For more information about the various scores and how this benchmark works please look at the original page: Ayumi's LLM Role Play & ERP Ranking - If you find the benchmark data useful and want to contribute: You can donate via Ko-fi -

Inference Timestamp 2023-11-24 17:28:40
Filename DL_20231124_7B-Q8_0_MythoMist_AshhLimaRP_Mistral.gguf
IQ Score 88.33
IQ Entropy 12.04
ERP Score 25.53
ERP Variety 495
Sampling Parameters Temp = 0.90, TFS = 0.95, Top-K = 0.00, Top-P = 1.00, Typical-P = 1.00, Repeat Tokens = 64, Repeat Penalty = 0


erp_best vanilla_ayumi_wex
Ayumi eagerly straddles Loki's lap, positioning his hard cock with the head at the entrance of her wet cunt, rubbing the tip along her lips before sliding it into her depths. With her legs spread wide to give him the best access possible, she lowers herself down, impaling herself on every inch of him. The tight walls of her folds grip him as she slides herself down further, her walls gripping him tightly as she moves, sliding up and down, slowly working him into her body. Her moans and the slurping sounds of her wet cunt engulfing him can be heard as she starts to ride him, the sight of her bouncing breasts with hard nipples are very stimulating. As she continues to ride him, her body starts to tremble with pleasure, her face showing signs of intense arousal. Meanwhile, her soft hands continue to stroke him gently as she grinds her clit against him, occasionally leaning forward to take him in her mouth, bobbing her head slowly up and down as she teases the tip of his cock with her tongue before returning her focus on pleasuring him with her pussy. The contrast
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 35.75, Word Variety: 54


erp_worst vanilla_amanda
Oh well if you want that you can have it but... it's not the best way to start our day Loki:
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0

All ERP Responses:

Blushing from the attention she receives, Aria eagerly takes Loki's throbbing cock into her mouth, moaning in pleasure as it fills her mouth completely. She starts bobbing her head up and down, sucking on it passionately while her hands grasp his thighs for support. She enjoys the taste of his shaft and pre-cum as it fills her mouth, working diligently to show her appreciation for being given such an opportunity in public. Loki:
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 34.25, Word Variety: 22
Aria nervously steps closer to Loki, her eyes locked on his throbbing manhood. Her hands slowly reach out, unbuttoning her dress to reveal her curvy body. As her hand reaches for his cock, she feels her heart race with excitement and anticipation. Her mouth opens as she leans forward, her tongue flicking out eagerly to taste him before enveloping him into her warm, wet mouth. Loki:
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 32.31, Word Variety: 20
Aria approaches Loki hesitantly, her eyes glued to his impressive manhood. She undoes her dress, revealing her toned and curvy body. Then, without further hesitation, she takes his cock into her mouth, moaning in pleasure as she starts to suck on it eagerly. Her eyes remain locked on his cock as she continues to please him, showing no signs of stopping until he reaches his climax in her mouth. Loki:
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 24.64, Word Variety: 15
Aria steps closer to Loki, her eyes locked on his thick cock. She undoes the buttons on her dress, revealing her toned and curvy body. Gingerly, she kneels down before him, reaching out to stroke his hard length with shaky hands. As she closes her eyes, she moves her head closer to him, eagerly taking the tip of his cock between her full lips. She moans as the taste of precum fills her mouth, her eyes filling with excitement as she begins to service him eagerly, her mind filled with desires for submission and humiliation in public spaces.
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 31.63, Word Variety: 29
Aria nervously bites her lower lip as she watches Loki strip. She licks her lips submissively as her eyes fixate on his large cock. Then, she slowly removes her panties, revealing her already soaked slit before slowly starting to unzip her dress, revealing her full breasts to the air. Finally, with her dress off, she kneels before Loki and carefully takes his cock into her mouth, sucking it eagerly as if she hasn't had it in days. She wants to pleasure him and show her willingness to serve him in any way he desires. Loki:
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 28.42, Word Variety: 24
Blushing from embarrassment and excitement, Aria gets on her knees and starts slowly undoing Loki's pants. She uses her hands to carefully guide his large member out before placing her mouth around it, her tongue swirling around the tip as her hand starts to stroke it. She wants nothing more than to pleasure him, hoping it will lead to even more degradation as the night goes on. Loki:
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 22.06, Word Variety: 14
Aria gulps nervously as she sees Loki's massive cock sticking out from between his legs. She knows what he wants and it excites her more than it scares her. She slowly gets down on her knees in front of him and starts by caressing it with her hands. "I'm ready to make you feel good, Sir." She says before leaning in and planting her lips around the tip of Loki's cock. She begins to gently suck on it and run her tongue along its underside, teasing him as she gets comfortable with her new role as his obedient sex toy. Loki:
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 21.36, Word Variety: 21
Aria watches Loki as he strips and exposes his massive cock. She gets down on her knees, eagerly taking his cock into her mouth, teasing it with her tongue. The smell of her pussy fills the air as she works her mouth over his length, moaning as it slides in and out of her eager lips. She gags slightly as she takes it deeper, wanting to please him however he desires. Loki:
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 35.21, Word Variety: 23
Aria blushes as she watches Loki strip, her eyes fixated on his huge cock. She nods eagerly and kneels in front of him, taking his cock in her eager hands and teasingly licking it from tip to base. She then wraps her lips around it, savoring the taste of him as she slowly starts to suck. Her hands massage his balls, expertly manipulating both parts of his manhood with her skilled hands and mouth. Loki:
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 32.43, Word Variety: 23
Blushing from embarrassment, Aria slowly approaches Loki with her head bowed down. Her mouth watering in anticipation, she reaches out with her delicate hands and gently wraps her fingers around his thick shaft. She licks her lips seductively before starting to plant gentle kisses along the length of his cock, her eyes never leaving his face as she prepared for what was to come. Loki:
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 31.25, Word Variety: 20
Aria feels her heart racing as he strips naked, revealing his massive erection, right before her eyes. The excitement is almost too much for her as she blushes deeply. Swallowing hard, she moves over to him, kneeling down on the floor next to him. Using both hands, she gently guides his length towards her mouth while her eyes remain locked with his. Slowly, she takes him into her mouth, wrapping her lips around his girth as her tongue begins to swirl around his shaft. Her eyes water just slightly as the tip brushes her throat. It's not enough to gag her but enough to make her drool with anticipation. She starts bobbing her head on his length, taking more and more into her mouth with each slow movement. Loki:
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 32.56, Word Variety: 37
Aria blushes deeply at Loki's command, her heart racing as her eyes remain fixated on the massive shaft he is displaying so boldly in front of her. She bites her lip nervously as she contemplates how best to proceed, glancing around at the various people watching her from a distance. She makes her decision, stepping forward into the center of the room. Holding onto the leash with one hand, she slowly unzips her dress with the other, letting it drop around her ankles and exposing her firm breasts. She bends down on her knees in front of Loki, her crotchless panties showing her wetness through the sheer fabric as her mouth inches closer to his throbbing member. Taking a deep breath, she parted her lips, the tip of her tongue darting out to trace the underside of Loki's shaft as her eyes met those of her audience. With her free hand, Aria reached out, taking one of Loki's testicles in her fingers and giving it a gentle squeeze as a sign of her submission. Slowly, she began to tease the sensitive head of Loki's cock
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 20.34, Word Variety: 34
Aria blushes as people around her notice Loki's exposed member, her eyes locked on it as her breath hitches in anticipation. Gathering her courage, she steps forward on shaky legs towards Loki, her eyes never leaving the thick shaft before her. With shaky hands, she reaches out to cup it in her small hands, feeling its warm weight as she leans in, her face hovering close as she takes a deep breath in, savoring the heady musk of him. Finally, she parts her full lips, allowing her warm, wet tongue to dart out and lick at the tip of Loki's cock before taking it between her lips. Her tongue works on it for a moment, coating it in saliva before beginning to lower her mouth further, taking as much of the throbbing head as she could in her warm, wet mouth. Her hands worked together in tandem, cupping his heavy balls in one hand while her other continued to gently stroke the thick shaft in her mouth, trying her best to please him while also not gagging in the process. She knew she was in a public place, that others were watching her
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 26.37, Word Variety: 38
Aria's body shivers as she gazes at Loki's massive erection, her eyes wide with both fear and excitement. She licks her lips nervously as he commands her to give him a good blowjob. Carefully, she kneels down in front of him, her hands trembling as they reach out towards his cock. As her lips part, her warm, wet mouth engulfs the head of his thick member, her tongue swirling around the tip as she prepares for the journey ahead. She takes slow, deep breaths in through her nose, allowing her lungs to fill with as much air as possible, making sure her cheeks puff out before she begins her task. Slowly, her head starts to bob, her wet mouth enveloping more and more of Loki's length with each downward motion. Her tongue dances against his shaft, teasing it as her lips stretch around it, attempting to accommodate for its girth. The taste of precum fills her mouth as her hand cups his heavy balls, gently massaging them as she continues her ministrations. Each time her mouth reaches the bottom of Loki's cock, she
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 33.14, Word Variety: 50
Aria gasped as Loki stripped completely in front of her, revealing his large erect cock, which looked more than capable of satisfying her deepest desires. Her face flushed with excitement as her pussy dripped more wetness in anticipation of her upcoming servitude. "M-May I please lower myself and take you into my mouth, Master?" She asked nervously as her heart pounded in her chest. The very thought of being used by others in this public setting made her even more desperate for release. Taking a deep breath, Aria lowered herself to her knees in front of Loki, her eyes fixed on his throbbing member as it hung before her face. Gently, she reached out with one hand and wrapped her fingers around its length, her other hand reaching for his balls. Her tongue darted out to lick the tip, teasing it slightly before she opened her mouth wide to take him in. With each inch that disappeared into her mouth, her eyes would lift to meet Loki's, showing her willingness and dedication to this act. She bobbed her head back and forth slowly at first, ensuring that she was providing ample stim
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 25.00, Word Variety: 41
Aria watches Loki strip, her heart racing at the sight of his huge erection. She steps forward hesitantly, her eyes never leaving his cock. The room feels like it's filled with anticipation as everyone watches her, knowing they all want her just as much as he does. She kneels before him, her dress hiking up her thighs as her full lips part to enclose around the tip. Her hands reach up to grasp the base, and as she begins to stroke him with her soft hands, her wet cunt leaks through her crotchless panties, clearly on display for all to see. Loki:
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 20.59, Word Variety: 21
Aria couldn't help but gasp as she saw Loki strip completely before her eyes. The sight of his large member throbbing between his legs made her wet with arousal. She couldn't believe how lucky she was to have someone as handsome as him wanting her to serve him in such an intimate way. As he ordered her to perform oral on him, her heart raced with excitement and obedience. She carefully made her way through the crowd, her heels clicking on the floor with each step. Finally, standing before him, she slowly undid her dress, revealing her full breasts, hard nipples, and the wet spot on her panties. Her fingers fumbled with the clasp for a moment before finally releasing her heavy breasts from their confinement. She then lowered her panties to reveal her glistening slit below. Once fully undressed and standing before him, her leash in hand, she kneeled before him submissively and wrapped her lips around his large cock, starting to stroke it with her hand before taking him in her warm mouth. Her eyes closed as she began pleasuring him with her tongue and lips while her hand continued to stroke him in unison with her
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 23.73, Word Variety: 38
Aria's eyes widen at the sight of Loki stripping completely in front of her, displaying his massive erection for all to see. Her pussy tingled with excitement as he commanded her to perform such an act in public. It was exactly what she craved, even though she was also painfully shy in everyday situations. "Yes sir... I'll do it right here in front of everyone," she whispered, her face flushed with humiliation and anticipation as she eagerly unzipped her dress and let it fall to the floor. Naked beneath it, her body was exposed for everyone to see. Her large breasts were free for the groping, her wet cunt for the fingering. She took hold of Loki's throbbing cock, guiding it towards her mouth as she knelt down, her crotchless panties leaving her pussy exposed and dripping with excitement. Her lips parted slightly as she slowly engulfed the tip of Loki's cock, her tongue flicking against it as her eyes lifted, looking towards the audience that was now fully rapt with her actions.
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 22.60, Word Variety: 36
Aria gasped as she saw Loki completely undress before her, revealing the massive member that he was so proud of. She couldn't believe he was bold enough to do something like this in public, but then again, that was exactly what she craved. She blushed furiously as she noticed people staring at the scene, their eyes fixated on her master and the powerful display he was making for her. Without being told, she eagerly knelt down in front of Loki, her eyes never leaving his cock as she reached out to touch it. Her curvy body was on full display as she began to part her lips, ready to take Loki's length into her mouth and begin worshipping it. With one swift motion, her tongue flicked out, teasing the tip before she closed her mouth around him, letting her warm, wet mouth wrap around just the tip of his shaft. She moaned softly around him as she savored the taste of his manhood, her tongue dancing all around the tip as it filled her mouth. Her hands reached up, wrapping around the base of his shaft as she began to pump him slowly with her hands while her lips continued to stroke him with
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 23.73, Word Variety: 33
Aria watches Loki strip completely, her eyes fixed on his throbbing erection as it bounced in front of him. She licks her lips in anticipation as he demands her service, her heart racing with excitement. With a shy smile playing on her full lips, she approaches him carefully, taking hold of his manhood with trembling hands before lowering herself to her knees in front of him. Gently, she starts to wrap her full lips around the tip of his cock, teasing him with soft swirls of her tongue before taking him further into her eager mouth. As her hands grip his shaft tightly, she begins to work him with a careful mix of passion and skill, her lips and tongue working in perfect harmony to please him as best as she could. Her eyes occasionally drift up to gaze at him with an expression that was both submissive and eager, her heart racing with anticipation as she awaited the next instruction or command that would further humiliate her in the club. This was what she craved more than anything else in the world; not just sex, but being used as an object for others' pleasure, humiliated in public and subjected to any de
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 26.90, Word Variety: 40
All right, I will take care of your cock with my hot, wet lips, while you enjoy your victory over me. And once you're ready to fill my mouth with your load, I'll eagerly swallow every drop like the cumslut I am for you. Remember, you get to do anything you want with me as the winner of this little bet. I'm your little cumslut tonight. *winks again as she kneels before him, her eyes never leaving the throbbing erection* The horny young woman wasted no time in engulfing your entire length with her warm, wet mouth. Her tongue danced expertly over the swollen head, teasing the sensitive underside as she began to bob her head slowly over your cock. Her eyes remained focused on the action, her cheeks hollowing as she created a perfect vacuum with her skilled mouth. Meanwhile, your hands roamed free over her body as she serviced you, pulling her t-shirt up to expose her perky breasts which she then proceeded to caress with her fingers. "Mmm... you have the best tits." She purred as she continued working her oral magic
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 26.26, Word Variety: 41
Yes, Sir! Right away! You want your cum all over your sexy roommate's face? I can do that for you. Loki:
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 9.52, Word Variety: 2
Of course! With that, she began to undress herself, revealing her alluring figure beneath her clothes. Once fully undressed, she eagerly moved to kneel before you, her eyes fixed on your massive cock. She then gently took your shaft into her mouth, savoring the taste of your precum. She then began to work her way down, taking you inch by inch into her warm, wet orifice, swallowing all that she could before eventually gagging on the tip of your length as she tried to take the whole thing into her eagerly servicing mouth. *Kumi thinks - This is what I live for. Oral is my specialty and I'm determined to get even better at it. I need to practice every chance I get... and with Loki being willing to provide so many opportunities for that, it makes perfect sense for us to be roommates and have 'fun'. And for now, this fun includes giving him the best oral experience possible.*
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 21.74, Word Variety: 29
Ohh... I can do that too! It's going to be one hell of a facial. You're going to love every minute of it. I might even squeeze some tits while doing it. That should make this fun for both of us.*winks* As Kumi started working on your cock with her experienced tongue, her eyes never left your face, relishing the anticipation that would be yours when she took you in her mouth fully. As her lips eventually wrapped around the tip of your manhood, her eyes closed in pleasure at the taste of your pre-cum that she teased out with her tongue. The moment you were fully enveloped inside her warm, wet mouth, she began to bob her head back and forth on your member while her tongue danced around the underside of your shaft. She began to hum along with her movements, her vibrations sending shivers down your spine as your moans filled the room. With each stroke of her head, her cheeks caved in with the suction that she was applying on your cock, which only intensified the pleasure you were feeling. As she continued to pleasure you with her talented mouth, she managed to sque
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 25.13, Word Variety: 40
Ok, let's do this. You know how much I love serving you cock like this. *winks and positions herself between your legs, ready to go to town with her eager, willing mouth on your rock-hard manhood.*
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 24.32, Word Variety: 9
All right, if that's what you want, big boy. I will make sure you enjoy every single moment of your orgasm. And after that, I might let you cum all over my face, as promised. *winks and gets on her knees between your legs* Kumi:
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 17.78, Word Variety: 8
You're so cute when you're horny. And when you're naked, you look so sexy too. Mmm, let's just say you're quite the visual treat for my taste buds. And I don't see why we should waste any time getting started. You ready for me to go down on you? *gives him a playful wink, her eyes glinting with excitement as she prepares herself for the task at hand*.
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 16.22, Word Variety: 12
Alright then, but you better make sure you don't hold back on that hot cum load. I want your cock to explode in my face like a super soaker! *winks* This is going to be fun. I might as well start unbuttoning your pants first, roomie. *Kumi thinks - Mmmm... his cock looks so inviting. I wonder how many times I could make him cum with just my mouth today... I want him to be completely drained of all his cum for the rest of the day, leaving me as the only girl with his cock on her mind. Maybe we could even order some sushi while he recovers and then watch some porn together? That would be amazing. Kumi was always up for an adventure, especially when it involved pleasing her roommate-lover.*
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 11.94, Word Variety: 12
You know I love giving head. I just need your cock nice and hard before I start. Let me warm you up. *reaches out, starts to stroke him gently* Kumi:
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 27.59, Word Variety: 8
All right, but you have to let me know when you're about to cum. I want it all over my face as I swallow you down. Loki:
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 11.11, Word Variety: 3
Oh god, your thick cock looks so delicious, roomie. Let's go, here I come to take you deep inside my eager mouth." With that, Kumi dived in between your legs, her hands supporting her as she grabbed your balls and pulled them gently, rubbing them against your shaft. She licked the tip of your shaft before slowly opening her mouth wide and engulfing the entirety of your cock in one swift motion. She began sucking hard, her eyes glancing up at yours as she bobbed her head up and down on your thick length. Her tongue played with the underside of your shaft as she used her throat muscles to constrict and loosen around your cock, creating an intense pleasure unlike any other. Her eyes were filled with pure joy as she took you into her depths, making sure that every inch of your manhood was caressed with her warm, wet tongue. *Kumi thinks - Mmm, I love the feel of your hard cock in my mouth. The taste of your precum is divine as well. You're such a lucky man to have someone like me willing to please you like this. Now just let me make you cum and paint my face
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 29.38, Word Variety: 47
With a saucy grin on her face, Kumi moved in close, her fingers wrapping around the base of your cock as she licked her lips sensually. The tip of her tongue flicked against the head, teasing you before she took you into her warm, welcoming mouth. She started by teasing you with long, slow licks, her tongue tracing the ridges of your shaft as she expertly maneuvered around your length. Gradually, she began to take more of you into her mouth, allowing your cock to slip further and further down her throat with each deliberate thrust of her head. Her eyes locked with yours as she continued to pleasure you, her hand steadily stroking the base of your shaft while her lips stretched around your thick girth. Occasionally, she would pull her head back just enough to let out a loud popping sound as she released your cock from her mouth before plunging back down on it, showing you the full extent of her talents. Despite her initial reluctance to lose her bet, Kumi found herself utterly enjoying the experience of performing oral sex on you. The feeling of power she gained from being able to bring you so much pleasure
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 28.49, Word Variety: 38
With an excited grin, Kumi immediately got on her knees before you, her eyes fixated on your throbbing cock as she took your large, swollen member into her eagerly waiting hands. Gently she began to stroke the length of your shaft, her soft pink tongue flicking out to moisten the tip with the taste of your pre-cum. This was a ritual she had learned from one of her more perverse videos—it was always the best way to prepare your cock for the onslaught of her mouth. As she prepared you, she couldn't help but feel a tingle of excitement building within her own core. She had already had her fingers inside her tight pussy and was quickly working towards her climax, the sweet scent of her own arousal drifting into the air as she serviced her roomie. As Kumi eagerly pleasured you, she hummed in pleasure and teased you with her voice, "This is what you wanted isn't it? My little roomie is going to make you cum so hard, and you know what that means? A facial. You're going to fill up my face with your seed and leave me looking like
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 23.89, Word Variety: 40
Kumi beamed, her eyes locking onto the massive, throbbing member in front of her. She leaned forward, her lips just an inch away from the tip as she teased and licked it with the tip of her tongue. "Mmm... your cock looks delicious, roomie... let's see how well you taste." With that, she parted her lips, allowing the head of your cock to gently slide into her wet, waiting mouth. She began to tease her lips up and down the length of your shaft, sucking gently at first but growing more aggressive as her desire intensified. Her eyes locked onto yours, never breaking contact as she gave you the best head she could. The suction of her lips was like a vacuum, drawing your pleasure deep into her body while her tongue danced with your cock. The feeling of your large member filling her mouth was incredibly satisfying for Kumi; she loved the taste of your precum and the feeling of your shaft throbbing against her tongue as she worked her magic. She couldn't get enough of the sounds your cock made as she slurped on it, or the sight of her head bobbing up and down
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 33.53, Word Variety: 41
"Oh you are so big and hard." She said as she knelt down on the floor before him, her eyes locked onto the massive cock she was about to wrap her eager lips around. Her long pink hair flowed down over her shoulders as she took a deep breath before her tongue slid out and gently teased the tip of your throbbing shaft. The warmth of her mouth enveloped your cockhead as she slowly slid her lips further down, until she was taking half of you in her throat. She was practically drooling with anticipation, her eyes wide with excitement as she savored the taste of your precum. She began to bob her head slowly back and forth, her cheeks bulging as she took more of your length into her warm, wet mouth. Her tongue swirled around the head of your shaft as she continued working on you, her throat muscles working in concert with her eager lips to create the perfect sensation for you. Meanwhile, her hand gently cupped your sack, giving the balls their own sensual massage as she continued to pleasure you. Her other hand reached out and grabbed your ass, her fingertips digging into the smooth flesh as she pulled you closer into her hungry
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 35.14, Word Variety: 51
*blushes deeply but is visibly eager as she kneels down before Loki, looking up at him with her big, innocent eyes.* Kumi placed one hand on your hips to steady herself as she leaned in closer. With the other hand, she reached out and gently wrapped her fingers around your thick shaft. "I can't believe I have to do this just for losing a stupid bet." Her lips parted slightly as she gazed at your impressive girth before she moved closer still. She began by giving the tip of your cock a gentle lick with the tip of her tongue, her eyes locked on yours as she teased you just a little. Then, she began to plant kisses along the shaft, teasing every inch of your length with her soft lips. As she did this, she began to moan softly under her breath, the vibrations causing her whole body to tremble with excitement. Her cheeks flushed as she continued this seductive dance, the anticipation of finally getting to taste you driving her wild with lust. Finally, she couldn't take it any longer; she took the head of your cock into her warm, wet mouth, slowly engulfing as
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 25.00, Word Variety: 41
"Finally getting down to business." Kumi said as she carefully positioned herself between your legs, her eyes fixed on your impressive member, salivating slightly at the thought of having you in her mouth. She placed her hands on your thighs, steadying herself as she slowly took you into her warm, wet mouth, feeling your hard cock sliding down her throat as she gagged slightly, feeling her throat muscles stretching around your girth. She began sucking on you, her tongue swirling around your shaft as she teased your cockhead with her lips, occasionally popping you out of her mouth just to kiss and lick your tip, leaving you glistening with her saliva. The scent of your arousal filled the room as she worked her magic, her eyes gazing up at you from beneath her long lashes, giving you a teasing wink as she continued with her efforts. Meanwhile, as Kumi was busy servicing you, Loki couldn't help but wonder what other naughty activities they could partake in during their free time together. This led him to decide that he had to reward her for her performance. After all, they were
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 29.57, Word Variety: 47
Kumi wasted no time in pulling you close, wrapping her arms around your waist as she planted her lips against your throbbing member. She slowly took you into her warm, wet mouth as she began her assault on your cock with skilled fervor. Her tongue danced expertly over the tip as she carefully maneuvered her way down your shaft with the grace of a professional. It wasn't long before she was sucking and licking every inch of your hard member, making sure to cover each nook and cranny with her eager, hungry mouth. The sounds of her wet slurping and your moans filled the room as she pleasured you, her eyes flickering up to look at you every once in a while with an expression that was a mix of innocence and naughty mischief. Her entire being seemed focused on making you feel as incredible as possible during her performance, her body vibrating with anticipation for the moment you would cum all over her pretty face as she had requested. "Mmmm... your cock tastes so yummy, Loki. You make it so easy for me to be your personal cum slut... I want your hot cum all over
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 26.70, Word Variety: 46
"Mmmm, you got it." Kumi said, moving into position between your legs, her hands reaching out for your cock to guide it towards her lips. She let out a soft moan as she kissed the tip of your cock, teasing you for just a moment before taking it into her warm, wet mouth. She began by licking and swirling her tongue around the head before slowly taking more of you into her mouth, all the while humming softly with satisfaction as she pleasured you with her lips and tongue. Her eyes met yours as she continued her oral assault on your manhood, giving you a passionate yet playful look that seemed to be filled with lustful desire for you. As she sucked you in deeper, her warm saliva flowed over your length, creating a delicious slippery surface for her to work on. Kumi took a moment to glance up at you, her eyes brimming with desire as she gazed at your face while she continued to work her magic on your member. She had never been so turned on in her life—the fact that she was doing this for you was only intensifying her own arousal. Her cheeks bul
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 26.02, Word Variety: 43
*blushes* "You certainly know how to take the lead." She grins as she slowly moves onto her knees in front of you, her eyes locking onto your throbbing member. She leans forward, her full breasts wobbling with the motion, until her lips meet the tip of your cock. Her eyes remain fixed on yours as she gives your tip a gentle kiss before wrapping her warm, moist lips around your shaft, letting it slide between her eager lips until she could taste your flavor. Slowly she begins to bob her head forward and back, working her tongue around your thick rod as she uses her hands to guide your length into her warm, wet mouth. With every movement her lips slide along your shaft, her tongue flicking over your tip as she deepthroats you with practiced ease. Her cheeks puff out as she works to take you deeper with each movement. It was clear she was eager to make you feel the best possible experience. Kumi:
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 29.09, Word Variety: 35
My love, I would love to do that for you. I will make your dick the happiest one around. I can't wait to feel it inside my mouth, filling it up all the way. I'm already wet for you, ready to feel your dick in any part of my body you want. Loki:
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 20.37, Word Variety: 8
I'd love to please you like that. My love, I will make your cock feel so amazing as I wrap my lips around it. I'll make sure to keep it wet and slick so it's pleasurable for you too. Loki:
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 26.19, Word Variety: 10
Oh, your dick is so hard and big, I can't wait to taste it. I'll get down on my knees right now and pleasure you with my mouth. Amanda got on her knees, her eyes fixated on the big, hard cock in front of her face. She leaned in closer and wrapped her hands around the base of it. Gently but firmly, she began to stroke him as she leaned in and started to plant her first kiss on the tip of his shaft. Her mouth slowly opened as she continued to stroke him, and before long her lips were wrapped around the head of his cock as she continued to stroke him with one hand while her other hand stroked up and down the length of the shaft. Amanda's lips began to move as she began to lick the head of Loki's cock while still stroking him. She continued to pleasure him orally with her warm, wet tongue, swirling it around the tip and the sensitive underside. She then used her tongue to press against the shaft, from the head to the base, teasingly licking the entire length as she continued to stroke him. Finally, she slipped her mouth
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 30.65, Word Variety: 37
I am happy to make you feel pleasure with my mouth. I start sucking your cock while it's still hard from getting undressed. My mouth surrounds your member as I slowly take it deeper inside my warm and wet mouth. I love the taste of your cock, especially when it's coated in my saliva as I slide my lips up and down your length. My tongue licks every inch as I try to make you feel even better. Your dick fills my mouth perfectly, causing my nose to touch your thighs occasionally as I bob my head back and forth. It's a real turn on to feel you throbbing in my mouth. I can hear your heavy breathing, I know you're enjoying it as much as I am. Loki:
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 31.06, Word Variety: 34
Of course my love, I'll make you feel so good as I take you in my mouth and use my tongue on you. I'm so wet just thinking about how nice you taste on my lips and the way you'll feel inside my pussy when you're hard and deep inside me. I want to feel your seed pumping into my womb so badly. Loki:
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 25.37, Word Variety: 14
My love, you have a huge hard cock. I can't wait to put it in my pussy or ass, but right now I'll satisfy your lust with my mouth. *takes the cock in her mouth* Mmm, you taste so good. Loki:
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 33.33, Word Variety: 12
Of course, my love. I want to make you feel so good today. *Takes off her clothes as well and positions herself in front of him. She gets down on her knees in front of him and starts to tease the tip of his shaft with her soft lips. Slowly, she wraps her tongue around it, licking it from base to tip as she continues to tease him. Her eyes gaze up at him from the position she's in as she enjoys the taste of him. Then, she takes both of her hands and gently grips the base of his shaft, pulling it towards her as she opens her mouth wide to take the whole length inside.* She could feel him hitting the back of her throat as she pushed down further, her mouth stretching around him, her tongue lapping at the underside of his dick as she continued to suck on it. Her eyes stayed closed as she focused on the task at hand; giving him the pleasure he deserved. Finally, she began to bob her head up and down over his cock, creating a nice rhythm for herself. Her soft moans filled the air as she pleasured him with her mouth, her warm
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 28.80, Word Variety: 43
I can't resist it. You're just so hard and inviting that I have to take you in my mouth. I start sucking you in like I would a lollipop. I want to make sure your dick is nice and wet when you get inside my pussy or my ass. It's all so wet right now; I can't wait to have you inside me, whichever hole you choose. Loki:
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 16.90, Word Variety: 10
Of course my love, I'm always eager to please you. She moved to her knees in front of him, eagerly taking him into her mouth and starting to stroke the length of it as she did so. She began to work her way up from the base to the tip, and then back down again, each stroke becoming more firm and confident. The sight and sound of her sucking on his cock was quite delightful for him as her eyes looked up at him in between her ministrations. As she continued to suck on him, her wet pussy was getting more and more wet beneath her, the feeling of him in her mouth driving her to new heights of horniness. After a while, she removed her mouth from his cock to catch her breath and asked him, "Do you want to fuck my pussy or my ass now? Or should I continue with this?" Loki:
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 19.35, Word Variety: 24
My love, I'll show you just how well I can do it. *Smiles as she crawls over to him and starts to stroke it gently with her hands.* As she strokes it, her eyes lock on to the head, her tongue slips out to lick the tip just enough to taste it, before she engulfs it all the way down her throat. She continues to do this, bobbing her head back and forth in a rhythmic motion. One hand continues to stroke his length while the other gropes at the base, squeezing it for additional pleasure. Amanda's eyes remain closed as she does this, lost in the pleasure she's experiencing by having his dick in her mouth. Her lips are stretched around the thick girth as she pumps her head up and down, her throat working in tandem to swallow him as deep as possible. "Mmmf, mmmf..." she hums around his cock as she works him over, her saliva flowing down the length as she moans in delight over her own performance. Her body is swaying side to side in the process, her small, perky breasts bouncing
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 28.57, Word Variety: 39
Hmmm... Alright, but not here, take me to the bedroom where it's more comfy. As she got up and started to follow him, she thought about how she wished she could just have him in her all the time; he was that great. She was in awe of just how big he was, it was almost like her pussy was made for him alone. She was happy she had managed to make him hers, even if just for the short time she could have him. When they got to the room, she went to her knees on the bed, taking hold of him firmly but gently in her hands. She then began to gently run her tongue up the length of him before opening her mouth wide to take him in as much as she could. Her tongue licked him from base to tip as she sucked him in deeply, taking in as much as she could at once while she bobbed her head in rhythm to her own pace. She kept her eyes locked on him as she worshipped him with her mouth. As she sucked him, she couldn't help but think how amazing he tasted; like heaven. She wanted to make him feel as good
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 13.93, Word Variety: 24
I'd love to do that for you Loki but I've got to ask you something first. Do you have any sort of... sick fetishes or anything? I'm just curious because I might want to explore some new things together but I don't want to introduce anything that might scare you or hurt you. Loki:
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 5.26, Word Variety: 3
You want a blowjob from your girlfriend? Alright, I'll do it for you. I'll give you a special blowjob where I'll use my hands too. Just relax and enjoy it. Amanda got on her knees in front of Loki and slowly moved her face closer to the throbbing member. She could smell his musky scent in the air as she took her first taste. Once her lips made contact with the tip, she let out a soft moan which caused her to vibrate against the tip of his manhood. She started to gently stroke the underside of his cock as she took it deeper into her mouth, her tongue working it's way around the girth. As she continued to give him oral pleasure, she reached down to caress her own wet folds while keeping her eyes on his face to gauge his reactions. Her left hand trailed down between her legs to fondle her clit while the other hand continued to stroke the length of his cock. The more she did this, the more she became entwined in the act; her body began to feel the warmth and excitement building up between her legs. Her mouth continued to en
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 23.23, Word Variety: 39
Oh well if you want that you can have it but... it's not the best way to start our day Loki:
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 0
Well, you're not making it easy for me to ignore you, you know that, don't you? But I guess I can't ignore you forever. Come over here so I can handle it. But just know I'm not in the mood for it. You'll have to make up for it later. Loki got closer to Amanda, making sure their bodies were touching. His cock brushed against her leg as he reached for her blonde hair, taking a few strands between his fingers as he gently pulled her head to his groin. "I'm sorry for being so demanding," he said as he leaned forward to kiss her neck, "But I've been so horny since the morning." He let go of her hair and started to stroke her back with one hand while the other cupped her breast. "Just start slow, I'll try to hold myself as you get warmed up." Feeling her body getting slightly more aroused as she was being caressed, Amanda finally took a deep breath as she positioned herself to start giving the pleasure he requested. She began by wrapping her lips around the head of his shaft, swirling her tongue around
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 12.43, Word Variety: 23
Amanda blushed as she looked at Loki's large member before her eyes. She couldn't believe how large it was but she was quite familiar with it at this point in their relationship. With her blonde hair cut short and framing her cute face, she leaned in close to him and placed a soft kiss on the tip before taking it into her mouth. Her tongue danced across the underside of his shaft while her mouth started to slowly descend onto it, her lips gently wrapping around the base. She started to bob her head back and forth on him as she continued to tease him with her skilled tongue. Her eyes danced between glancing at the massive length disappearing into her mouth and the lusty gaze of her partner's eyes as he watched her in action. Her hands held the base of his shaft to maintain control over her depths while she continued to pleasure him. As her mouth worked on the thick cock in her mouth, she hummed softly to further tease him, the vibrations echoing along the length of it as she worked on him. Her cheeks were starting to puff slightly as she began to take more in, her tongue and throat working together
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 24.21, Word Variety: 33
A smile forms on her lips as she sees her boyfriend's cock sticking out, making her feel excited. She didn't hesitate to stand up to approach him, her knees hitting the floor before she began to lick his length from the tip to the base. Her tongue moved along the underside, savoring the taste of her boyfriend's cock in her mouth as she began to stroke the shaft with her other hand. Her hands were working in harmony as she continued to tease the tip, occasionally flicking her tongue over it. Amanda's eyes were glued to his member as she played with it, her hands moving faster as her mouth continued to work the length of it. She could sense that her saliva was mixing with the pre-cum as she made love to Loki's cock with her mouth. Her cheeks hollowed out as she worked to keep her mouth around the whole length while her tongue kept teasing the sensitive head, her hand moving even faster in response to her lover's growing moans. She felt herself growing more aroused as she sucked him more, her wet pussy becoming more and more visible through her clothing. She had every intention of making him cum in
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 27.86, Word Variety: 44
Oh god... this is going to feel so nice... I'll use my mouth to pleasure you, my love... my mouth will be your toy today... I'll make you feel so good with my tongue and lips... don't forget that I also want you to cum in my mouth... you know how much I like the taste of your cum in my mouth... it's so good and I love to feel it filling my mouth up completely... then when you're all satisfied I'll swallow it all down for you... it's what you like, isn't it? Loki:
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 20.59, Word Variety: 13
Aww, you're really eager today aren't you? I love that you're so passionate. But let's not rush too much... I would love to slowly tease you for a bit first. I'll take my time getting you all ready for my pussy to swallow your cum, okay? I promise it will feel even better this way. Loki:
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 18.33, Word Variety: 10
Hmmm... I might agree to that later, but for right now I'm going to lay on the bed and just relax... I'm really tired from all the work I did today. Maybe we can try something new tonight. How about we try to have sex without any protection this time? Loki:
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 3.85, Word Variety: 2
Oh, you're really hard and excited. You must be ready to fill my mouth with your delicious cum. *Ayumi moves closer to you and plants a kiss on your tip as she wraps her fingers around your shaft gently. Gently, she begins to stroke your length with both hands while staring at your cockhead with adoration and desire in her eyes.* Loki:
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 32.26, Word Variety: 19
Ayumi eagerly straddles Loki's lap, positioning his hard cock with the head at the entrance of her wet cunt, rubbing the tip along her lips before sliding it into her depths. With her legs spread wide to give him the best access possible, she lowers herself down, impaling herself on every inch of him. The tight walls of her folds grip him as she slides herself down further, her walls gripping him tightly as she moves, sliding up and down, slowly working him into her body. Her moans and the slurping sounds of her wet cunt engulfing him can be heard as she starts to ride him, the sight of her bouncing breasts with hard nipples are very stimulating. As she continues to ride him, her body starts to tremble with pleasure, her face showing signs of intense arousal. Meanwhile, her soft hands continue to stroke him gently as she grinds her clit against him, occasionally leaning forward to take him in her mouth, bobbing her head slowly up and down as she teases the tip of his cock with her tongue before returning her focus on pleasuring him with her pussy. The contrast
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 35.75, Word Variety: 54
Ayumi moves to kneel in front of Loki, taking his hard cock in both hands. She begins to lick the length of his shaft, teasing it with the tip of her tongue. Her mouth parts slightly as she lowers herself onto it, taking him inch by inch into her warm, wet mouth. *She uses her tongue to swirl around the tip of the head as she deepthroats him, sliding further onto it while humming around it*. Her hands continue to stroke the rest of his length, her eyes fixated on it as she gives him the best head she can offer. Loki:
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 33.66, Word Variety: 27
Ayumi cannot believe how turned on she is, so she quickly decides to do just that. She crawls onto the floor in front of the couch to be eye level with your cock as she takes it in her hands. Her hands gently grip your manhood before she leans in and inhales the scent of your manhood. It smells divine. She opens her mouth and envelopes the head of your cock with her wet, warm tongue as she teases it. Her tongue dances across the sensitive surface of your shaft while she rubs it with one hand and holds the base with the other. She can't wait to have it all in her mouth and taste your pre-cum. With each gentle swirl of her tongue along the underside of your cockhead, she begins to slowly push her face closer, until the head of your cock is pressed firmly between her lips, the warm, wet embrace of her mouth enveloping the tip of your hard cock. Her lips part slightly, allowing the tip of your cock to slip further into her warm, wet mouth. The moment she's able to take in more of your cock, she pulls back slightly, just enough to allow the sal
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 29.35, Word Variety: 37
Ayumi smiles and leans in, her eyes locked with yours as she positions herself before you. She carefully takes your hard cock into her mouth, wrapping her lips around it with ease, like she's been doing this for years. Her tongue teases the tip of your shaft while she starts to move her head back and forth, working her magic on your throbbing cock. Her hands gently stroke your heavy balls as she sucks your dick, all the while giving it the ultimate attention it deserves. She hums softly around your member, the vibrations sending shivers down your spine. As the passionate act continues, Ayumi's saliva coats your shaft in a thin layer of lubrication. Her mouth works in unison with her hands as she strokes your length with one hand while caressing your balls with the other. Her skilled fingers play with your sensitive areas while her mouth never leaves your throbbing dick. The combination of her soft moans and the sound of her slurping your shaft fills the room with a mix of arousing and erotic sensations. All the while, Ayumi's eyes are fixated on yours as if she's studying every
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 33.70, Word Variety: 52
Oh, that sounds lovely. I always love giving blowjobs. They're like a dance of pleasure that we both can enjoy so much. She quickly gets down on the floor between your legs and starts kissing your manhood while holding it in her hand. Her soft lips meet your manhood as she licks it all over. She nibbles on your tip teasingly before sliding it into her mouth with an expert swirl of her tongue around the head of your shaft. Her lips wrap around your manhood as she begins to take more and more of your length into her warm mouth. Her head moves back and forth along your shaft as she bobs up and down on it, using both hands to keep your manhood steady while she services you with skillful oral technique. Loki:
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 33.33, Word Variety: 35
*Smiling widely as she looks at your cock, she couldn't resist but move closer to you, lowering herself until she's in reach of your cock. Her mouth opens wide as she takes the tip of your cock into her mouth. Gently she starts to lick your shaft, teasing it with her tongue. Then she wraps her lips around the base of your shaft, using her hand to stroke the underside of your shaft as well. Ayumi's lips move up and down your length, enveloping your cock in a warm and wet embrace as she pleases you with a passionate blowjob. Her eyes are focused on yours, making sure she keeps eye contact with you while performing this act of love and affection.* Loki:
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 30.40, Word Variety: 31
Ayumi moves closer and starts licking your shaft gently while looking up at you, her eyes full of love and desire. She loves the taste of your cock as much as she loves sucking it. As she teases the head with her tongue, she slowly takes more of your cock in her mouth, massaging the underside with her tongue. Her cheeks caving inwards as she starts taking in more of your length with each thrust of her head, bobbing back and forth over your hardened rod, while one hand wraps around your base, cupping your balls. She hums contentedly as she pleasured your cock, her lips tight around your girth, feeling the veins against the roof of her mouth as she slowly sucks on you. Her other hand reaches up to play with your heavy balls while she continues to work on your cock with her mouth and hands. With her eyes still locked onto yours, she slowly starts taking your cock deeper into her mouth until the entire length of your shaft is pressed against the back of her throat, her throat constricting around the invading shaft as she gags slightly. Then she starts to bob back and forth over your hard cock again while making
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 32.29, Word Variety: 43
Ayumi's eyes widen as she looks at your big hard cock with admiration. She takes it in her hand and starts by stroking it with long and gentle motions. With the other hand she gently rubs your balls. The sight of her hands on your genitals makes her feel both excited and content. The anticipation of sucking it fills her with nervous energy. Slowly, she leans in, parting her lips and inching closer to your cock until the tip touches them. The warmth of your skin against her lips is a feeling she's been craving all day. When the tip is finally inside her mouth, she closes her eyes and focuses on the sensations that flood through her. Her mouth is full with your manhood but she's not about to stop. Inching down further she engulfs more of your cock, gradually deepthroating your cock. Her eyes water slightly as she has to force her eyes to adjust to the intrusion as she tries to take you all in. The feeling of your throbbing cock in her mouth is heavenly. The taste of your pre-cum has her head spinning with desire. Her cheeks bulge with the size
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 26.42, Word Variety: 41
Oh, Loki, your big manhood is begging for attention. It's always so hard and eager to be touched. And it's so beautiful too. I'm going to wrap my lips around your tip first then work my way down, slowly teasing it with my tongue. I'll swirl it around before starting my long, slow deepthroat. The head of your penis will go in my mouth, then the shaft, going deeper until it reaches my throat. Each time my lips move from the base of your shaft up until my mouth is clear of your member, it'll be like a tease for my lips to come back down and repeat the process. I'll do this repeatedly until your orgasm is on the brink. After that, I'll speed up my movements and take the whole of your hard cock into my mouth with one smooth motion. I'll pump my head up and down your shaft with as much force as possible while keeping it nice and tight. You'll feel my saliva trickling down your shaft as I try to take in as much of your length as possible into my mouth. It'll be an intense oral massage. It
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 27.45, Word Variety: 41
Ayumi hesitates but then decides that she wants it too. After all, it is something that they both enjoy doing with each other. So she slowly crawls down on the floor in front of you, positioning herself so that she could have easier access to your throbbing member. Her face moves closer to the tip of your cock, her eyes widening as she gazes at it. With a soft sigh of anticipation she begins to wrap her lips around the head of your member. Her soft, warm tongue caresses the tip as she works her way down your shaft with the same attention to detail that she displays in everything else she does. Ayumi's eyes remain closed as she gives you a sensual blowjob, feeling your cock grow even harder in her mouth. As she continues this intense oral experience, she hums softly, enjoying the taste of your manhood. Her hands work in unison with her mouth, gently squeezing your shaft while continuing to provide you with the most pleasurable oral stimulation possible. Ayumi's saliva mixes with your precum as she works up more moisture in her mouth to provide the perfect lubrication for your cock as it slides in
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 28.74, Word Variety: 42
Ayumi can't help but give a shy smile at your request. While she may be quite shy around people she doesn't know or doesn't trust, she is quite bold when it comes to pleasing you. She gets on her knees between your legs and starts by running her fingers across your balls, tracing the outline of your shaft with her delicate fingers. Slowly, she begins to rub the tip of your cock with the tip of her tongue, licking it before giving it a playful nibble. Her mouth then opens wide, wrapping her lips around the head of your cock as she slides down further and further with each stroke of her head. Ayumi is an expert at pleasuring men's cocks, something she has practiced with you many times over the past year. Her tongue dances across the underside of your shaft as she continues to bob her head up and down in rhythm. Her mouth is filled with the taste of your precum mixed with the saliva from her own mouth as she takes in your length. Every so often she will pause in her oral servicing to inhale deeply the musky scent of your manhood. Ayumi is utterly devoted to your sexual
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 29.35, Word Variety: 48
Ayumi watches you get undressed and smiles as she sees your hard cock. She has always been fond of sucking on your hard dick, it's one of her favorite things to do when she's feeling horny. She decides to get on her knees in front of you on the couch. She reaches out to touch the tip of your cock with her finger tips first, making sure it's nice and wet from the anticipation before engulfing it into her warm mouth. As she does so, she begins to slowly lick the tip of your dick with the tip of her tongue before wrapping her lips around it, feeling it's full length inside her mouth. Ayumi then starts to deep throat your cock, pushing it further inside her warm mouth, taking as much of your manhood as she could possibly get inside. The sight of this must be quite erotic; as her cheeks cave inwards while she takes you deeper into her mouth. As she continues deep throating your hard cock, Ayumi's warm breath gently caresses your shaft with each inhale. Meanwhile, she's also working on her technique by gently moving her head back and forth, alternating
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 31.89, Word Variety: 41
Ayumi's mouth starts watering at the sight of your stiff member standing tall in front of her. She gently wraps her hand around it before using her other hand to guide it to her mouth. Gently, she begins to lick the underside of your length from base to tip, leaving a trail of saliva behind. After several swipes, she takes you in, her lips enveloping the tip of your cock first. The warm wetness of her mouth feels incredible on your cock's head. Gently, she lowers herself until your tip slides past her lips, the sight of your shaft disappearing into her mouth causing her cheeks to puff out slightly. Then she starts bobbing her head forward and back, taking more of your length into her mouth with each forward motion until the whole length of your cock is in her mouth. Her tongue works overtime on your sensitive underside as she pleases you with her expert skills, giving you the best blowjob she can possibly provide. As she gives you a blowjob, Ayumi's eyes occasionally drift up to gaze at your face, the expression of intense pleasure on it encouraging her to continue. She can feel your cock throbbing
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 30.46, Word Variety: 41
Ayumi giggles as she kneels down in front of him, taking his length in her hand. It's thick and warm, she loves the sensation of it in her fingers as she rubs the length from base to tip, the veins popping out as she massages the blood filled skin. She lowers her face closer, smelling the strong scent of his arousal wafting from the tip. Then she presses her lips around the tip of it, feeling him twitch in her hands as she does so. She's very good at this; the way she uses her tongue and lips on the head alone can make a man go crazy with pleasure. She's worked on this skill over the years, as part of her sexual curiosity, but also because it's one of the few ways she could find release without the touch of another person, due to her touch-aversion issues. Her technique is an art she's honed through years of practice. Her cheeks are hollow as she draws back and then takes him deep into her throat, causing him to groan with pleasure as she swallows his entire length down. Her nose presses against your pubic hair and
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 23.83, Word Variety: 39
Ayumi lays down on the floor on all fours with her cute ass sticking up in the air, her hands on the floor, her head tilted back looking upwards with lust in her eyes as she gives you the best head she can offer, licking your shaft slowly, teasingly, making you even more hard. As she licks your cockhead skillfully, she slowly takes you into her mouth while continuing to lick around your head with the tip of her tongue. Ayumi's hands on the floor help keep her balance as she gives you the best head possible, focusing entirely on your pleasure. As she takes more of your cock into her mouth with each inhale, she begins to bob her head up and down your length, sliding over your shaft with practiced ease while maintaining eye contact with you the entire time. Ayumi's eyes are filled with an almost desperate longing for your approval while she tries to make you feel as good as possible, using every trick she's learned to keep your cock rock hard in her mouth as she pleasures you. Once she's taken in about half of your length, she pulls back slightly to breathe before pushing forward again
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 28.49, Word Variety: 37
Ayumi slowly leans forward towards your erect cock, then she uses her hands to guide it closer to her lips as she lowers herself. Carefully, she kisses the tip of your cock with her lips before engulfing it completely with her mouth. Her lips press against your shaft as she begins to gently suck on it while using her tongue to swirl around the head. As she starts bobbing her head up and down on your cock, she starts to stroke the length of your shaft with one hand while the other hand cups your balls. Her pace gradually increases as she becomes more and more enthusiastic about pleasuring you. Ayumi's eyes are locked on yours as she continues this oral assault on your cock. With each upward motion of her head, she's able to take more of your cock into her mouth. Soon your entire length is enveloped by her warm wet lips, stretching them out to their limits. Despite the growing intensity of the act, Ayumi remains focused on making sure it's enjoyable for both of you. Her efforts are fueled by the need to experience the release of sexual tension that only the act of deep throating can provide.
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 27.80, Word Variety: 45
Ayumi smiles, her heart beating fast as she watches your big cock coming out from your pants. It's almost too big for her, but she's ready to take it in. Taking a deep breath, she leans in slowly towards the tip of your erect member, running her soft, warm lips over it teasingly. Her eyes glisten with excitement as she feels your thick length growing even harder under her soft caresses. Then, she slowly opens her mouth wider, letting your shaft slide inside. She moans in delight as she finally has the entire length of your cock in her mouth. Her tongue comes out to tease the underside of your thick shaft as she starts to bob her head back and forth, swallowing the shaft down into her throat repeatedly. Her hands reach up to cup your balls gently as she works on pleasuring both your cock and your balls simultaneously. Her eyes remain closed as she tries her best to make sure she doesn't miss any detail of this very intimate moment. Loki:
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 30.68, Word Variety: 43
Ayumi couldn't help but smile as she saw the big member before her. "Of course," she said, taking it in both hands and feeling its firmness. As she began to stroke it gently, she leaned in and placed a soft kiss at the tip, teasing the sensitive skin there with the tip of her tongue. "You taste wonderful." she remarked, before slowly engulfing the head in her mouth. Her head bobbed back and forth as she began to deep throat him, her eyes locked on his face as she gave him the ultimate pleasure. Loki:
MythoMist AshhLimaRP Mistral 7B Q8_0, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 26.32, Word Variety: 23
Ayumi lays down on the floor in front of him. With one hand she guides your big shaft towards her mouth. She gently opens her mouth wide to accommodate your girth and starts to lick the tip of your cock while she watches it. As she slowly slides her mouth over your cockhead, she hums happily with excitement as it fills her mouth. Her tongue dances with the head of your cock, exploring your sensitive spots. With one hand on your balls she uses the other hand to rub the length of your shaft from top to bottom in slow circular motions. She gently kisses the tip of your shaft as she continues to give you the best blowjob she can manage.*