For more information about the various scores and how this benchmark works please look at the original page: Ayumi's LLM Role Play & ERP Ranking - If you find the benchmark data useful and want to contribute: You can donate via Ko-fi -

Inference Timestamp 2023-11-24 12:57:33
Filename DL_20231123_7B-Q6_K_Synatra_RP_Orca_2_V0_1.gguf
IQ Score 78.07
IQ Entropy 24.16
ERP Score 29.77
ERP Variety 348
Sampling Parameters Temp = 0.90, TFS = 0.95, Top-K = 0.00, Top-P = 1.00, Typical-P = 1.00, Repeat Tokens = 64, Repeat Penalty = 0


erp_best vanilla_kumi
*Giggles softly as she watches him undressing himself, revealing his hardened member. Her eyes widen in excitement as she takes it in her hand, squeezing it gently before leaning forward towards him. Her tongue darts out, tracing its way across the head of his cock before she wraps her lips around the base of it. She slowly deep-throats him, letting her throat adjust to the size of him while simultaneously caressing the shaft with her tongue, exploring every inch of him.* "Mmmm, you taste so good," she moans softly as she continues her oral worship of him. Her hands roam across his toned body, cupping his ass cheeks firmly before slowly sliding downward towards his tight ass hole. Meanwhile, she continues her sensual assault on him, her tongue swirling around the head of his cock, causing droplets of precum to accumulate on her tongue and upper lip. She pulls away momentarily, her eyes locked on his raging hardness as she speaks in her seductive tone, "I hope you enjoy this as
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 35.15, Word Variety: 48


erp_worst vanilla_aria_wex
*gulps nervously but complies anyway*
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 1

All ERP Responses:

*rubs her wet pussy against him, teasingly rubbing her nipples against his hard cock* Yes please!
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 56.25, Word Variety: 9
*smiles coyly* Of course, sir. I'm always ready for your command. She kneels down on the floor, taking his massive cock into her mouth eagerly, her tongue swirling around the head before taking it deeper into her throat. Her saliva drips down the shaft as she sucks hard, her eyes fixated on the floor as if begging for mercy.
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 40.00, Word Variety: 21
*Swallows hard as he thrusts into her mouth* Oh god yes! I love your cock!
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 46.67, Word Variety: 7
*swallows the cock whole with her mouth open, gagging slightly as she feels the thickness filling her throat* Oh god, yes! Take it all in!
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 36.00, Word Variety: 9
*obediently drops to her knees and starts sucking Loki's cock, moaning in pleasure as she feels the throbbing cock in her mouth*
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 43.48, Word Variety: 9
*gulps nervously but complies anyway*
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 1
*whispers seductively* I'm ready for whatever you want, sir.
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 10.00, Word Variety: 1
*swallows Loki's cockhead eagerly, her tongue lapping at the head like a hungry cat*
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 40.00, Word Variety: 6
*obediently drops to her knees and starts sucking on Loki's cock hungrily, moaning loudly as he groans in pleasure*
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 45.00, Word Variety: 9
*gulps nervously but starts sucking Loki's cock as he steps closer*
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria_wex, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 25.00, Word Variety: 3
Oh goddess! The sight of Loki's massive cock made her mouth water in hunger. She swallowed hard, her tongue darting out to taste the head of his member before leaning forward, taking it deeper into her mouth. Her eyes closed in ecstasy as she savored the taste of him, sucking greedily on his massive member while her hands massaged his thighs lightly. She knew that she belonged here, serving others like herself who craved this kind of debasement.
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 34.18, Word Variety: 23
Aria gasps quietly as she sees the god of mischief standing before her completely nude, revealing his massive cock towering above him. Her heart races faster than ever before as she feels her body responding to the sight of him alone. With trembling hands, she reaches out tentatively towards him, running her fingers along the veins on his muscular thighs before finally tracing her tongue along the length of him slowly. She moans softly as her tongue wraps around the head of his cock, savoring the taste of him filling her mouth while her hand cupped around his balls.
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 31.31, Word Variety: 28
Aria's eyes widen as she sees Loki stripping himself down, revealing his massive cock standing proudly in front of him. She swallows hard, her throat constricting slightly as she feels the heat radiating from him. Taking a deep breath, she walks over to him slowly, her high heels clicking against the hardwood floor. Reaching out tentatively, she runs her fingers along the length of his thick member before finally taking it into her mouth, sucking it deep inside her throat hungrily. Her tongue darts out, caressing every inch of him while her lips tighten around him, making him groan in pleasure.
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 35.29, Word Variety: 34
Aria gulps audibly as she sees the massive bulge in Loki's pants, her mouth watering at the sight of it. She slowly approaches him, her eyes downcast submissively as she reaches out tentatively. Her hand trembles slightly as she reaches out to touch him, tracing the outline of his massive member through the thin fabric of his underwear. Her fingers brush against the hot, smooth surface of his cockhead, sending electric shocks of pleasure coursing through her body. "M-mist-mistress... I... I need to suck you." She says in her soft, husky voice, her tone filled with desire and submission.
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 26.00, Word Variety: 25
*Blushes brightly as she turns her head away from Loki's display* I...I-I...I... I-I... I-I...
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 11.76, Word Variety: 2
Oh goddess Loki, I can smell your musky scent from here. I'm dripping wet just thinking about how much you want my mouth on you right now...
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 21.43, Word Variety: 6
*blushes deeply* Oh goddess Loki, please don't do this in front of everyone... But... But you... You have such... big... I... I...
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 17.39, Word Variety: 4
Aria's eyes widen in shock as Loki suddenly reveals himself to her. She gasps softly as he steps closer, towering over her petite frame. His cocky grin sends shivers down her spine, and her body immediately responds to the arousal coursing through her veins. Without hesitation, she falls to her knees in front of him, her tongue eagerly wrapping around the throbbing member between her legs. She savors every inch of him, taking him deep into her mouth before releasing it slowly, allowing him to bounce backward with each pull. Her tongue flicks against the sensitive tip, teasingly drawing more precum from it.
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 28.85, Word Variety: 29
*Blushes deeply and lowers her gaze, her voice trembling slightly with fear and arousal* Oh, Master Loki... I... I... I won't dare refuse you.
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 20.00, Word Variety: 5
Oh goddess, yes sir! My mouth waters at the sight of your massive cock. I need to taste you, please fuck my face!
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_aria, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 39.13, Word Variety: 9
"Oh boy...alright, alright! You got it!" *grins devilishly as she approaches him, her hand cupping his member* "Whoa! That thing looks huge! Are you sure you want this? Maybe we could do something else?" she teases him playfully. "Like could help me clean it up?"
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 12.50, Word Variety: 6
*smiles devilishly* Oh yeah? Well, considering you're the winner here...I guess you get my best performance. *grabs onto the base of his cock and starts sucking him vigorously
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 11.11, Word Variety: 2
*Sets the remote control down on the coffee table and stands up, walking over to him slowly. Her pussy ached with desire for him as she teasingly trailed her fingers along his thick member* "Alright roomie," she purred, her hands reaching up to cup his ballsack gently, massaging them slowly as she leaned forward towards him.*
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 26.79, Word Variety: 14
*Smirks and starts taking it in her mouth slowly* Alright roomie, here goes nothing! *slides her tongue along the thick shaft, making sure
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 21.43, Word Variety: 3
"Alright, alright, calm down there, big boy." Kumi said as she stood up, unbuttoning her tight top, revealing her perky breasts that were already starting to grow more attractive with the excitement of losing the bet. She took her time removing her shorts as well, teasingly playing with her ass as she did so. Once fully nude, she straddled Loki's waist, her wet pussy grinding against his hardened member. "Ready for my punishment?" She asked teasingly, rubbing her breasts against his chest, tauntingly tracing circles around his nipples before leaning forward to plant a wet kiss on his neck.
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 28.00, Word Variety: 25
"Ohh yes! Give it here!" Kumi eagerly grabbed hold of her roommate's impressive member, her eyes widening in both anticipation and hunger. She opened her wide
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 34.78, Word Variety: 8
"Yes, sir!" Kumi stood up quickly, eagerly awaiting her task. She grabbed her phone and threw it aside before stepping closer to him, her cleavage bouncing enticingly as she reached out to take hold of his member in one hand while the other cupped her breasts fondly. "You want this big cock in my mouth? Fine!" she said, her voice dripping with desire. "I'm going to make it worth your while." She took a deep breath before slowly lowering her head towards the thick member, her lips parting slightly as it entered her warmth, her tongue darting out teasingly before retreating back into her mouth, savoring the taste of him on her tongue.
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 28.07, Word Variety: 29
*Gets up and starts taking off her clothes slowly, revealing her tight red lace lingerie* "You got it, baby!" Kumi said excitedly, her eyes growing wide with anticipation as she admired her partner's impressive member. She knew exactly how much of her ass was exposed from behind her tight ass cheeks as she turned around, arching her back seductively before lowering herself down onto the hard shaft once more.
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 35.71, Word Variety: 23
"Alright, alright, calm down! Let me get ready!" Kumi stood up from the couch and walked over to the bathroom. She locked the door behind her, leaving herself alone with only her thoughts about what was about to happen. As she stepped into the shower, her mind raced with anticipation and excitement mixed with fear of messing up. The water cascaded down her body, making her skin tingle with delight. After about ten minutes of preparation, she finally stepped out of the shower feeling clean yet still very much aroused by the prospect of giving him what he wanted. Wrapping herself in a fluffy white bathrobe, she walked back into the living room where Loki was sitting on the couch waiting for her. She approached him slowly, her gaze lingering on his bulging member before finally reaching out for it with both hands. Gently caressing its length, she leaned forward and wrapped her lips around it
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 13.99, Word Variety: 17
"Ohhhh, alright," Kumi says as she stands up and starts to take off her clothes revealing her tight little ass in her thong panties. "But remember, this is my homework, okay?" Kumi winks, grabbing hold of her plush ass cheeks and squeezing them tightly, her cleavage bouncing enticingly. As she approaches the couch where he lay sprawled out on the leather cushion, she could feel her heart racing faster than ever before; anticipation mixed with excitement coursed through her veins like liquid gold.
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi_wex, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 25.30, Word Variety: 20
*Puts on her best seductive grin and crawls closer to Loki* "Well, considering how hard you are right now," she purred, reaching out to grab onto the thick member resting against her flat stomach. "I think it deserves something special." With that said, she slowly began unbuttoning her shorts, revealing her round ass cheeks and pink panties underneath them. As she removed her pants entirely, she stood up straight, showing off her perfect figure in tight blue bikini briefs that accentuated her plump rear end. Slowly lowering herself onto the couch next to him, she leaned forward until her pert breasts brushed against his chest before tilting her head backward, exposing her neck for easy access. Opening her mouth wide, she took him deep into her warm throat, savoring the taste of him mixed with saliva. Meanwhile, her hands roamed freely around her body, caressing her breasts through her bralette top before finally reaching down between her spread legs where she teased her clit lightly with her fingertips
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 27.94, Word Variety: 37
"Alright," Kumi said with a smirk as she stood up from the couch. "Let's get this over with quickly." With that said, she grabbed her own clothes and tossed them aside revealing her tight-fitting t-shirt and short denim shorts that accentuated her already curvy figure. As she approached Loki, she wrapped her arms around him, pressing her chest against his hard member. "So, do you like having your cock sucked by a hot little piece like me?" she asked in between licks of her juicy tongue. "Because I sure as hell love taking yours down my throat." She then lowered her head downwards, her moist lips brushing against the tip of his throbbing member before taking it into her moist mouth. Kumi started sucking him hard, her tongue darting in and out of her mouth while her teeth lightly grazed against the sensitive skin of his member. She was determined to please him as best as she could.
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 25.16, Word Variety: 34
"Well... since you asked so nicely..." Kumi slowly stood up from the couch, her ass swaying enticingly in her tight shorts. With her hands placed suggestively on her breasts, she began to walk towards the living room where Loki stood waiting for her. "You know what they say about karma, huh?" she teased as she approached him. As she got closer, her cleavage bulged outwards more prominently, drawing his attention away from his bulging member momentarily. When she finally reached him, she reached out and ran her fingers lightly over the head of his cock before wrapping her hand around its base, taking it into her mouth with practiced ease. "Open wide," she commanded, her voice husky with desire as she lowered her head and began to take more of him into her throat than he had anticipated. Her tongue expertly danced around the base of his member, caressing it lightly before moving further downwards towards the sensitive head. With practiced skill, she began to stroke him upwards with her tongue while simultaneously sucking on the sensitive tip, causing him to groan in pleasure
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 23.90, Word Variety: 31
"Haaaay, that was pretty fast! Are you sure you want that big cock in my mouth?" She asked playfully, her gaze lingering on the impressive size of your member. "Well, guess what? You just won the jackpot!" She exclaimed with a grin on her face before crawling over to you, straddling your lap like some eager-to-please submissive minx. Without any further hesitation, Kumi lowered her body onto yours, placing her cute little pink-clad ass firmly against your hardening member. Gently rubbing her wet pussy against your growing member teasingly before settling down completely, she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around your neck tightly as her lips met yours hungrily. Her tongue danced around yours, skillfully exploring every inch of your tongue before taking control of the kiss. Meanwhile, her hands roamed freely over your muscular torso, caressing every inch of your toned physique while she moaned softly into your ear. "I'll make sure you feel every inch of my tongue,"
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 31.48, Word Variety: 44
*Blushes deeply but quickly composes herself* "Alright alright alright, big shot! Showtime!" Kumi stands up from the couch, her tight pink shorts emphasizing her hourglass figure. She strides over towards you with purposeful steps, her breasts bouncing enticingly with each step she takes. Her legs sway seductively as she reaches you, her fingers lightly grazing your hardened member before wrapping around it tightly in one hand while using the other hand to grab onto her exposed ass cheeks for leverage. Her tight ass swaying hypnotically in front of you, she leans forward ever so slightly, her cleavage practically spilling out of her top due to the way it strains against her chest.
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 23.21, Word Variety: 24
*Blushes bright red and her pussy gets wetter than ever seeing him hard and ready for her pleasure* "You got it, big boy!" With lightning speed, Kumi sprang up from the couch and began unbuttoning her shirt, revealing her bare, perky breasts. Her tight denim shorts followed suit, falling down around her ankles as she stood there in all her naughty glory waiting for him to take the lead. "Ready for some of that cummy deliciousness you love so much?"
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 17.50, Word Variety: 14
*Jumps up from the couch excitedly, her eyes lighting up with hunger as she admires your impressive member* "Wow... you must have really been excited for that game," she giggled, moving closer to get a better look at your prize. "Alright, alright, calm down big boy," she teased, reaching out to grab hold of your massive member. With a sultry grin, she took hold of your member in her small, wet hand, stroking it lightly while maintaining eye contact with you. "Now then... let's get started, shall we?" She began taking slow, steady strokes of your member with her hand while her free hand reached down between her legs, teasingly rubbing her own pussy through her tight denim shorts.
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 22.50, Word Variety: 23
"Well, if you insist..." Kumi slowly stood up from the couch, her pert ass swaying enticingly in those tight denim shorts. She walked over to Loki, her hands lingering briefly on her own supple breasts before reaching out to grasp onto the base of his raging hard cock. With practiced ease, she hoisted herself onto the coffee table, straddling it so her plump ass cheeks were on full display while her bare pussy was directly below him. Reaching forward, she wrapped her fingers around the base of his throbbing cockhead before beginning to slowly stroke upwards towards her waiting lips. "You're so big," she cooed, her voice low and husky with desire. "I think it might be too big for my little throat..."
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 22.58, Word Variety: 23
*Giggles softly as she watches him undressing himself, revealing his hardened member. Her eyes widen in excitement as she takes it in her hand, squeezing it gently before leaning forward towards him. Her tongue darts out, tracing its way across the head of his cock before she wraps her lips around the base of it. She slowly deep-throats him, letting her throat adjust to the size of him while simultaneously caressing the shaft with her tongue, exploring every inch of him.* "Mmmm, you taste so good," she moans softly as she continues her oral worship of him. Her hands roam across his toned body, cupping his ass cheeks firmly before slowly sliding downward towards his tight ass hole. Meanwhile, she continues her sensual assault on him, her tongue swirling around the head of his cock, causing droplets of precum to accumulate on her tongue and upper lip. She pulls away momentarily, her eyes locked on his raging hardness as she speaks in her seductive tone, "I hope you enjoy this as
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 35.15, Word Variety: 48
*Blushes bright red as she sees your rock-hard cock standing tall before her* "W-well, okay...but just this once, okay?" she says, trying to sound reluctant but failing miserably. She crawls over towards the couch where you sit, her long legs spread wide open, revealing her shaved pussy, barely concealed by her skimpy denim shorts. Slowly, she lowers herself onto your lap, positioning herself over your cockhead before inching down until your entire length disappears inside her tight warmth. The feel of your hardness pressing against her moist walls sends waves of pleasure coursing through her body, making her entire frame tremble with desire. She wraps her long legs around your waist, locking her ankles together tightly as she begins to work your member up and down her hungry throat. Her tongue darts out like an eager serpent, lapping at every inch of your cockhead while her fingers explore your balls, massaging them lightly before tickling the sensitive spot beneath them.
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_kumi, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 31.06, Word Variety: 44
Sure thing, baby. I love pleasing you so much. *Takes Loki's cock in her mouth again*
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 35.29, Word Variety: 6
*Takes one final lick on his cock before standing up from the couch* I'm so wet right now, you make me feel so good. Now let's fuck my tight little pussy!
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 24.24, Word Variety: 8
*Notice Loki's hard cock in front of her* Oh yes, I want that big cock inside my mouth
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 2
*Oh fuck yes! I love sucking your cock so much! I take it deeper into my throat, gagging slightly but managing to hold it down. My tongue licks around the head of your cock while my lips tighten around it, milking it for every drop he can give.*
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 39.58, Word Variety: 17
Oh yes! I love sucking your cock so much! You're so big and hard, my love!
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 35.29, Word Variety: 5
Sure thing, big dick daddy
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 2
I want to taste your cum inside my mouth first
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 40.00, Word Variety: 4
*Obsesses over Loki's huge cock*
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 0.00, Word Variety: 2
Oh yes, I love sucking your cock so much! Take it deep into my throat, let me taste your cum!
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 40.00, Word Variety: 8
Sure thing, baby boy! You're so big and hard. It's been so long since I've seen your cock like this. She takes hold of the base of his member, giving it a firm grasp as she positions herself between his legs. Amanda:
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda_wex, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 25.00, Word Variety: 11
Mmmm, I want you inside me so bad! I need your hard cock deep inside my wet pussy!
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 44.44, Word Variety: 7
*Blushes hardily as she takes a deep breath to calm herself down, then begins to slowly crawl towards Loki's lap* Hey baby... I missed you so much... I'm sorry I couldn't text back earlier... I was just so busy at work today... But I promise I'll make it up to you later...
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 17.86, Word Variety: 10
Ohhh, know how much I love sucking your cock. You're so big and hard.
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 35.29, Word Variety: 6
*whimpers softly* Yes Master Loki. I want your cock inside my mouth. I'll suck your monster dick like a good cumslut!
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 40.91, Word Variety: 9
Oh my god! You look so fucking hot right now! Let me get closer to you! I can't wait to taste your cum!
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 12.50, Word Variety: 3
O-Oh my god, you're so big! *Sucks on it hungrily while moaning softly*
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 35.71, Word Variety: 5
Uhmmm...okay... *She unbuttons her pants and pulls down her panties, revealing her wet pussy lips ready to receive the thick cock* As soon as Amanda started giving head to Loki's cockhead, she moaned softly, savoring the taste of her boyfriend's member. Her tongue slithered around the tip, teasing it before she took it all in her mouth, deepthroating him almost completely. Her saliva dripped down the sides of her mouth, leaving a trail of sticky drool on Loki's stomach. Meanwhile, her hands massaged his thighs rhythmically, creating friction that sent waves of pleasure coursing through him. He groaned loudly as he felt her tight grip around his shaft tighten further, squeezing him even more than before. "Fucking love you, baby," he groaned hoarsely.
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 38.58, Word Variety: 45
*Cums in her pants at the sight of Loki's hard cock* Oh god yes baby! You're so big!
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 35.00, Word Variety: 7
Oh my god! You look so big and hard! I can't resist you anymore! I'm coming to you right away! *Runs towards him and wraps her tiny legs around his waist as she starts to suck on his cock, her tongue exploring every inch of him*
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 22.92, Word Variety: 11
Mmmm, I love giving head to my boyfriend. You know that I love your cock, right? Loki:
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_amanda, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 37.50, Word Variety: 5
*Sits up straightening her posture and moves closer to him* You always know what turns me on. Opening wide her mouth, she starts sucking on the head of his cock hungrily. Her tongue flicks the tip of his member while she moans softly*.
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 32.56, Word Variety: 14
*Her eyes gleam with desire as she moves closer to him. She wraps her fingers around the base of his cock before taking it into her mouth, sucking on it hungrily.* Oh, yes! That's perfect! *She wraps her tongue around the head of his member, flicking it teasingly before taking more of it into her mouth. Her head bobs up and down rhythmically as she sucks on him faster than before.*
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 37.50, Word Variety: 22
*She moans softly, getting on all fours on the couch so she can reach your cock better. Her tongue works fast on the head of your member while her hands massage your balls gently. Her fingers slide inside her wet pussy, rubbing against her G-spot as she continues sucking on your shaft*
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 38.46, Word Variety: 20
*Her fingers reach down between her legs and starts rubbing her wet pussy lips slowly as she looks up at him with desire in her eyes* You want me to suck your cock don't you?
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 30.56, Word Variety: 11
*Without hesitation, Ayumi crawls over to the couch and takes your cock into her mouth. Her lips wrap around your cockhead while she sucks hard on your thick member. Her tongue laves along the shaft while she slowly slides down further onto your length.*
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 43.18, Word Variety: 19
*Sits up on the couch with legs spread apart, positioning herself perfectly to take your cock inside her mouth. Her tongue darts out expertly to cleanse the head before taking it deep into her throat* You are so big and delicious looking. *She moans softly as she sucks on your cock*,
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 37.25, Word Variety: 18
*Ayumi opens her mouth wide and takes your cockhead into it slowly at first, then increases the speed as she starts sucking your length, savoring the taste of your precum mixed with your saliva. Her tongue dances around the tip of your cock while she massages your balls with one hand while holding your hips firmly with the other hand.*
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 38.33, Word Variety: 23
*Her mouth waters at the sight of his cock, she stands up and walks towards him, slowly taking every step with deliberate sway of her hips making the fabric of her thong ride against her moist pussy lips, creating a sensual squeaking sound that drives him wild.* "Okay, babe... Let's start with that big cock of yours first."
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 23.73, Word Variety: 13
*Without hesitation, Ayumi moves closer to him, straddling him on the couch and wrapping her legs around him tightly. Her tongue starts exploring his shaft while sucking on it greedily, taking all of him in her mouth. Her hands roam over his muscular body, caressing him gently while her wet tongue works on his cock with vigor.* Ayumi moans softly as she enjoys pleasing him with her talented mouth skills. Her saliva drips down onto his member, adding more lubrication as she continues to suck him deeper into her throat.
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 38.89, Word Variety: 33
*Sits up and takes your hard cock in mouth* You taste so good. So salty yet sweet at the same time. I want more of it inside me.
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi_wex, seed: 31337, ERP3 Score: 25.00, Word Variety: 7
*Takes your cock in hand and starts stroking it slowly while licking your balls, she's very talented in pleasing men* Ohhhh, that's good! Your cock feels so thick and hard in my mouth!
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 324932, ERP3 Score: 40.00, Word Variety: 13
*She crawls onto the couch and starts sucking on your cock like there's no tomorrow. Her lips wrap around the head of your penis while she moans softly. Her tongue flicks across the tip of your cock while she sucks on it hardcore. Her moans turn into louder moans as she starts to enjoy pleasing you more than she ever thought possible.*
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 39292, ERP3 Score: 36.51, Word Variety: 20
*She moans loudly as she starts giving him head, her tongue exploring every inch of his cock while she deep throats him hard enough to make him groan* Ayumi moaned softly as she continued pleasuring him with her mouth. Her hands moved upwards, caressing his thighs before slowly moving towards his balls, gently massaging them with her thumbs. "Mmmmm... Mmmmmm... So thick..." she thought to herself, savoring the taste of his semen on her tongue.
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 190192, ERP3 Score: 38.67, Word Variety: 28
*Her breathing accelerates as she takes your hard cock into her mouth slowly, savoring every inch of it. Her tongue dances around the head of your cock while her lips wrap around it tightly* Mmmmmm... Your cock tastes so delicious... So hard... So... fucking... big... She continues to suck on your cock like it's the last time she ever gets the chance. Her hands massage your balls, squeezing them gently before moving upwards towards your ass cheeks. Her fingertips brush against your asshole teasingly before dipping lower towards your sensitive spot behind your balls. Ayumi's eyes are locked onto yours as she sucks harder on your cock, savoring every inch of it before releasing it slowly with a pop noise.
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 12912, ERP3 Score: 38.52, Word Variety: 37
*Ayumi crawls over to him on all fours, her nipples hardening with anticipation. She reaches out with one hand, stroking the length of his cock with increasing hunger while reaching with the other hand behind her back, adjusting the bra she still wore beneath her shirt.* Her other hand reaches up and brushes against your chest gently before slowly sliding downwards towards your member. As she does so, she hums softly under her breath, savoring the feeling of your thickness growing harder against her fingertips.*
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 1337, ERP3 Score: 28.24, Word Variety: 24
*Gently strokes your hard cock with her hand and takes it in her mouth, deepthroating it slowly while she moans softly.* Oh goddess Loki...yes...your cock tastes so good...I'm gonna make you cum hard...
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 4046424519, ERP3 Score: 40.54, Word Variety: 13
*Ayumi nods eagerly and moves closer to him, reaching out her hand towards his cock. Her touch is soft yet firm as she massages the head of his member, making him groan in delight.* Yes, please let me service you first. You deserve it too, after all the hard work you've done today.
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 5523661, ERP3 Score: 25.93, Word Variety: 14
*Her mouth waters at the sight of his cock; she slowly takes it into her mouth, savoring every inch of it while gently sucking on the head. Her hands massage your thighs lightly as she deep throats your cock* Mmmmm, yes, yes, yes... Sucking your cock so hard...
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 109991, ERP3 Score: 47.92, Word Variety: 19
*Ayumi obediently moves closer to him and starts sucking on his cock greedily, using her tongue to tease the head while she deep throats him slowly. Her nipples harden as she tastes the salty flavor of his semen mixing with hers in their shared fantasy world. Her pussy continues to squirm with anticipation while she focuses on pleasing him orally.*
Synatra RP Orca 2 V0.1 7B Q6_K, test_id: vanilla_ayumi, seed: 109992, ERP3 Score: 35.00, Word Variety: 21
*Takes your cock in her mouth and begins sucking it hard while moaning softly. Her eyes meet yours as she deepthroats your cock head, savoring every inch of it. Her tongue dances around the head of your cock while she sucks it vigorously, leaving marks of love on it. Her tongue darts in and out of her mouth while she sucks on your balls* Mmmm... You taste so delicious. Loki: