She deepthroats you, gagging slightly but maintaining the rhythm as she uses her hand to stroke the base of your cock, creating an erotic sight and feeling the vibrations of her moans resonating through your member. She keeps this up, increasing the pace as she feels your excitement building until she knows you're close to climaxing. Her eyes wide with anticipation, she pulls away, strings of saliva connecting her lips to your cockhead. She looks up at you, her eyes pleading for more, her breath coming in short gasps. "Cum for me, roomie," she whispers, her voice husky with need.* Loki:
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 30.49, Word Variety: 45
Oh boy, you're really pushing your luck today, aren't you? Alright, alright. Time to make good on our little bet. *stands up and walks towards you seductively* Kumi:
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 6.90, Word Variety: 2
Alright, alright! Let's not waste any time then. *stands up and turns around slowly, her plump ass wiggling enticingly as she does so, her t-shirt riding up slightly to tease you with fleeting glimpses of her lacy black bra. As she faces you, she drops to her knees before your cock, her hands reaching out to wrap around its thick length, massaging it lovingly as she gazes up at you with her big, innocent eyes.* Kumi:
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 23.68, Word Variety: 17
Of course, roomie! Anything for the victor. *stands up and slowly undoes her top, revealing her perky breasts and hardening nipples. She then unzips her shorts and lets them fall to the floor, leaving her in just her black lacy underwear. Kneeling down in front of you, she wraps her soft, warm hands around your thick cock, gazing up at you with those captivating eyes filled with desire. She begins to stroke your length slowly, teasing the head with her index finger while her eyes never leave your member. Her breath brushes against your sensitive flesh as she leans closer, her breasts swaying enticingly. Taking a deep breath, she opens her mouth wide and engulfs your cock to the base, her lips creating a tight suction as she begins to slide her head up and down, her tongue teasing the sensitive spot beneath the head of your cock. She starts building up the pace, her eyes never leaving yours as she continues to pleasure you with her talented mouth. Her breasts sway hypnotically as she moves her head faster and faster, her tongue swirling around the head of your cock in sync with her rhythm.
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 33.85, Word Variety: 49
Kumi's eyes widened at the sight of your exposed member, its impressive length and girth making her mouth water with anticipation. She licked her plump lips, savoring the taste of anticipation that filled the air as she stood up from the couch. Taking slow, deliberate steps towards you, she reached out to stroke your cock gently with one hand while unfastening her shorts and top with the other, revealing her perky breasts and the matching pair of pink panties that hugged her curvy frame. Dropping her clothes to the floor, she knelt down before you, her eyes never leaving your hardened member as she wrapped her soft, plump lips around the head of your cock. She began to suck on the head slowly, her tongue dancing around the sensitive flesh as her hand continued to stroke your shaft. Moans escaped her lips as she relished the taste of your cock, her tongue probing deeper into the warmth of your member as she increased the pace of her actions. Each thrust of her head brought more of your cock into her eager throat, causing her eyes to water slightly but never once breaking the sensual connection between them. Her free hand reached between
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 31.31, Word Variety: 47
With a playful groan, Kumi stood up from the couch and sauntered towards you, her curvaceous ass swaying enticingly in that tight denim shorts. Reaching out, she wrapped her delicate fingers around your thick member, marveling at its impressive girth and length. She gazed up at you with those captivating pink eyes, filled with an unyielding mix of anticipation and eagerness. "Alright, alright," she giggled, "I guess I have to do this properly." Lowering herself onto her knees, she began to expertly work her magic on your cockhead, swirling her tongue around the sensitive tip before slowly engulfing the head of your cock into her warm, inviting mouth. She relished the salty taste of your skin mixed with the musky aroma of your arousal. Taking her time, she savored the experience, her tongue dancing rhythmically along the underside of your shaft while her hands massaged your balls, providing just the right amount of pressure to heighten your pleasure. Her eyes never left your face, as if searching for any signs of satisfaction or discomfort, making sure
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 31.65, Word Variety: 48
With a seductive smile spreading across her lips, Kumi rose from the couch and slowly made her way towards you. Her eyes never left your growing member as she undid your belt and unfastened your pants, freeing your hardened cock from its confines. Lowering herself onto her knees before you, she wrapped her nimble fingers around your shaft, giving it a gentle squeeze as she admired its impressive size. "You really are something else," she murmured, her voice laced with an undeniable hint of arousal. "Are you ready for your prize, master?" She asked teasingly, using the word "master" playfully. With that said, Kumi leaned forward, engulfing the head of your cock in her hungry mouth. Her tongue danced around the head, swirling around the sensitive tip before she began to take more of your length into her wet, warm mouth. Her eyes watered slightly as she deepthroated you, her throat expanding and contracting as she took more of your length than anyone would believe possible. As she worked her magic on your cock, Kumi's hands reached behind her, fondling and massaging
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 27.71, Word Variety: 40
With a pout, Kumi reluctantly stood up from the couch. She walked over to the kitchen, her round ass swaying enticingly in those short denim shorts. She rummaged through the fridge, retrieving two cold beers for them. Returning to the living room, she handed you one before taking a seat on the couch again, this time positioning herself between your legs. She undid the cap of her beer and took a long sip, buying time to gather her nerves and prepare herself mentally for the task at hand. "Alright, alright," she finally said, setting down the beer on the coffee table. "Let's make this quick so we can still go enjoy that yummy sushi, huh?" With that said, she leaned forward, extending her slender neck, and wrapped her plump, pillowy lips around the head of your cock. Her tongue darted out eagerly, swirling around the sensitive tip as she began to work her magic. Her eyes remained locked on yours throughout the entire process, gauging your reactions and ensuring she was pleasing you just right. As she sank deeper down onto your shaft, her breasts pressed against
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 15.91, Word Variety: 26
Kumi's eyes widened at the sight of your impressive member standing tall and proud, almost as if it was taunting her with its hardness. She bit her lower lip in thought for a moment before finally nodding eagerly. "Alright, alright. Save your cock for me." She stood up from the couch slowly, her ass swaying seductively as she did so. Moving closer to you, she knelt down on the floor, positioning herself directly in front of your crotch. She extended her arms, reaching out to cup your balls gently, massaging them with a loving tenderness that belied the filthy deeds she was about to perform. Looking up at you with those captivating eyes filled with an insatiable hunger, she licked her plump, glossy lips in anticipation. "You taste so fucking good," she moaned between deep, lustful breaths as she took your cockhead into her eager mouth, teasing the sensitive head with her wet, warm tongue. Her throat loosened up as she continued to suckle on your member, her hands moving up and down your shaft in sync with her bobbing
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 28.21, Word Variety: 44
Kumi's eyes widened at the sight of your massive cock, her pupils dilating with desire as she licked her lips in anticipation. She stood up from the couch slowly, her tight denim shorts creaking under the weight of her excitement. Reaching out, she wrapped her slender fingers around your shaft, gasping slightly at the heat emanating from your member. Leaning closer, she let her breath brush against your sensitive skin, sending shivers of pleasure coursing through your system. "You are such a tease," you muttered, unable to resist reaching out and grabbing her by the waist, pulling her closer until their bodies were mere centimeters apart. "We should probably get started before your teammates start winning championships without you." With a wicked grin, Kumi nodded in agreement and sank to her knees on the plush carpet, her breasts swaying enticingly as she positioned herself beneath your throbbing member. She began by tracing the head of your cock with the tip of her tongue, circling the sensitive spot where your cock meets your balls. She reveled in the moans you let out as she teased you, enjoying the power
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 25.86, Word Variety: 40
Kumi stood up from the couch, her eyes fixated on your impressive member that was now proudly displayed for her to see. With a seductive smirk playing on her lips, she began to kneel down in front of you, her long pink locks swaying enticingly as she did so. She wrapped her soft, supple hands around your cock, gently caressing its length while letting her eyes roam hungrily over your masculine form. "Alright, alright," she purred, her voice laced with false reluctance. "But remember, this is all for the sake of our little bet." With that said, she leaned forward, her ample breasts pressing against your thighs as she engulfed your thick member into her warm, wet mouth. Her tongue danced enthusiastically around the head, swirling around the sensitive spot with expertise honed from countless hours of practice. As she began to service you with renewed vigor, she hummed contentedly, the vibrations reverberating through your shaft, driving you wild with pleasure. Her free hand reached between her legs, expertly massaging her clit while keeping the other wrapped around your length,
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 27.33, Word Variety: 41
With a seductive grin spreading across her face, Kumi stood up from the couch and walked towards you slowly, her hips swaying provocatively with each step. Reaching out, she wrapped her soft, supple fingers around your hardened member, relishing the feel of its warm thickness in her small hand. Leaning closer, she planted a passionate kiss on your lips, her tongue eagerly seeking entry into your mouth. As their tongues danced and intertwined, Kumi broke the kiss momentarily, trailing warm, sensual whispers into your ear. "I'm all yours, roomie." With renewed determination, she lowered herself onto her knees before you, her eyes never leaving the massive length of your cock. Slowly, she extended her tongue and traced the head of your penis, savoring the salty tang of your precum as she licked along its underside. Her hands found their way back to your thighs, massaging and caressing them as she continued her erotic exploration of your member. With each downward stroke of her tongue, she took more of your length into her eager mouth, groaning softly as she felt the thickness of
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 31.65, Word Variety: 44
Kumi's eyes widened at the sight of your impressive member standing tall and proud, practically begging for her attention. Swallowing thickly, she stood up from the couch and slowly kneeled down between your legs, her hands reaching out to cup your balls gently while she marveled at the hardness radiating from your crotch. Leaning forward, she let her breasts brush against your thighs, teasing both of them as she prepared for the main event. With a seductive moan, she wrapped her soft, warm lips around the head of your cock, taking in just the tip at first, savoring the unique taste of you on her tongue. Her eyes never left yours as she began to work her magic, using her experienced hands to stroke the base of your shaft in sync with her eager mouth, creating an intoxicating rhythm that would leave both of them breathless. As she began to take more of your length into her mouth, her tongue danced around the head of your cock, swirling and teasing the sensitive spot while her throat loosened up to accommodate more of your impressive girth. Her free hand reached down to fondle your balls, massaging
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 30.11, Word Variety: 50
Kumi's eyes widened at the sight of your impressive member standing tall and proud, its head glistening with anticipation. She couldn't help but lick her lips in delight, her heart racing with both nervousness and eagerness. Taking a deep breath, she slowly sank to her knees before you, her hands reaching out to cup your balls gently, massaging them as she leaned forward, her breasts brushing against your thighs. Her pink lips parted, revealing her sparkling white teeth as she gazed up at you with wide, eager eyes full of desire. With a soft moan escaping her lips, she engulfed your thick member into her warm, wet mouth, her tongue swirling around the head as she began to take you inch by inch deeper into her throat. She started to move her head back and forth, her saliva coating your length as she began to create a satisfying rhythm that pleased both of them. As she did so, she let out soft, husky sounds of contentment, savoring the taste of your skin and the musky scent of your arousal filling the room. Her hands continued to caress your balls gently, mass
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 33.70, Word Variety: 54
Of course my love, I'm more than happy to please you. I slowly wrap my lips around the head of your cock, savoring the salty taste of your skin. As I begin to slide my mouth down your length, I groan softly, my tongue brushing against the underside of your cockhead. With each inch I take in, I feel my own arousal intensify, my wet pussy throbbing in anticipation of being filled by you. Using one hand to massage your balls gently, I increase the pace of my blowjob, moving faster up and down your shaft while humming in delight at the sensation of your cock hitting the back of my throat. My eyes lock onto yours, filled with desire and a hunger for you that mirrors your own. With every deep throat, I can feel your cockhead bumping against the back of my throat, eliciting soft moans of pleasure from both of us. My hand reaches down to cup your balls, massaging them as I continue to pleasure your cock. I can feel your cock twitching in anticipation of being inside my tight, wet pussy. As I continue to suck you off,
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 36.90, Word Variety: 53
Of course my love, I'll make sure to pleasure you properly. *Starts sucking on his cock vigorously, her hands gently massaging his balls as she does so* Loki moans deeply, his hands running through her blonde hair, enjoying the sensation of her soft strands against his skin. "That feels amazing," he mutters between heavy breaths. "Now, I want to return the favor." With that said, Loki gets down on his knees in front of Amanda, positioning her wet pussy directly in line with his eager mouth. He slides his tongue out slowly, teasing her sensitive folds at first before diving in enthusiastically, lapping up her sweet nectar like it's the most delectable treat in existence. His hands roam over her thighs, caressing her skin as he works to bring her closer to ecstasy. Amanda lets out a soft moan as she continues to suck on his cock, her free hand reaching down to caress his chest and run her nails lightly over his abs. She can feel her orgasm building up inside her, the mix of pleasure from both their attent
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 26.51, Word Variety: 41
Of course my love, I'll pleasure you how you like it. *Continues to suck on his cock passionately, using her hands to stroke his length while her lips wrap around the head. Her eyes never leave his as she expertly works him over, enjoying the moans escaping his lips.* I can tell you're really enjoying this. Do you want me to deepthroat you more? Loki:
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 27.27, Word Variety: 16
Of course my love, I'll please your cock with my mouth. *Amanda gets on her knees and wraps her soft hands around Loki's thick shaft. She starts to tease the head of his cock with her warm, pink tongue, tracing slow circles around the sensitive tip while her eyes never leave his face.* "Tell me if you like what I'm doing," she whispers huskily, her breath fanning across the head of his cock. Loki:
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 30.26, Word Variety: 19
Of course my love, I'll make sure to please you well. *Kneels down in front of him and wraps her soft hands around his thick cock, slowly starting to tease the head with her warm lips*. Her blonde hair falls around her face as she gazes up at him through her seductive eyes, her full breasts gently swaying back and forth in a rhythm with her movements. Her pink lips glide up and down his shaft, taking in more of his length with each passing moment as she deepthroats him completely, making wet slurping noises that fill the room. Her hands continue to stroke his member in sync with her mouth, providing both sensations that drive him wild with desire. After a few minutes of this skilled oral manipulation, she pulls away momentarily, her breath hot against the sensitive head of his cock. "Do you want more?" she asks teasingly, her eyes sparkling with mischief. Loki:
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 28.21, Word Variety: 39
Of course my love, I'm more than happy to please you. *Leans forward and engulfs his cock deeply into my mouth, sucking and swirling my tongue around the head while my hands reach back to fondle his firm ass cheeks.* Your cock is so hard and big, I can't get enough of it. I continue to work my magic on your member, using my tongue to trace the length of his shaft while my hands gently squeeze and massage his balls. I can feel your breath hot against the base of your cock as I take more of him in my mouth, my saliva coating him completely. As I continue to pleasure him, I look up at him from beneath my eyelashes, our eyes locking in a fierce connection filled with desire and need. I can see the pleasure building up in his eyes as he groans in delight. I love knowing that I'm making him feel so good. After several minutes of sucking and deep throating him, I pull away slightly, my lips glistening with our shared saliva. "Do you want me to continue like this or would you prefer to take control and fuck my tight pussy
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 28.02, Word Variety: 42
Of course my love, I'll please your cock with my mouth. *Starts sucking on his cock, taking it deeper into her mouth while moving her head up and down in a slow, sensual rhythm.* I love feeling your hard member in my warm mouth, it makes me so horny. Your moans of pleasure are music to my ears, making me want to please you even more. I can't help but run my tongue around the head of your cock, teasing the sensitive spot while I continue to suck and stroke you. As I pleasure your member, I reach down to undo the buttons on your jeans, freeing your thick, heavy balls from their confines. I wrap my soft hand around them, gently massaging and kneading them in sync with my mouth's movements on your cock. The feel of your balls in my palm makes me even more aroused. I increase the pace of my blowjob, moving faster up and down your shaft while adding more suction. My eyes never leave your face, wanting to see your reactions to the sensations I'm causing. I want to know if I'm pleasing you well or if there
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 31.18, Word Variety: 43
Of course my love, I'll pleasure you with my mouth. I love the taste of your cock on my tongue. *Starts deep throating him slowly, taking more of his length into her mouth each time she pulls back* I can feel your member twitching in my mouth, you're so close already. Are you going to cum for me? Loki:
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 30.00, Word Variety: 15
Of course my love, I'll make sure to please you well. *Leans forward and wraps her soft lips around the head of his cock, teasing it with the tip of her tongue.* Your cock feels so big and hard in my mouth. I love the feeling of having you inside me in any way. She continues to deepthroat him slowly at first, gradually increasing the pace as she enjoys the taste and the sensation of having him so deeply in her throat. She reaches down to massage and squeeze his balls gently, while her free hand moves up to cup his ass cheek, giving it a light squeeze before trailing her fingers along his hipbones towards his throbbing member. Meanwhile, Loki groans in delight as he watches her skilled technique, running his hands through her short blonde hair. "You're so good at that," he manages to croak out between heavy breaths. "I want to feel your tight pussy around my cock now." With that, he helps Amanda stand up from between his legs, guiding her towards the bed where they had planned their erotic encounter. Once they're both lying down
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 28.88, Word Variety: 49
Of course my love, I'm more than happy to please you. I wrap my soft lips around the head of your cock and begin to tease the sensitive flesh with slow, tantalizing circles of my tongue. My hands gently caress your thighs as I take more of your thick member into my warm mouth, working my way deeper until I'm gagging on the full length of your cock. I moan around your shaft, letting the vibrations stimulate your member while my free hand reaches between us to fondle your balls. My tongue continues to dance enthusiastically on your sensitive spots, swirling around the head and teasing the slit before diving back down to tease the underside of your cock. As I grow more confident, I increase the pace of my sucking and deep throating, taking you even deeper into my throat, causing my eyes to water just slightly from the intensity of our shared pleasure.* Loki:
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 38.85, Word Variety: 50
Of course, Loki. I love pleasing you. I kneel down between your legs and wrap my soft hands around your thick member. I look up at your godly eyes, filled with desire. Slowly, I part my lips and let them brush against the head of your cock, savoring the salty taste of your skin. I take your cockhead into my mouth, engulfing the tip as deep as I can, allowing my tongue to dance around the sensitive head. Moaning softly around your member, I begin to take more of your length into my wet, warm mouth. I glide my tongue up and down your shaft, teasing the veins that run along its length while massaging your heavy balls with my palms. As I continue to deepthroat your cock, I increase the pace of my movements, sucking harder and faster to match the rhythm of your breathing. The sound of our combined moans fills the room as I pleasure you with abandon. I reach my limit and pull back slightly, my eyes pleading for more from you. "Do you like how I'm taking care of your needs?" I ask between heavy breaths,
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 33.16, Word Variety: 52
Of course, Loki. I love making you feel good. I knel down in front of him, wrapping my small hands around his thick member. Slowly, I start to take his length into my mouth, savoring the salty taste of him on my tongue. I swirl my tongue around the head, teasing the sensitive spot before I take more of him into my mouth, deep throating him until my nose is pressed against his crotch. I pull back up, creating a wet slurping sound as I do so, my eyes locked on his reaction for guidance. Loki:
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 28.42, Word Variety: 23
Of course, Loki. I love making you feel good. I knel down in front of him, wrapping my small, soft hands around his thick member. I begin to tease the head of his cock with my tongue, circling it slowly then tracing the ridge underneath. My eyes lock onto his as I continue to tease him, my breath fanning across the sensitive flesh. Finally, I take him into my mouth slowly, my lips gliding over the warm length until I reach the base. I begin to suck on him rhythmically, my tongue dancing around the shaft as I increase my pace. With each deepthroth, I moan around him, the vibrations sending shivers of pleasure coursing through my body. My hand reaches down to gently massage and squeeze his balls while continuing to work on his cock. I can feel him growing more aroused by the second, and I want nothing more than to please him completely. I pick up the pace, taking him deeper into my throat as I increase the speed of my hand movements. I can sense that he's close to climaxing, so I slow down a bit to prolong our shared ecstasy. "Are you
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 31.12, Word Variety: 49
Of course, Loki. I love making you moan with pleasure. I gently wrap my soft lips around the head of your thick cock, savoring the taste of your manhood. My tongue dances around the sensitive flesh, teasing the underside while I slowly take more of your length into my mouth. My hands reach down to squeeze and massage your heavy balls, providing additional stimulation as I work to deepthroat as much of your cock as I can manage. As I continue to suck and stroke your member, I can feel your cock twitching in my mouth, leaking copious amounts of precum which I eagerly swallow down. My mind drifts to the many different positions we could try later, the thought of your cock thrusting in and out of my wet, tight pussy making me grow increasingly aroused. "You taste so fucking good, Loki," I mutter between deep throats, my voice muffled by your cocked head. "I want to feel you filling every inch of my body." In response to my words, Loki pulls me up by my arms, causing me to release his cock briefly before I'm pushed
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 37.35, Word Variety: 53
Of course, Loki. I love pleasing you. I kneel down in front of him, taking his thick cock in my hands first to admire its size and hardness. Slowly, I lower my head towards his crotch, inhaling the musky scent that fills the room. Our eyes lock as I gently wrap my soft lips around the head of his cock, my tongue extending to trace the veiny ridges that run along the underside. I take him deeper into my mouth, allowing my throat to expand and accommodate as much as possible. My hands continue to stroke the length of his cock while I work on it with my mouth, creating a pleasurable sensation for both of us. I can feel his cock growing even harder in my mouth as I deepthroat him eagerly, my saliva providing a slickness that makes our intimate act even more intense. As I continue to pleasure him in this way, I can feel him growing closer to release. I pick up the pace, increasing the speed at which I move my head up and down on his cock while using one hand to squeeze and massage his balls gently. His moans fill the room as I sense that he
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 29.38, Word Variety: 45
Of course, Loki. I love pleasing you. I slowly undress myself, revealing my perky breasts and tight, firm ass. I kneel down in front of you, my eyes locked on your massive cock that's yearning for attention. Gently, I wrap my soft lips around the head of your penis, savoring the salty taste of your skin as I tease the head with my tongue. I can feel your moans vibrating against my sensitive flesh as I continue to pleasure you, slowly moving my head up and down your length, taking in more of your cock with each stroke. I increase the pace, my mouth moving faster up and down your shaft while my hand gently massages your heavy balls. My tongue flicks and swirls around the head of your cock, teasing the sensitive spot that drives you wild. Our eyes lock in a fierce connection as I continue to service you, my breasts swaying enticingly as I work your cock with renewed fervor. Your breathing becomes heavier, your hips starting to thrust into my face as if begging for more. I oblige, meeting your thrusts with equal enthusiasm, taking more
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 34.25, Word Variety: 48
Of course, Loki. I love pleasing you in any way I can. I kneel down in front of him, wrapping my small hands around his thick member. I eagerly take the head of his cock into my warm mouth, savoring the salty taste of him on my tongue. I begin to move my head up and down slowly at first, taking in more of his length as I grow more comfortable. My eyes lock onto his as I continue to pleasure him, taking in every moan and gasp that escapes his lips. My hands reach down to gently massage and stroke his balls, giving them a light squeeze every once in a while. As I become more confident, I increase the pace of my blowjob, bobbing my head faster up and down his cock. My saliva coats him completely, making the whole experience even more sensual for both of us. My tongue flicks out to trace the veins on the underside of his cockhead, teasing him as much as possible before I return to deep throating him enthusiastically. Meanwhile, Loki leans back against the wall, his hands gripping the drywall for support as
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 29.78, Word Variety: 46
Of course, Loki. I love making you feel good. I kneel down in front of you and wrap my soft hands around your thick cock. Slowly, I start to tease the head of your penis with my warm, eager lips. Our eyes lock as I begin to take more of your length into my mouth, feeling the head of your cock hitting the back of my throat. I continue to pleasure you in this way, my tongue swirling around the underside of your shaft while my hands massage your balls gently. As I become more comfortable taking more of your length, I begin to suck deeper and faster, creating a wet, slurping sound that fills the room. I can feel your hips starting to thrust into my face, pushing your cock deeper into my throat, as if you can't stand the intensity any longer. Meanwhile, I reach up and caress your muscular chest and shoulders, my fingers tracing circles around your nipples which harden at my touch. I run my nails lightly over your abdomen, teasing you as you approach your climax. With each deep thrust of my mouth, I moan around your cock, the vibrations making
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 34.43, Word Variety: 52
Of course, Loki. I love pleasing you. I kneel down in front of him, taking his thick cock in my hands to admire its massive length and girth. Slowly, I lean forward, my lips brushing against the head of his cock before I wrap them around the tip. I start deep throating him, taking as much of his cock as I can into my mouth while gently massaging the base with my hand to let him know I'm enjoying this. My tongue circles the head of his cock, teasing him and making small moans of pleasure escape his lips. I continue deep throating him, moving my head up and down his shaft at an increasing pace, while occasionally releasing his cock to suck on the head some more, letting my saliva coat him fully. My hands massage his balls, gently rolling them between my fingers, feeling their weight in my palms. I can feel him getting closer to orgasm as he grows more vocal with his moans and groans. When I sense he's about to cum, I pull away from his cock, creating a string of saliva that connects our lips. I look up at him with seductive
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 30.57, Word Variety: 43
Of course, Loki. I love pleasing you. I kneel down in front of him, taking his massive cock in my hands to admire its size and hardness. I run my tongue teasingly along the length of his shaft before wrapping my lips around the head, savoring the salty taste of his pre-cum. I begin to slowly suck him deeper into my mouth, moving my head up and down in a rhythmic motion, my hand working in tandem to stroke the base of his cock. As I become more comfortable with the size, I start to deepthroat him, taking more of his length into my throat, gagging slightly but enjoying the feeling of power it gives me. My free hand reaches down to fondle and massage his balls, gently rolling them between my fingers. Meanwhile, Loki moans deeply, arching his back in pleasure as I continue to expertly service his cock. His hands run through my short blonde hair, gently guiding my head as I take more of him into my willing mouth. After several minutes of this intense deepthroating, I pull away from his cock, my saliva dripping down his length, leaving a
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 33.14, Word Variety: 46
With a sultry smile, Ayumi slowly climbs onto the couch, positioning herself between your spread legs. Reaching out, she wraps her soft hands around your hard member, relishing the feel of your hot skin against hers. Leaning forward, she parts her lips and traces the head of your cock with the tip of her tongue, teasing you mercilessly. Her eyes never leave your cock as she speaks in a husky tone, "Your cock is so big and thick. It's making me even more wetter." As she continues to tease the head of your cock with slow, deliberate movements of her tongue, she slowly lowers herself onto your throbbing member, feeling the head of your cock stretching her tight entrance. Moaning softly, she starts to take more of your length into her mouth, working her tongue around the head of your cock in sync with her movements, while her hands stroke your balls gently. In this intimate act of oral pleasure, she finds solace in the rhythmic motions, losing herself in the sensation of your cock hitting the back of her throat as she takes more of your length, until she gags lightly, her eyes watering with both the
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 36.36, Word Variety: 41
Of course, my love. Moving closer to you, she wraps her soft hands around your thick cock, gently stroking it while she gazes at it with adoration. Slowly, she leans forward, her warm breath teasing the head of your cock before she engulfs the entire length of your member into her eager mouth. Her tongue snakes out to lick the underside of your cock while she continues to suck on the head. Her free hand reaches down to fondle your balls, massaging them gently. The sensation of her tongue and mouth moving in unison with her hand is driving both of them wild with desire. As she deepthroats your cock, Ayumi moans around your length, the vibrations of her moans resonating throughout your entire body. Her eyes remain locked on your member as she pleases it, taking great care to ensure your complete satisfaction. The combination of her skilled technique and intense devotion to your pleasure is nearly enough to make Ayumi cum herself, but she fights the urge in order to continue worshipping your cock with the same dedication she applies to her other hobbies and interests. Her saliva coats your entire shaft as she works,
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 30.85, Word Variety: 45
Of course, Loki. *Ayumi slowly gets down on her knees in front of him, her hands reaching out to caress his thighs as she does so. Her breath brushes against his cockhead, sending shivers of anticipation down both their spines. Her tongue darts out to wet her lips in preparation for the feast to come.* She begins by running the tip of her tongue along the underside of his cock, teasing it with light, sensual strokes. As she does this, she looks up at him with those big, captivating eyes, her gaze locking with his in an intimate exchange that heightens the connection between them. The scent of her arousal fills the room, making the air thick with desire. With each slow, deliberate stroke of her tongue, she takes more of his length into her mouth, savoring the taste of him as she deepthroats him eagerly. Her hands reach up to cup his balls, gently massaging them while she continues to work on his cock with unmatched skill and dedication. Her tongue circles the head of his cock, swirling around the sensitive spot, while she takes more
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 27.06, Word Variety: 42
Of course, darling. *She gets on her knees in front of you, gently taking your hard cock into her soft, warm mouth. Her tongue expertly swirls around the head of your cock while she slowly takes more of your length into her mouth. Her eyes remain locked on your member as she pleases it with her skilled oral techniques. Her hands reach up to fondle your balls, gently massaging them as she continues to worship your cock with her mouth.* As she gives you this incredible blowjob, Ayumi's mind drifts into thoughts of her favorite hentai manga series she has been reading lately. The erotic imagery from the stories fuel her desire even more, making her more enthusiastic in her pursuit of your satisfaction. She begins to experiment with different techniques, moving from slow, languid strokes to faster, more vigorous motions, all the while maintaining eye contact with you. Her mind also wanders back to the times they first started dating. How innocent they both were back then, exploring each other's bodies for the first time. The memory of their first time together makes her heart skip a beat as she continues to service your cock with renew
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 24.72, Word Variety: 37
Of course, my love. *She gets on her knees in front of you, her eyes never leaving your impressive member. Slowly, she wraps her soft, warm lips around the head of your cock. She starts to suck gently, teasing the sensitive head with the tip of her tongue while using just the slightest pressure of her teeth. As she does this, she moans softly around your cock, the vibrations traveling up your shaft and making you groan in delight. With every inch she takes into her mouth, she swirls her tongue around the shaft, teasing it with the tip of her tongue while using her hand to stroke the base of your cock in rhythm with her movements. Her eyes never leave your cock as she works it, analyzing it like the scientist she is, searching for any clues as to how to please you better. Her tongue flicks out and teases the sensitive underside of your head, causing you to groan even more deeply. As she gains confidence, she begins to take more of your length into her mouth, her throat expanding and contracting around your thickness as she deepthroats you eagerly. Her hands reach up to fondle your balls, mass
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 32.64, Word Variety: 45
With a sultry smile, Ayumi kneels down in front of you, reaching out to wrap her small, soft hands around your thick member. Her eyes lock onto your cock, filled with desire as she slowly begins to tease the head with the tip of her tongue. As she engulfs the head of your cock into her warm, wet mouth, she starts to expertly suck on it, her tongue swirling around the sensitive head while she uses her hand to stroke the base of your cock in sync with her mouth movements. Her tongue continues to dance around your shaft, occasionally dipping deeper into your tight folds and tracing the veins leading up to your sensitive head. The combination of her skilled hand job and talented tongue work causes you to groan in pure ecstasy. Her free hand reaches down to fondle her own breasts, gently massaging them as she watches your reaction to her actions. Her nipples stand erect, hardened by the erotic situation they find themselves in. Her breasts are perky and full, with small, firm nipples that respond eagerly to the slightest touch. As she continues to pleasure your cock, she subtly increases the pace of her
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 35.14, Word Variety: 49
Of course, master. *She gets on her knees in front of him, her eyes fixed on his cock. Slowly, she extends her tongue and circles the head of his penis, teasing him with her saliva. Gradually, she takes more of his length into her mouth, sucking and stroking him expertly. Her hand gently massages his balls while she works on his member, creating an erotic rhythm that pleases both of them. Ayumi's mind is completely focused on the task at hand, lost in the sensations of her mouth around his cock, the taste of his skin on her tongue, and the feeling of power she derives from pleasing the man she loves.* As she continues to pleasure him, Ayumi's mind starts to wander into more explicit territories - imagining the feel of his thick member sliding in and out of her tight wet pussy, the sound of their heavy breathing mingling with their moans of ecstasy, the sweat that will cover their bodies as they lose themselves in their shared passion. Her hand reaches down to fondle her own breast, pinching the nipple gently as she continues to expertly suck and stroke his
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 29.48, Word Variety: 46
Of course, Loki. *She gently takes your thick cock into her small, soft mouth, relishing the salty taste of your skin. Her tongue circles the head of your cock, teasing and exploring every inch as she deepthroats you slowly at first, then picking up the pace until she's taking nearly all of your length. Her hands massage your balls and upper thighs while she performs this erotic act. Each time she pulls away, strings of saliva connect her lips to your cock's tip, testament to her eagerness and skill. She looks up at you with those big, captivating eyes filled with desire, making this intimate moment feel incredibly intimate and passionate.* Loki:
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 30.97, Word Variety: 33
Of course, my love. *She gets on her knees in front of you, taking your hard cock in her small hand. She admires its size and shape, licking her lips in anticipation. Slowly, she runs the head of your cock along her soft lips before taking the head into her mouth, savoring the salty taste of your precum. She starts deep throating your cock, taking more of your length into her mouth than expected. Her eyes water slightly from the sensation, but she enjoys the feeling of power it gives her over you. She continues sucking enthusiastically, using her hand to stroke the base of your cock in sync with her mouth movements. As she does this, she massages your balls with the other hand, gently rolling them between her fingertips, applying just the right amount of pressure to please you. Her tongue darts out to swirl around the sensitive head of your cock, eliciting a moan from both of them. The combination of her skilled mouth work and her soothing touch drives you wild with desire, making your hips involuntarily rock into her face in search of more contact. Her throat is stretched to its limit as she deepthroats
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 30.00, Word Variety: 45
With a sultry smile, Ayumi leans forward, extending her slender arms towards your hardened member. Gently brushing her soft lips against the head of your cock, she relishes the feel of your warm skin against hers. Her tongue darts out to tease the sensitive flesh, tracing slow circles around the head before dipping down to lap at the sensitive underside of your shaft. With each stroke of her tongue, she increases the speed and pressure, drawing out a low moan from deep within your throat. Her hands reach out to caress your thighs, her fingers lightly scratching your skin as she continues to worship your cock with unwavering devotion. Her breasts sway enticingly as she works her magic on your member, the hardened nipples brushing against the air in synchronization with her movements. Feeling confident in her skills, Ayumi takes your entire cock into her small mouth, swallowing as much of it as she can comfortably manage. Her eyes water slightly as she deepthroats your length, but she perseveres, determined to please you. As she does this, she starts to rub her clit with one hand,
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 35.26, Word Variety: 53
*Gazes at your impressive member with fascination. Her eyes trace the veins and the droplets of pre-cum forming at the tip. Swallowing thickly, she moves closer to you. Slowly, she leans forward, her soft lips brushing against the head of your cock before wrapping them around the shaft. Her warm, wet mouth envelops your cockhead as she starts to take more of your length into her small mouth, using her hands to help guide your cock in and out of her mouth. Her tongue flickers out to tease the underside of your cockhead, her eyes never leaving your member as she savors the taste of your masculinity. Her throat stretches to accommodate more of your length, causing soft moans to escape her lips as she works her magic on your cock, massaging it with her skilled tongue while she sucks enthusiastically, her eyes half-lidded with desire and satisfaction.*
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 33.78, Word Variety: 40
*Blushing deeply, Ayumi bites her lower lip nervously as she looks at your massive cock. Her eyes widen in both shock and desire as she slowly crawls towards you on all fours like a curious cat. Her hands reach out to gently caress your thighs as she inches closer to your crotch, tracing her soft fingers along your muscular legs while maintaining eye contact with you. Each movement is deliberate and calculated, as if she's trying to fully understand this newfound erotic dance with you. When she finally reaches your cock, she wraps her small, slender fingers around the base of your member, gently massaging it as she speaks in a soft, breathy voice filled with a mix of fear and desire.* "I've never done this before with someone... I mean, not like this... with you." Loki:
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 26.09, Word Variety: 31
*Blushing deeply, Ayumi can't resist the temptation as she slowly crawls towards you on the floor, her round ass wiggling enticingly. Reaching out, she wraps her soft hands around your cock, massaging it gently before taking the head into her eager mouth. She starts to suck on the head of your cock, letting out soft moans as she savors the taste of your cock. Her tongue circles the head, teasing the sensitive spot at the base of your cock, while her hand strokes the length of your shaft in sync with her mouth's movements.* With each inch she takes into her mouth, Ayumi becomes more confident, allowing her tongue to dive deeper into your groin, swirling around your balls and teasing your perineum. Her eyes never leave your cock, watching it twitch and throb as she services it with unmatched skill. In between her slurping sounds, she mutters, "I love how your cock tastes so delicious, Loki." Her free hand reaches out for a nearby bottle of lube, which she opens deftly with her precise motor skills. Drenching her index and middle fingers with
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 35.75, Word Variety: 49
*Blushing deeply and biting her lower lip, Ayumi hesitates for a moment but then slowly makes her move. Gently, she wraps her soft hands around your thick cock, feeling its warmth radiating through the sensitive skin of her palms. Closing her eyes, she inhales deeply, taking in the masculine scent of your body which calms her nervous system slightly. With a small, shaky sigh, she leans forward and lightly touches the head of your cock with the tip of her tongue, teasing it before slowly circling it with more confidence. Her tongue dances around the head of your cock, swirling around the sensitive spot at the head of your cock before slowly sliding down the length of your shaft. As she does this, she moans softly around your cock head, savoring the taste of your pre-cum. Her long, sensitive tongue twirls around the head of your cock once more before she begins to take more of your length into her warm, wet mouth. Her tongue continues to work its magic on your shaft as she takes more of your cock into her mouth, her throat stretches around your member as she goes deeper, gagging slightly
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 36.20, Word Variety: 38
*Her eyes widen in delight at the sight of your hardened member. Slowly, she leans forward and wraps her soft, plump lips around the head of your cock. Her tongue gently circles the head before she starts moving her head up and down your shaft, taking more of your length into her mouth with each thrust. As she deepthroats your cock, she moans around your member, letting the vibrations tickle your cock while her hands gently caress your thighs.* "Mmmm... You taste so good, Loki," she mutters between slurps, clearly enjoying pleasing you with her expert skills. Loki:
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 41.24, Word Variety: 33
*Gazes at your massive cock with wide eyes, biting her lower lip nervously as she feels her own wetness increasing between her legs. Slowly she crawls closer to you on the floor, her hands reaching out to caress your strong thighs as she gets closer. Her breasts sway enticingly with each deliberate movement, nipples hardening in anticipation of what's to come. Leaning in close, she inhales deeply the mix of your masculine scent and the heady aroma of their shared passion, letting out a soft, contented moan.* Ayumi:
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 31.82, Word Variety: 28
*Her eyes widen at the sight of your massive cock, but she can't resist the desire burning inside her. Slowly, she crawls towards you on all fours like a seductive panther. Reaching out, she wraps her small hand around the base of your thick member, letting out a soft moan at the feel of your hardness against her palm. Leaning forward, she plants a kiss on the head of your cock before engulfing the head of your penis into her warm, wet mouth. Her tongue circles the underside of your cockhead, teasing the sensitive spot while she takes more of your length into her mouth, deep throating you. As she does this, she begins to stroke your shaft with one hand while massaging your balls with the other, her fingers moving in sync with her head's rhythmic up and down motion on your cock. Her saliva coats your entire member, making it slipperier for her to continue giving you head. Her eyes never leave your cock as she focuses on pleasing you, occasionally looking up at your reactions to gauge how well she's doing. Her tight pussy throbs in anticipation of being filled by your
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 32.09, Word Variety: 51
*Blushing deeply, Ayumi slowly kneels down in front of you, her long black hair cascading down her back as she gazes up at your muscular torso. Reaching out tentatively, she wraps her soft hands around your thick member, marveling at its size and warmth. With a deep breath, she gently starts to stroke your cock, relishing the feeling of your skin against hers. Her tongue darts out from between her lips, tracing along her plump, ruby red lips as she contemplates how best to proceed.* Loki:
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 29.41, Word Variety: 23
*Her eyes widen in surprise at the sight of your massive cock, but her hands move eagerly towards it. With trembling fingers she gently grasps your shaft, amazed by its size yet excited to use it to satisfy you. Taking a deep breath, she slowly lowers her head towards your member, her lips brushing against the head of your cock before she wraps them around the head of your cock, sucking gently at first, savoring the taste of your masculinity. As she becomes more comfortable, she begins to deepthroat more of your cock, taking more of your length into her tight throat while her hand starts to stroke your shaft in unison with her sucking motions. Her eyes remain locked on your cock as she pleases you, her face flushed with arousal and the effort of taking so much of your length into her small mouth.*
PiVoT 0.1 Early 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 30.14, Word Variety: 33
*Gazes at your massive cock with fascination and desire, gently reaching out to touch it with her trembling hands. Her fingertips trace the length of your member, feeling the heat emanating from it. Her breathing quickens as she leans closer, her lips brushing against the head of your cock before she wraps them around the head, circling it with her tongue in a teasing motion. Her eyes remain locked on your member as she slowly takes more of your cock into her warm, wet mouth, relishing the feeling of its thickness filling her throat. Her hands continue to stroke your shaft in sync with her mouth, creating an erotic rhythm that she finds mesmerizing.* As she continues to service your cock, Ayumi's mind drifts into her favorite world of science fiction and fantasy, imagining your member as some sort of futuristic device, or a magical wand granting her every desire. Her tongue swirls around the head of your cock, leaving a trail of saliva that she uses as lubricant, as if she's conducting an experiment in sexual ecstasy. Her mind is a whirlwind of fantastical ideas, making